Page 15 - MIN TTC 27 JUNI 2015
P. 15


U.S. NEWSSaturday 27 June 2015

Popular elsewhere, high-speed rail remains elusive in the US 

JULIET WILLIAMS                 A full-scale mock-up of a high-speed train is displayed at the Capitol in Sacramento, Calif. In  For now, the best the coun-
Associated Press                                                                                                                 try can do is Amtrak’s Ace-
SACRAMENTO, California          recent decades, political pressure against bullet trains has come from conservatives who argue   la, which reaches speeds
(AP) — Travelers easily whiz                                                                                                     up to 150 mph on a busy
from city to city on high-      that such systems should acquire private financial backing and prove that their operations will  route between Washing-
speed trains in many parts                                                                                                       ton and Boston.
of South America, Asia and      at minimum be cost-neutral. It’s a burden state and federal governments do not place on other    In an effort to jump-
Europe. Since the first high-                                                                                                    start high-speed rail, the
speed lines began oper-         huge transportation projects such as freeways and airports. 	   (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)      Obama administration in
ating more than 50 years                                                                                                         2009 awarded $7 billion for
ago in Japan, they have         culture.                      train between Dallas and          backing and prove that           projects in California, Flori-
become an essential part        “The challenge in America     Houston.                          their operations will at mini-   da and Wisconsin. Repub-
of transportation world-        is the scale of America,”     In recent decades, po-            mum be cost-neutral. It’s a      lican governors in Florida
wide.                           said Robert Eckels, chief     litical pressure against bul-     burden state and federal         and Wisconsin rejected the
Yet the U.S. has never built a  executive of the Texas        let trains has come from          governments do not place         funding and backed out of
single strech of high-speed     Central High Speed Rail-      conservatives who argue           on other huge transporta-        high-speed rail plans, send-
rail, which is generally de-    way, a private venture        that such systems should          tion projects such as free-      ing more of those dollars to
fined as accommodating          that is planning a bullet     acquire private financial         ways and airports.               California.
trains that go at least 200                                                                                                      The list of other propos-
mph (321 kph). And pro-                                                                                                          als for faster-speed rail in-
posals to do so have been                                                                                                        cludes: linking Las Vegas
thwarted for decades.                                                                                                            with greater Los Angeles;
So what’s holding America                                                                                                        Chicago with St. Louis; Har-
back?                                                                                                                            risburg, Pennsylvania, with
For starters, a much larger                                                                                                      Pittsburgh; Oklahoma City
land mass, longer distanc-                                                                                                       with Tulsa; and upgrading
es between major cities                                                                                                          track on a medium-speed
and the high cost of con-                                                                                                        line between Miami and
struction. Other factors in-                                                                                                     Orlando. Despite the po-
clude efficient air travel,                                                                                                      litical resistance and finan-
relatively low prices for                                                                                                        cial hurdles, two projects
gasoline and a car-based                                                                                                         have moved beyond the
                                                                                                                                 conceptual phase. One is
Survey:                                                                                                                          California’s $68 billion plan
                                                                                                                                 for a high-speed rail net-
Consumer sentiment at highest since January                                                                                      work connecting Northern
                                                                                                                                 and Southern California.
PAUL WISEMAN                    For the first six months of   since 2006. The Commerce          research note.                   The other is the privately
AP Economics Writer             2015, consumer optimism       Department reported this          Americans at all income          financed plan in central
WASHINGTON (AP) — Con-          improved at the fastest       week that consumer spend-         levels registered improving      Texas.
sumer sentiment rose this       pace since 2004, three        ing rose at an annual pace        optimism.                        California’s long-term fi-
month to the highest level      years before the Great Re-    of 2.1 percent from January       The optimism reflects a          nancing plan relies heav-
since January, suggesting       cession, said Richard Cur-    through March.                    strong job market. Employ-       ily on federal money that
that spending will strength-    tin, chief economist for the  “After a soft start to the year,  ers have been adding jobs        is unlikely to materialize in
en this year.                   Michigan survey.              we expect the economy to          — nearly 3.1 million over        a Republican-controlled
The University of Michigan      “An improving economy         find its footing in the com-      the past year — at a pace        Congress. But Democratic
says its consumer senti-        was the most important        ing months with stronger          not seen since the boom          Gov. Jerry Brown remains
ment index rose to 96.1 this    component,” Curtin said.      consumer spending seen to         years of the late 1990s. Un-     a strong supporter, negoti-
month from 90.7 in May. The     He said the readings are      be a key driver of acceler-       employment stood at 5.5          ating a dedicated funding
June reading was the high-      consistent with a 3 per-      ating (economic) growth,”         percent in May, down from        stream through a separate
est since January’s 98.1. The   cent increase in consumer     Gregory Daco, head of U.S.        6.3 percent a year earlier.      program that raises money
index is up from 82.5 a year    spending this year. That      macroeconomics at Ox-             Wages have been slower           from businesses as part of
ago.                            would be the fastest pace     ford Economics, wrote in a        to improve.q                     an effort to reduce green-
                                                                                                                                 house gas emissions.q
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