Page 29 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 29

                                                                                                                                                 Tuesday 27 October 2015

                                                                                       Melissa Benoist joins Superman
                                                                                       family as ‘Supergirl’ on CBS 

  In this July 24, 2015 file photo, Andy Grammer performs on                           ALICIA RANCILIO
NBC’s “Today” show at Rockefeller Center in New York.                                  Associated Press
                                                                                       BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP)
                                                                    Associated Press   — Melissa Benoist, star of
                                                                                       CBS’ new series “Supergirl,”
Andy Grammer to sing                                                                   wasn’t a comic-book geek               In this Aug. 10, 2015 file photo, Melissa Benoist from “Supergirl”,
                                                                                       or fan girl when she was              poses for a portrait during the CBS 2015 Television Critics Asso-
national anthem at                                                                     growing up.                           ciation Summer Press Tour in Beverly Hills, Calif. 
                                                                                       “My favorite superhero was
                                                                                       Michael Keaton as ‘Bat-                                                                                   Associated Press
                                                                                       man,’” she said in a recent
World Series Game 1                                                                    interview.                            tion,” said executive pro-      oist. “From there it was kind
                                                                                       She also wasn’t athletic or           ducer Ali Adler. “We had        of that’s where the journey
NEW YORK (AP) — Pop               EST on Fox.                                          sporty.                               to see maybe a thousand         started.”
singer-songwriter Andy            Grammer’s pop smash,                                 “I’m not coordinated in               more women, and we nev-         In this version of “Super-
Grammer will perform the          “Honey, I’m Good,” be-                               that way. ... I would have            er stopped being in love        girl,” Kara doesn’t arrive on
national anthem at Game           came a multiplatinum hit                             moments where I felt confi-           with Melissa.”                  Earth until she is 13, so she
1 of the World Series on          this year and peaked at                              dent and where I felt strong          Benoist recalled learning       remembers planet Krypton.
Tuesday. Major League             No. 9 on Billboard’s Hot 100                         and brave and like I could            about the part and realiz-      Viewers will see flashbacks
Baseball announced Mon-           chart. He is currently com-                          do anything. But then, like           ing that it was special.        of Kara’s mother, Alura,
day that the “Honey, I’m          peting on ABC’s “Dancing                             everyone else, I have re-             “The second that I saw in       played by Laura Benanti.
Good” singer will perform         With the Stars.”                                     ally, really awkward, hor-            my email inbox the title        Kara has known all along
before the New York Mets          Grammer will re-release his                          ribly awkward, moments,”              ‘Supergirl,’ I just knew auto-  that she has superpowers,
take on the Kansas City           2014 sophomore album,                                Benoist said.                         matically that it was some-     but she’s been afraid to
Royals at Kauffman Stadi-         “Magazines or Novels,”                               She stars as Superman’s               thing important and it was      use them. Now, 10 years
um in Kansas City, Missouri.      on Nov. 20 with four new                             caped cousin, Kara Zor-El,            something exciting and          later, she’s ready to em-
The game will air live at 8:07    tracks.q                                             known as Kara Danvers, in             rare and that I wanted to       brace her abilities and help
                                                                                       the new “Supergirl” series,           be a part of it,” said Ben-     fight crime.
                                                                                       which premieres Monday
                                                                                       night (8:30 p.m. EDT).
                                                                                       The audition process was
                                                                                       a long one, but Benoist,
                                                                                       27, best known for her role
                                                                                       as Marley Rose on “Glee,”
                                                                                       was a standout.
                                                                                       “We were like, ‘We have
                                                                                       to get a diamond ring for
                                                                                       that girl,’ but then we still
                                                                                       needed to date the na-

Adele producer: Keeping mum about ‘Hello’ was hard MESFIN FEKADU

AP Music Writer                   added.                                                In this April 16, 2013 file photo    he also contributes to the      course blows your mind.”
NEW YORK (AP) — Getting           “Hello” was released Friday                          provided by ASCAP, produc-            tracks “Water Under the         Kurstin’s writing and pro-
into the studio and writing a     and it topped the iTunes                             er and songwriter Greg Kurst-         Bridge” and “Million Years      duction credits include pop
potential hit song for Adele      singles chart in 85 countries.                       in arrives at the 30th Annual         Ago.”                           smashes like Sia’s “Chan-
sounds hard enough. Now           The music video broke the                            ASCAP Pop Music Awards, at            Kurstin said he was putting     delier,” Kelly Clarkson’s
add keeping mum about             Vevo record for most views                           Loews Hollywood Hotel in Los          some pressure on himself        “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill
the track for a year.             in a day with 27.7 million.                          Angeles.                              before meeting with pow-        You)” and Ellie Goulding’s
That’s the challenge Greg         “Hello” is Adele’s first single                                                            erhouse singer since this       “Burn.” He is one-half of the
Kurstin faced after produc-       since releasing 2011’s earth                                            Associated Press   was her follow-up to “21.”      indie duo The Bird and the
ing and co-writing “Hello”        shattering “21,” her sopho-                                                                But that changed once he        Bee, who released its fourth
last year.                        more album that sold more                            out. On “25,” which Adele             set foot in the studio, and     album this year.
“I’m not going to lie; it’s not   than 11 million units in the                         will release on Nov. 20,              they started working on         Kurstin is also working with
easy to hold that informa-        United States and won the                                                                  songs last year, including      another Grammy album
tion in for that long. It’s kind  Grammy Award for album                                                                     “Hello.”                        of the year winner: He pro-
of like I was holding this big    of the year, among other                                                                   “She’s just so wonderful to     duced Beck’s new single,
secret for so long, but I stuck   accolades.                                                                                 be around. She is funny         “Dreams,” and is produc-
with it,” the Grammy- and         “I’m still in shock honestly.                                                              and she’s just so down-to-      ing other tracks on the rock
Golden Globe-nominated            ...I was just pretty blown                                                                 earth. ...You can imme-         singer’s follow-up to 2014’s
songwriter-producer, said         away,” Kurstin said of the                                                                 diately relate to her and       “Morning Phase,” which
in an interview with The As-      insta-success of “Hello.”                                                                  connect with her,” Kurstin      won the top Grammy ear-
sociated Press.                   Kurstin, who has worked                                                                    said of Adele. “I really felt   lier this year.
“It wasn’t easy. You kind         with Pink, Lily Allen, Katy                                                                very comfortable around         “I used to play in his band
of want to shout it out, run      Perry and Taylor Swift, said                                                               her because she makes           actually,” said Kurstin, who
around in the streets yell-       he and Adele were sup-                                                                     you feel that way. She’s        added that is the first time
ing to random strangers           posed to work on music for                                                                 just cool, and then she gets    he’s officially writing and
what you’ve just done,” he        “21,” but that it didn’t pan                                                               on the microphone and of        producing for Beck.q
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