Page 8 - aruba-today-20180630
P. 8

                     Saturday 30 June 2018

            EU moves on migrant plans, while 100 reported missing at sea

            By LORNE COOK                                                                                                       ing it."
            MENNA ZAKI                                                                                                          Experts  and  humanitarian
            BRUSSELS (AP) — European                                                                                            aid  groups  fear  the  show
            Union  leaders  Friday  drew                                                                                        of unity is a political smoke
            up  new  plans  to  screen                                                                                          screen to address the con-
            migrants in North Africa for                                                                                        cerns  about  resurgent  an-
            eligibility  to  enter  Europe,                                                                                     ti-migrant  parties  that  will
            saying they set aside major                                                                                         only leave vulnerable peo-
            differences  over  stemming                                                                                         ple once again at risk.
            the flow of people seeking                                                                                          "European  heads  of  state
            sanctuary  or  better  lives.                                                                                       and  government  continue
            But the show of unity did lit-                                                                                      to  try  to  offload  their  re-
            tle to hide the fact that the                                                                                       sponsibilities  onto  poorer
            hardest work still lies ahead.                                                                                      countries  outside  the  EU,"
            Even as they met in Brussels                                                                                        said  Oxfam  migration  poli-
            for  a  second  day,  Libya's                                                                                       cy adviser Raphael Shilhav.
            coast guard said about 100                                                                                          He said it looks as if the EU
            people  were  missing  and                                                                                          is planning more "de facto
            feared  dead  after  their                                                                                          detention  centers,"  warn-
            boat capsized in the Medi-                                                                                          ing  that  "this  approach  to
            terranean.                                                                                                          migration is a recipe for fail-
            The  leaders  agreed  on  a                                                                                         ure, and directly threatens
            "new  approach"  to  man-    Migrants arrive at the port of Tarifa, southern Spain, after being rescued by Spain's Maritime Rescue   the  rights  of  women,  men
            age those rescued at sea,    Service in the Strait of Gibraltar, Friday, June 29, 2018.                             and children on the move."
            just  as  bickering  over  who                                                                     Associated Press  Imogen  Sudbery  at  the  In-
            should  take  responsibility                                                                                        ternational  Rescue  Com-
            for  them  undermines  unity  our  values  that  consists  in  Morocco  already  has  re-  UNHCR  spokesman  Char-  mittee  said  the  "disembar-
            and threatens cross-border  pushing people off to third  fused  and  none  of  those  lie Yaxley said the refugee  kation platforms" raise more
            business  and  travel  in  Eu-  countries,  were  clearly  set  listed  has  volunteered  to  agency is "still awaiting the  questions.
            rope.                        aside," Macron said.         take  part.  The  EU's  execu-  legal  analysis"  of  the  new  "Would  this  approach  be
            Italy,  Greece  and  Spain  Even  new  Italian  Prime  tive  Commission  now  must  plan  but  would  certainly  compatible  with  interna-
            bear  responsibility  for  ac-  Minister  Giuseppe  Conte,  draft something more con-  welcome  greater  EU  col-   tional  law?  Would  those
            cepting  most  of  the  mi-  whose  populist  govern-     crete  in  coordination  with  laboration on handling asy-  apprehended  be  trans-
            grants and have felt aban-   ment  has  rocked  the  EU's  the  U.N.'s  refugee  agency  lum claims.                ferred  to  the  nearest  safe
            doned by their EU partners.  political  landscape,  said:  and  the  International  Or-  He  noted  that  for  the  fifth  port?   Crucially,   under
            Italy,  with  a  new  anti-Eu-  "On the whole, we can say  ganization  for  Migration,  year  in  a  row,  the  "grim  which  country's  law  would
            ropean  government,  has  we are satisfied."              which  would  prefer  to  op-  milestone" of 1,000 migrant  claims  be  assessed?  Who
            refused  to  take  charge  of  "Italy is no longer alone, as  erate  in  European  migra-  deaths  in  the  Mediterra-  would  be  responsible  for
            people  rescued  at  sea  in  we requested," he said.     tion centers only.           nean has been passed al-     those whose claims are up-
            recent  weeks,  sparking  a  That  said,  the  Czech  Re-  Libya is a major transit point  ready, just halfway through  held?  We  need  clarity  on
            diplomatic row with France  public and Austria have no  to Europe for those fleeing  2018.                          this," she said.
            and  Malta.  In  Germany,  intention of basing migrant  poverty and violence in Af-    But even as migrant arrival  There  also  was  skepticism
            Chancellor Angela Merkel's  centers on their territory.   rica  and  the  Middle  East.  numbers drop, the situation  at sea.
            coalition  partner  is  de-  "Why should there be cen-    Traffickers  have  exploited  has been heating up.        The captain of the Astral, a
            manding she take a tough-    ters?  Center  should  be  Libya's chaos following the  Anti-migrant  parties  have  ship operated by the Span-
            er  line  on  migrants,  under-  outside  of  Europe.  Ellis  Is-  2011  uprising  that  toppled  been fomenting public fear  ish  Proactiva  humanitar-
            mining her leadership.       land,  yes?  And  the  Aus-  and  later  killed  dictator  of foreigners, winning votes  ian  group,  worries  the  EU-
            The new plan is to receive  tralian  model,  very  simple.  Moammar Gadhafi.           in  Italy,  Austria,  Slovenia  funded and trained Libyan
            people  from  rescue  ships  We  have  to  execute  this,"  How  much  the  plans  will  and elsewhere.             coast guard might now be
            in  EU  nations  that  agree  Czech  Prime  Minister  An-  cost remains a mystery, but  The  UNHCR  said  about  recognized  as  part  of  the
            to  share  responsibility  for  drej Babis said.          it won't be cheap.           40,000  migrants  have  ar-  Mediterranean  rescue  ap-
            handing migration with the  The  "disembarkation  plat-   The    UNHCR     cautiously  rived in Europe by sea this  paratus.  "For  months  now,
            EU's  main  point-of-entry  forms" are a logical exten-   welcomed  the  plan  but  year, almost six times fewer  they have been presented
            countries  like  Spain,  Italy  sion  of  the  EU's  migrant  warned  that  it  must  be  than over the same period  as an official body, formal,
            and Greece. But they also  deal  with  Turkey.  The  gov-  fleshed  out  and  that  Afri-  in 2016. Many who entered  very well trained and legal.
            will receive them in centers  ernment  in  Ankara  was  can  involvement  via  the  in 2015 and 2016 were flee-     And  these  are  the  same
            in North Africa and possibly  paid  more  than  3  billion  African Union regional bloc  ing  conflict  and  thus  eligi-  people  who  have  shot  at
            the Balkans.                 euros  in  refugee  aid  to  is "indispensable."          ble for asylum. Most arriving  us,  who  have  kidnapped
            "A complete approach was  stop people leaving for the  IOM  spokesman  Leonard  now  seek  better  lives  and  us,"  said  Capt.  Riccardo
            adopted," French President  Greek  islands.  The  bottom  Doyle said his agency was  probably would not qualify,  Gatti. "All of this is theater."
            Emmanuel Macron told re-     line  is  that  numbers  have  "very  pleased  at  the  soli-  which  means  that  more  In the latest reported cap-
            porters after a night of hag-  dropped by about 96 per-   darity and consensus" that  people  face  the  prospect  sizing  in  which  about  100
            gling and delays to address  cent, compared with 2015  emerged in Brussels, in par-    of being sent back.          people  were  missing,  Liby-
            demands from Italy that its  when  well  over  1  million  ticular with front-line states  "It  is  far  too  early  to  talk  an coast guard spokesman
            views  be  incorporated  in  people  entered  Europe,  such as Italy.                  about a success," EU Coun-   Ayoub Gassim said 16 were
            the final summit statement.  most  of  them  fleeing  con-  Doyle  said  he  believed  cil  President  Donald  Tusk  rescued  from  the  water
            "We  are  protecting  better.  flict in Syria and Iraq.   most  of  the  "disembarka-  told reporters after a com-  east  of  the  capital,  Tripoli,
            We are cooperating more.  Algeria,  Egypt,  Libya,  Mo-   tion  centers"  would  be  in  promise was found. "This is in  and  the  bodies  of  three
            And we are reaffirming our  rocco,  Niger  and  Tunisia  Europe,  although  he  said  fact the easiest part of the  children  were  recovered.
            principles.  All  hastily  made  are touted as possible loca-  it  was  up  to  the  EU  to  de-  task,  compared  to  what  He quoted a Yemeni survi-
            solutions, be they solely na-  tions,  even  though  details  termine  which  countries  awaits  us  on  the  ground,  vor as saying the boat car-
            tional ones or a betrayal of  of  the  plans  are  sketchy.  would host them.          when  we  start  implement-  ried about 125 people.q
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