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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 30 June 2018

            New fears in Russia as researcher of Stalin purges arrested

            By MARIA DANILOVA                                                                                                   of  Dmitriyev's  expeditions
            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Rus-                                                                                               and staunchly disputes the
            sian  authorities  this  week                                                                                       accusations against him.
            brought  fresh  legal  action                                                                                       "On  every  occasion  it  was
            against  an  acclaimed  re-                                                                                         'Daddy,  daddy,  daddy,'"
            searcher  into  Stalin's  purg-                                                                                     Galkina  said.  "You  could
            es, accusing  him  of sexual                                                                                        see that he was such an im-
            misconduct toward his un-                                                                                           portant person in her life."
            derage  daughter,  in  what                                                                                         The AP does not identify al-
            human  rights  groups  see                                                                                          leged victims of sexual as-
            as  a  trumped-up  attempt                                                                                          sault by name.
            to shut down his work at a                                                                                          Dmitriyev,  himself  an  or-
            time when the government                                                                                            phan,  adopted  the  girl
            is seeking to gloss over Sovi-                                                                                      when  she  was  3  after  his
            et-era crimes.                                                                                                      two biological children had
            Yuri    Dmitriyev   denies                                                                                          grown up. The girl was frail
            wrongdoing.     His   arrest                                                                                        and  always  hungry,  Dmi-
            Wednesday comes as Rus-                                                                                             triyev  said  in  a  recent  in-
            sia is hosting the World Cup                                                                                        terview.  She  ate  bananas
            and  trying  to  showcase                                                                                           non-stop  and  shook  with
            cleaned-up  cities  and  sta-                                                                                       anticipation at the sight of
            diums and play down its re-                                                                                         pasta.
            pressive reputation.                                                                                                Dmitriyev started keeping a
            Dmitriyev's older daughter,                                                                                         photo diary of the girl's well-
            Ekaterina  Klodt,  told  The                                                                                        being after the staff at her
            Associated Press Friday she   Russian historian Yuri Dmitriyev is escorted into a court room in the city of Petrozavodsk, Russia,   daycare noticed marks on
            believes her father is being   Thursday, June 28, 2018.                                                             her  body  and  suspected
            persecuted for his research                                                                        Associated Press  Dmitriyev  of  beating  her.
            and activism.                                                                                                       Dmitriyev  says  the  marks
            "Somebody doesn't like the  on  the  new  accusations  the 1930s. Through archival  day  is  heavily  staffed  and  were  traces  of  newspaper
            work  that  he  does,"  Klodt  and  investigators  declined  work and expeditions in the  influenced  by  members  of  ink  left  after  he  treated
            said.                        to comment.                  woods,  Dmitriyev  turned  security  agencies,  whose  his  daughter  with  mustard
            The  arrest  was  the  lat-  The  European  Union  ques-  the  unknown  killing  field  predecessors   conducted  plasters,  a  remedy  widely
            est  step  in  a  lengthy  legal  tioned the "dubious charg-  into a memorial where the  the purges, Dmitriyev's work  used  in  post-Soviet  coun-
            case.  Dmitriyev  had  al-   es"  against  him.  The  case  relatives of the dead could  is a thorn in their sides.  tries  for  colds  and  the  flu.
            ready spent over a year in  has  shocked  the  Russian  finally  pay  their  respects,  Writer  Dmitry  Bykov  said  The  pictures  were  also  a
            jail  before  being  acquit-  human  rights  community,  lay  flowers  and  cry.  A  gi-  Dmitriyev's case is a meta-  way for Dmitriyev to chron-
            ted this spring on child por-  which sees it as an attempt  ant stone marking the site,  phor for today's Russia.   icle  her  physical  develop-
            nography charges, but the  to  discredit  his  work  com-  known  as  Sandramokh,  is  "If  you  were  to  prosecute  ment  because  she  was
            acquittal  was  later  over-  memorating Stalin's victims.  engraved  with  the  words  a saint, of course, don't do  lagging behind her peers in
            turned.                      The  country's  best-known  "People,  Don't  Kill  Each  it for embezzlement or the  height and weight, he says.
            The  initial  charges  against  writers, historians and other  Other."                 fact  that  he  beat  some-  Anufriyev  said  the  pic-
            Dmitriyev,  who  heads  the  public  figures  have  cam-  "It  cannot  be  that  a  per-  one, but ascribe to him the  tures  show  the  girl  photo-
            local branch of the Memori-  paigned in his defense. Ear-  son  would  just  disappear  dirtiest  thing  possible,"  he  graphed  from  the  front,
            al human rights group, cen-  lier  this  year,  just  released  without  a  trace.  If  he  was  said in a video statement in  back and sides. Klodt says
            tered on nine photographs  from  prison,  Dmitriyev  was  starved to death or execut-  Dmitriyev's  defense.  "There  the folder in which the pho-
            of   Dmitriyev's   adopted  given  a  prestigious  human  ed,  the  person  must  have  is  no  better  testament  of  tos  were  kept  was  named
            daughter discovered on his  rights  award  by  the  Mos-  a  grave,"  Dmitriyev  said  in  the times we live in."   "Health."
            home computer. Dmitriyev  cow Helsinki Group.             one video interview before  Dmitriyev's  legal  troubles  The  first  court-ordered  ex-
            said he was regularly pho-   In  1997,  Dmitriyev,  a  self-  his  arrest.  "Memory  is  what  began  in  2016,  when  po-  pert  evaluation  found  the
            tographing the girl to doc-  taught researcher and eth-   makes us human."             lice  found  nearly  200  pho-  photos  to  be  pornograph-
            ument her health.            nographer,  discovered  a  Dmitriyev's       supporters  tos  on  his  hard  drive,  and  ic,  but  a  later  one  judged
            Investigators in the northern  mass grave in the woods of  speculate that he drew lo-  nine were deemed porno-      they  were  not.  A  govern-
            region  of  Karelia,  near  the  Karelia full of skulls that had  cal  officials'  ire  when  the  graphic, according to Dmi-  ment  psychiatric  institute
            border  with  Finland,  said  holes in them. So began a  commemoration        events  triyev's lawyer Viktor Anufri-  also  evaluated  Dmitriyev
            Thursday  that  Dmitriyev,  two-decade-long  effort  to  at Sandarmokh started at-     yev.                         and  concluded  that  he
            62,  now  faces  new  accu-  locate,  identify  and  com-  tracting  broad  public  at-  Dmitriyev's  colleague,  Irina  does  not  have  any  sexual
            sations  of  sexually  abusing  memorate more than 9,500  tention.  Some  experts  also  Galkova,  observed  him  deviations and is not a pe-
            his daughter in 2012-2016. It  victims  assassinated  there  believe  that  because  the  and his daughter together  dophile,  according  to  the
            was unclear what brought  on  Josef  Stalin's  orders  in  Russian  government  to-    three years ago during one  lawyer.q
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