Page 8 - awemainta19sept2015
P. 8

8 AWEMainta Diasabra, 19 September 2015

  Jennifer Arends-                                                           AUCTION
    Reyes re-eligi
                                                                                                          ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
como Presidente di
Comision di Turismo                                        THURSDAY OCTOBER 22, 2015

                                                               On Thursday October 22, 2015, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the
                                                               Chamber of Aruba, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be auctioned in public:

DURANTE un reunion publico diabierna ultimo e               A residential 2 story house including gazebo, garage, maid’s room / laundry and
                                                            pool, locally known as
comisionnan fiho di Parlamento a keda institui pa e aña
Parlamentario 2015-2016.                                         CAYA MESA BISTA 40
Aña pasa e comision di Turismo a reuni ocho biaha cu
su miembronan y cu stakeholdernan importante manera                                           (TIERRA DEL SOL)
AAA (Aruba Airport Authority), ATA ( Aruba Tourism
Authority) algun biaha, AHATA ( Aruba Hotel and Tour-       Standing on a parcel of public land plot, 700 m2 in size, situated at Tibushi in
ism Association) algun biaha, DIP y inversionistanan cu     Aruba, locally recorded as Second Division Section A nr. 472. The lease rights
proyectonan pa Aruba.                                       will expire on August 25, 2054.
E comision ta fungi como un plataforma unico cu rep-
resentacion di tur partido politico caminda cu ta ricibi    Starting bid: $ 494.900,--
informacion y intercambia idea riba diferente topico.
Y por manda conseho of hasi pregunta por escrito pa         Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson
Minister den caso cu e comision ta haña necesario. Un
comision cu pa un aña no tabata activo bou presidencia      The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
di MEP.                                                          special auction conditions which will be determined by acting civil law notary
Awor bou di presidencia di sra. Arends-Reyes di AVP a            T.R. Johnson.
crea diferente momento p’e miembronan di comision por
a haña presentacionnan importante pa cu e desaroyo di       The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by
Turismo na Aruba.                                                decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
Den pasado oposicion a bisa cu nan no mester di comis-
ion pa hasi nan trabou pero asina mes por a nota cu ainda   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
oposicion ta keda lamenta cu nan no tin e presidencia       All auction costs are for the account of the buyer, which costs include: transfer
Kiermen ora cu MEP tabatin e oportunidad pa laga e               tax, registration fees cadaster, the outstanding long lease fees and property
comision aki briya y hasi su trabou no a hasi nada cu            taxes for execution of the necessary notarial deeds, other auction costs (rent
e comision aki, awor cu otro hoben profesional cu tin            of auction room, bailiff fees, cancellation of liens and mortgages,
conocimento amplio general tin e mando di e comision             advertisements), and the costs to have the property vacated, if necessary.
aki tambe ta malo.                                          Each bidder must be able to submit a bank-guarantee issued by a reputable
E comision di Turismo ta traha segun un planning y tin           bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal
oido pa tur entidad cu ta critico y cu ta duna un contri-        to the auction costs.
bucion positivo na nos pilar economico. E comision tin      The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
su mesun agenda y ta traha independiente di e agenda        A private written bid can be submitted at said office until October 7,
di Minister.                                                     2015, 5 PM.
P’e aña Parlamentario nobo e comision lo ta activo
atrobe bishitando diferente entidad y haña informacion                                     For more information please contact:
cu ta valioso pa miembronan di Parlamento.                                               Mr. Berry Weijers or Mrs Chamila Tromp
                                                                                         Italiestraat 50 - Units 10 & 10-A, ARUBA
                                                                                       tel.# 00297 280 9950 – fax # 00297 280 9949
                                                                       email: -

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