Page 25 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 25

                                                                                                                                                                  Tuesday 27 October 2015

Scandal-hit Volkswagen hires Opel exec as strategy chief 

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP)           voice to the company as        ance at competitor Daim-                                Poetsch as board chair-          The U.S. Environmental Pro-
— Volkswagen is hiring a          it re-examines its culture in  ler AG in the wake of a                                 man in the wake of the           tection Agency says Volk-
top strategy executive from       the wake of the scandal.       bribery scandal there.                                  scandal led to questions         swagen equipped 482,000
competitor Opel as it seeks       The move announced             Sedran is a former manag-                               about whether the compa-         cars with software that dis-
to recover from a scandal         Monday by the automaker        ing director for turnaround                             ny needed more outsiders         abled emissions controls
over its cheating on U.S.         based in Wolfsburg, Ger-       firm Alix Partners. He joined                           to get to the bottom of its      when the cars were not be-
diesel emissions tests.           many, comes on top of          General Motors’ Opel divi-                              problems. New CEO Mat-           ing tested. About 11 million
Taking on Thomas Sedran           the company’s decision         sion as head of strategy                                thias Mueller is also a long-    of its cars worldwide have
as Volkswagen’s new               to hire Christine Hohmann-     and operations in 2012.                                 time Volkswagen AG em-           the software, though not
chief of corporate strat-         Dennhardt, a former judge      The appointment of chief                                ployee, replacing Martin         all are confirmed to have
egy brings another outside        who oversaw legal compli-      financial officer Hans Dieter                           Winterkorn, who resigned.        cheated on tests.q

Valeant board forms committee to look into Philidor ties

This photo shows the head office and logo of Valeant Pharmaceuticals in Montreal. Valeant                                Philidor to help deliver its     profit if it does.
Pharmaceuticals announced Monday, Oct. 26, 2015, that it is forming a committee to delve into                            drugs more quickly to pa-        Valeant said Monday that
the drug company’s relationship with the specialty pharmacy Philidor, which was the target of a                          tients through the mail.         its full board and an audit
scathing research report a week earlier.                                                                                 The Journal, citing some         and risk committee found
                                                                                                                         sources it did not name,         its accounting treatment of
                                                                               (Ryan Remiorz/The Canadian Press via AP)  said Valeant employees           the Philidor relationship to
                                                                                                                         worked directly in Philidor      be appropriate.
TOM MURPHY                        the report. Valeant CEO        mittee will include activist                            offices and used the fake        Pearson, who is also Vale-
AP Business Writer                J. Michael Pearson com-        investor Mason Morfit. Vale-                            names to guard against           ant’s chairman, added
Valeant Pharmaceuticals           pared the actions of the       ant also announced Mon-                                 the appearance that Vale-        that the drug company
promises a thorough ex-           report’s editor to someone     day that Morfit was return-                             ant was using the pharma-        has asked the Securities
amination of its dealings         yelling fire in a crowded      ing to its board after leav-                            cy to steer patients toward      and Exchange Commission
with a pharmacy that was          theater.                       ing more than a year ago.                               its drugs.                       to investigate Citron and its
targeted in a scathing re-        A special board commit-        “We take this matter seri-                              Philidor did not immedi-         editor, the investor Andrew
search report last week,          tee is being created to ex-    ously and it is one of the is-                          ately return calls from The      Left, saying that Left want-
though the company on             amine issues that include a    sues that will be reviewed                              Associated Press seeking         ed to create a panic.
Monday stood by its finan-        Wall Street Journal report     by the (board) commit-                                  comment. Valeant said it         “He wanted people to
cial accounting of that re-       that said Valeant employ-      tee,” Valeant Chief Com-                                also will investigate why        run,” Pearson said.
lationship.                       ees using fake names on        pliance Officer Seana Car-                              Philidor was denied last         Valeant disclosed last week
Valeant also said that it has     emails were placed at the      son said during a Monday                                year a permit to operate in      during a conference call to
asked federal regulators to       pharmacy, called Philidor,     morning conference call.                                California. The state’s phar-    discuss earnings that it had
investigate the short-selling     as the smaller company         The Canadian drug com-                                  macy board cited, among          purchased an option late
investment firm that put out      was starting up. That com-     pany uses pharmacies like                               other reasons, false state-      last year to buy Philidor.
                                                                                                                         ments from its CEO, Mat-         Citron also questioned why
                                                                                                                         thew S. Davenport, some in       the drug company had not
                                                                                                                         reference to the true own-       previously disclosed this
                                                                                                                         ership of the company.           development. Valeant ex-
                                                                                                                         Valeant planned Mon-             ecutives said Monday they
                                                                                                                         day’s conference call last       didn’t consider it mate-
                                                                                                                         week after the research          rial enough to be worthy of
                                                                                                                         firm Citron said that it ap-     disclosing. They noted that
                                                                                                                         pears Valeant and Philidor       the Philidor  business  repre-
                                                                                                                         have created a network           sents less than 7 percent of
                                                                                                                         of phantom pharmacies to         Valeant’s revenue.
                                                                                                                         trick auditors.                  Valeant has been targeted
                                                                                                                         Citron is a short seller’s re-   for criticism in recent years
                                                                                                                         search firm that publishes       for its focus on buying drug
                                                                                                                         reports in hopes of trigger-     developers, hiking prices
                                                                                                                         ing a stock reaction. A short    on the products it acquires
                                                                                                                         seller bets that the stock will  and slashing spending on
                                                                                                                         fall and can make a huge         research into new drugs.q

MTN Nigeria fined $5.2 billion for failing to register users 

MICHELLE FAUL                     ers.                           ing all cellphone providers                             alent to at least two aver-      had about 62 million cus-
Associated Press                  The Nigerian Communi-          to de-activate unregistered                             age years’ profit for MTN        tomers among Nigeria’s
LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — MTN         cations Commission con-        cards within seven days “or                             Nigeria and nearly three         170 million people in Sep-
Group telecommunica-              firmed the penalty based       face severe sanctions.” All                             times the $1.8 billion that      tember, by far the group’s
tion’s stock plunged 12.5         on 200,000 naira ($1,000)      the other cellphone com-                                it has invested in the West      biggest market.
percent on the Johan-             for each of 5.1 million cell-  panies in Nigeria complied,                             African country, according       Nigeria has about 150 mil-
nesburg Stock Exchange            phone SIM cards that had       the commission said.                                    to the company’s website.        lion active mobile phone
Monday on the news that           not been registered and        The South African compa-                                Africa’s leading cellphone       lines, 90 million mobile In-
its most lucrative subsidiary,    should have been dis-          ny said in a statement Mon-                             service provider, MTN paid       ternet users and imports
in Nigeria, has been fined        connected by an August         day that it is in talks with Ni-                        $285 million for one of four     4 million cellphones each
$5.2 billion for failing to dis-  deadline.                      geria’s regulatory body “to                             GSM licenses in Nigeria in       month, according to Ni-
connect millions of unreg-        On Aug. 7, the commission      resolve the matter.”                                    2001.                            geria’s Federal Ministry of
istered cellphone subscrib-       issued an ultimatum order-     The $5.2 billion fine is equiv-                         Before the cut, MTN said it      Communications. q
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