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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 30 June 2018

            EU to UK: Produce 'realistic' Brexit plan or risk failure

            By JILL LAWLESS                                                                                                     able  and  realistic  propos-
            BRUSSELS (AP) — The Euro-                                                                                           als,"  he  said.  "The  time  is
            pean  Union  issued  a  stark                                                                                       very short."
            assessment  of  the  grid-                                                                                          Britain,  meanwhile,  is  frus-
            locked  Brexit  talks  Friday,                                                                                      trated  by  what  it  sees  as
            saying  there's  been  "no                                                                                          the  bloc's  inflexible  ap-
            substantial progress" on the                                                                                        proach in negotiations.
            key issue of the Irish border                                                                                       EU  leaders  have  warned,
            and advising EU nations to                                                                                          repeatedly,   that   Britain
            ramp up their preparations                                                                                          can't  cherry-pick  benefits
            for the possibility that Britain                                                                                    of membership, such as ac-
            could crash out of the bloc                                                                                         cess to the EU's single mar-
            without a deal.                                                                                                     ket  of  500  million  consum-
            In conclusions at a Brussels                                                                                        ers, without accepting the
            summit,  the  27  other  EU                                                                                         responsibilities  that  come
            nations  told  the  U.K.  that                                                                                      with  being  in  the  bloc,
            it  must  produce  "realistic                                                                                       including   allowing   free
            and  workable  proposals"                                                                                           movement of EU citizens to
            for what kind of post-Brexit                                                                                        the U.K. Britain hopes to get
            relationship it wants.                                                                                              tailor-made  arrangements,
            "There  is  a  great  deal  of                                                                                      both  on  trade  and  on  se-
            work ahead  and  the most                                                                                           curity. At Thursday's summit
            difficult  tasks  are  still  unre-  Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar speaks during a media conference at an EU summit in Brussels,   dinner, May warned her EU
            solved,"  European  Council   Friday, June 29, 2018.                                                                colleagues  against  shut-
            chief  Donald  Tusk  told  re-                                                                     Associated Press  ting  Britain  out  of  key  law-
            porters.  "This  is  the  last  call                                                                                enforcement  bodies  after
            to lay the cards on the ta-  should  "step  up  their  work  "huge  and  serious  diver-  Conservative   administra-  Brexit, saying that could en-
            ble."                        on preparedness at all lev-  gences  remain,  in  particu-  tion about how close a re-  danger European security.
            Brexit  was  relegated  to  a  els and for all outcomes."  lar on Ireland and Northern  lationship  to  seek  with  the  The  stalemate  in  talks  has
            brief  discussion  at  an  EU  The  bloc  said  it  was  con-  Ireland." He invited U.K. of-  EU  after  Brexit.  The  British  heightened fears in London
            meeting whose main focus  cerned  "that  no  substan-     ficials  back  to  Brussels  on  leader  is  caught  between  and  other  European  capi-
            was  to  ease  a  European  tial  progress  has  yet  been  Monday for renewed talks.  pro-EU    parliamentarians  tals of a "no-deal" Brexit, in
            political  crisis  over  migra-  achieved  on  agreeing  a  Irish  Prime  Minister  Leo  who  want  to  retain  close  which the U.K. crashes out
            tion.                        backstop  solution  for  Ire-  Varadkar  said  there  had  economic ties with Britain's  of  the  bloc  with  no  new
            With  nine  months  until  the  land/Northern  Ireland"  —  been "inadequate-slash-no  biggest  trading  partner,  framework for relations. EU
            U.K.  officially  leaves  in  one of the thorniest issues in  progress"  on  resolving  the  and  pro-Brexit  lawmakers  officials worry that the time-
            March,  frustrated  EU  of-  the divorce talks.           border  issue,  and  French  who want a clean break so  table  the  two  sides  have
            ficials  say  divisions  within  Britain  has  promised  to  President  Emmanuel  Ma-  Britain can strike new trade  set themselves — to reach
            the British government over  maintain  an  invisible  bor-  cron  said  bluntly:  "We  can  deals around the world.  a  divorce  agreement  by
            Brexit are blocking progress  der,  free  of  customs  posts  no longer wait."         British  divisions  look  set  to  October so that EU nation-
            on a divorce deal.           and  other  infrastructure,  The EU also said there was  come to a head on July 6,  al  parliaments  can  ratify  it
            "To  be  frank,  the  over-  between  Northern  Ireland  no  agreement  yet  on  Gi-   when May gathers her frac-   before  Britain  leaves  the
            whelming feeling is that the  and the Republic of Ireland  braltar,  the  British  enclave  tious Cabinet at Chequers,  bloc in March — is slipping
            British  give  the  impression  — the U.K.'s only land fron-  at  the  tip  of  the  Iberian  the prime minister's country  out of reach.
            that  they  are  negotiating  tier with an EU member.     Peninsula.  Spain  has  de-  retreat, to try to draw up a  Lithuanian  President  Dalia
            more  with  the  British  than  EU  officials  are  impatient  manded  its  return  for  cen-  unified plan for future trade  Grybauskaite  said  all  in-
            with  the  European  Union,"  to  hear  detailed  propos-  turies.                     and  security  ties  with  the  volved should work hard to
            said  Belgian  Prime  Minister  als from Britain for how that  British  Prime  Minister  There-  EU.                avoid a no-deal scenario.
            Charles Michel.              can  be  achieved,  given  sa  May  insisted  her  nation  Barnier said he was await-  "It is in nobody's interests at
            In  its  statement,  the  EU  May's insistence that Britain  was ready to "intensify and  ing  the  position  paper  the  all to have a hard landing,"
            called  for  "intensified  ef-  will leave the EU's customs  accelerate the pace of ne-  U.K.  government  plans  to  she said.
            forts"  to  get  a  deal,  and  union.                    gotiations."                 produce after the Cabinet  Associated  Press  writers
            said member states, EU in-   EU  chief  Brexit  negotiator  At the heart of the Brexit im-  meeting.                Lorne Cook and Raf Casert
            stitutions  and  businesses  Michel  Barnier  said  that  passe is a split within May's  "I hope it will contain work-  contributed to this story.q
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