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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 30 June 2018
            California sues nation's largest student loan servicer

            By DON THOMPSON              attempt to blame a single
            SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)  servicer  for  the  failures  of
            —    California's   attorney  the  higher  education  sys-
            general  announced  Thurs-   tem  and  the  federal  stu-
            day he is suing the nation's  dent  loan  program  to  de-
            largest  student  loan  pro-  liver desired outcomes."
            cessor,  alleging  it  is  harm-  "The need to blame some-
            ing consumers by failing to  one  has  driven  these  law-
            properly service the debts.  suits,"  Remondi  said  in  a
            Attorney  General  Xavier  statement  citing  the  com-
            Becerra  said  the  state  pany's  low  default  rates
            will  sue  Navient  Corp.  this  and  high  enrollment  in  al-
            week, contending the Del-    ternative  repayment  pro-
            aware-based      company  grams.  About  4.6  million
            financially  harmed  thou-   Americans  were  in  default
            sands of Californians.       on  their  student  loans  as
            He  said  the  firm  systemati-  of  December,  according
            cally and illegally failed to  to the Department of Edu-
            properly service federal stu-  cation.  That's  more  than
            dent loans by steering bor-  double  what  it  was  four
            rowers  to  more  expensive  years ago, and more than
            repayment plans, failing to  10 percent of the 42.8 mil-
            tell  them  how  to  switch  to  lion  Americans  who  cur-
            income-driven  repayment  rently have a student loan
            plans  or  how  those  with  backed  by  the  depart-
            disabilities  could  end  their  ment.  Of  the  roughly  12
            debts  and  misrepresenting  million  borrowers  serviced    In this Jan. 24, 2018, file photo California Attorney General Xavier Becerra talks during a news
                                                                      conference in Sacramento, Calif. Becerra announced Thursday, June 28, 2018 that the state is
            how it handled payments.     by  Navient,  Becerra  said   suing Navient Corp., the largest student loan processor, alleging it is harming consumers by failing
            "No  one  should  have  their  about 1.5 million live in Cali-  to properly service the debts.
            American dream shattered  fornia. Becerra said Navient                                                                          Associated Press
            because some loan servic-    also assigned thousands of
            ing  company  is  cheating  delinquent loans to its sub-  ra said. Publicly traded Na-  sued  the  firm  in  October  Corinthian Colleges.
            these  future  leaders  of  a  sidiaries, Pioneer and Gen-  vient  was  formerly  part  of  over its riskier subprime stu-  On  Wednesday,  a  federal
            chance  to  move  ahead,"  eral  Revenue  Corp.,  and  Sallie Mae, which began as  dent loans.                      magistrate  in  San  Francis-
            Becerra  said,  a  Democrat  alleged  those  subsidiaries  a  government  entity  that  Last month, the Trump ad-   co  dismissed  a  separate
            running  in  the  November  misled  borrowers  about  serviced federal education  ministration  announced  it  Becerra  lawsuit  alleging
            election.                    their options.               loans.  Navient  became  a  was  closing  the  consumer  the Trump administration il-
            Navient    president   and  The state may seek debt re-   separate company in 2014.    bureau's  student  lending  legally  backed  away  from
            CEO Jack Remondi called  lief, repayment of overpay-      The  U.S.  Consumer  Finan-  office, potentially limiting its  an  Obama-era  promise  to
            the  allegations  unfounded  ments, forgiveness of loans  cial Protection Bureau and  investigation  of  abuses  by  quickly  forgive  the  loans
            and  the  lawsuit  "another  and other remedies, Becer-   attorneys  general  in  Illinois  companies  in  the  $1.5  tril-  of Corinthian students. The
                                                                      and  Washington  sued  Na-   lion student loan market.    magistrate  gave  the  state
            Key figure charged in                                     vient  early  last  year  alleg-  The  federal  office  also  in-  30 days to show it has the
                                                                                                                                right to sue the U.S. Depart-
                                                                      ing similar violations. Penn-
                                                                                                   vestigated  and  sued  for-
                                                                      sylvania's  attorney  general  profit  education  company  ment of Education.q
            fatal warehouse fire

            nears plea deal

            By PAUL ELIAS                meeting to finalize the deal
            Associated Press             with  a  judge.  The  parties
            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —  were still negotiating Friday
            A  plea  deal  is  close  at  afternoon.
            hand for the central figure  "We are 85 percent there,"
            charged  in  connection  Serra said.
            with  a  Northern  California  Almena,  48,  rented  the
            warehouse  fire  that  killed  Oakland       warehouse
            three  dozen  partygoers  at  dubbed  the  “Ghost  Ship”
            an  unlicensed  concert  in  and  illegally  converted  it
            2016,  his  attorney  said  Fri-  into  a  residence  and  en-
            day.                         tertainment  venue.  Pros-
            Derick  Almena  and  pros-   ecutors  charged  Almena
            ecutors  have  tentatively  with  turning  the  cluttered
            agreed  to  an  eight-year  building  into  a  “death
            prison  sentence  to  resolve  trap” with few exits, rickety
            36  charges  of  involuntary  stairs  and  dark  and  dan-
            manslaughter,      defense  gerous  passageways.  Al-
            lawyer  Tony  Serra  said.  He  ameda County prosecutor
            warned  that  talks  could  Teresa Drenick declined to
            still  break  down  during  a  comment.q
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