Page 21 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 21

                                                                                                                                         Tuesday 27 October 2015

NFL: Judge’s ruling for Tom
Brady was ‘unfathomable’

BY LARRY NEUMEISTER              significant legal deficien-    league said Goodell prop-
ASSOCIATED PRESS                 cies.” The appeals court       erly followed the collective
NEW YORK (AP) -- NFL law-        isn’t scheduled to hear oral   bargaining agreement be-
yers told a federal appeals      arguments in the case be-      tween the league and the
court in Manhattan on            fore February, meaning this    union.
Monday that it was “un-          season will not be affected    “His decision not only
fathomable” that a judge         by any outcome.                walked through all the evi-
could decide to lift New         Attorneys for the NFL Play-    dence he considered and
England quarterback Tom          ers Association didn’t im-     credited in painstaking de-
Brady’s four-game suspen-        mediately respond to a re-     tail, but also explained at
sion in the “Deflategate”        quest for comment.             length his efforts to deter-
controversy.                     Berman ruled after the NFL     mine how the CBA should
The lawyers said in papers       asked the court to find that   be applied to the unprec-
filed with the 2nd U.S. Cir-     it had acted appropriate-      edented situation before
cuit Court of Appeals that       ly in its investigation and    him,” the lawyers wrote.
Judge Richard Berman             handling of a controversy      They said Berman ignored
reached an “inexplicable”        that arose after balls were    decades of legal prec-
conclusion when he de-           believed to be improperly      edents and approached
termined that the league         deflated prior to January’s    the case through a “fun-
failed to adequately warn        AFC championship game          damentally flawed” anal-
Brady of the potential sus-      against the Indianapolis       ysis, refusing to accept
pension and made errors          Colts. New England beat        Goodell’s view of the facts.
in its investigation that re-    the Colts 45-7.                The lawyers wrote that the
quired him to nullify the        A league investigation         judge’s finding that the
penalty.                         found it was “more prob-       league’s conclusions were
The league asked the ap-         able than not” that two Pa-    so far outside the bounds
peals court to reverse the       triots ball handling employ-   of what the contract allows
lower-court judge and re-        ees deliberately released      that Goodell’s decision
instate the penalty that         air from Patriots game balls.  must be nullified “is unfath-
would have kept Brady out        In upholding the findings      omable.”
of the first four games of this  in July, NFL Commissioner      “The district court egre-
season.                          Roger Goodell conclud-         giously overstepped the
Berman’s ruling came a           ed Brady conspired with        bounds of its proper role,”
week before the start of a       his team’s ball handlers       the NFL said. “Where lower
season in which the Patriots     and tried to obstruct the      courts have committed
are undefeated through           league’s probe, includ-        a similar error, appellate
six games. He found that         ing by destroying his cell-    courts have not hesitated
the league’s actions were        phone.                         to reverse. The court should
“premised upon several           In its papers Monday, the      do so here.”q

Ex-NFL star Eddie George to
slip into ‘Chicago’ on Broadway 

MARK KENNEDY                                   In this Jan. 16, 2015, file photo, former Tennes-
AP Drama Writer                                see Titans running back Eddie George poses
NEW YORK (AP) — Former NFL star and Heis-      for photos at an urban improvement project
man Trophy winner Eddie George will make       designed and constructed by his landscape
his Broadway debut in the musical “Chica-      and design company, The Edge, in Nashville,
go,” tackling the role of fast-talking lawyer  Tenn. 
Billy Flynn.
George, who won the Heisman in 1995 and                                                  Associated Press
went on to a nine-year career in the NFL,
leading the Tennessee Titans to Super Bowl
XXXIV, will start work at the Ambassador
Theatre beginning Jan. 11.
He’s appeared in Matthew Lopez’s “The
Whipping Man” at the Nashville Repertory
Theatre, Suzan-Lori Parks’ “Topdog/Under-
dog” at Amun Ra Theatre, also in Nashville,
and played both Othello and Julius Caesar
at the Nashville Shakespeare Festival.
Set in the 1920s, “Chicago” is a scathing
satire of how show business and the me-
dia make celebrities out of criminals. It has
skimpy outfits and killer songs such as “All
That Jazz” and “Cell Block Tango.”q
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