Page 22 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 22
SPORTSTuesday 27 October 2015
Girardi’s second-period goal lifts Rangers over Flames 4-1
DENIS P. GORMAN peg edged Minnesota. breaking his leg last season
Associated Press Minnesota’s Jason Zucker as Los Angeles beat Ed-
NEW YORK (AP) — Dan scored 10 seconds into the monton for its fifth straight
Girardi broke a deadlock game, but then Winnipeg win.
late in the second pe- got five consecutive goals. Pearson’s power-play goal
riod on a night when he Bryan Little tied it 1:22 into put the Kings ahead with
passed Mark Messier for the first, Andrew Ladd 3:26 left. He found the re-
10th on the Rangers’ all- scored about 2 minutes lat- bound from Jake Muzzin’s
time games played list as er and Nikolaj Ehlers made shot and slapped it past
New York beat the Calgary it 3-1 Jets (5-2-1) midway goalie Cam Talbot.
Flames 4-1 on Sunday. through the period. Connor McDavid nearly
Oscar Lindberg, Kevin Klein Stafford scored 51 seconds tied it for Edmonton with
and Derick Brassard also into the second, chasing 5.2 seconds left, but Jona-
scored. The Rangers (6-2-2) Wild goalie Darcy Kuem- than Quick sprawled to
have won three of their last per. Stafford scored again catch his backhander right
five and earned points in on Devan Dubnyk just un- at the goal line. A replay
all five games. der 4 minutes later for his review upheld the no-goal
Antti Raanta made 22 team-leading fifth goal this call.
saves in New York’s third of season. Pearson’s score came few-
17 back-to-back sets this Wheeler extended his sea- er than 3 minutes after Tay-
season — the Rangers lost son-opening point streak lor Hall tied it for Edmonton
to the Flyers in a shootout to a franchise-record eight on the power play. Hall re-
Saturday night. New York games. Michael Hutchin- directed a pass from Ryan
has won six of its past seven son made 26 saves for Win- Nugent-Hopkins for his third
against the Flames. nipeg. of the season.
In his 769th game with New Mikko Koivu, Justin Fon- Anze Kopitar and Jeff Cart-
York, Girardi scored his first taine and Zach Parise also er also scored for the Kings.
this season to put the Rang- scored for Minnesota (5-2- Drew Doughty had two as-
ers ahead 2-1 with 3:03 left 1). sists.
in the second. Recently de- KINGS 3, OILERS 2 McDavid set up Benoit
moted to the third defense EDMONTON, Alberta (AP) Pouliot’s first-period goal
pairing with Keith Yandle, — Tanner Pearson broke with an impressive sprint
Girardi snuck down to the a tie late in the third pe- toward the net around a
right circle and snapped a riod with his first goal since defender.q
rebound of Emerson Etem’s
shot past Jonas Hiller. York Rangers defenseman Dan Girardi (5) checks Calgary
Jiri Hudler scored the Flames right wing David Jones (19) in the 3rd period of an
Flames’ lone goal. NHL hockey game at Madison Square Garden in New York,
JETS 5, WILD 4 Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015. TheRangers won 4-1.
WINNIPEG, Manitoba (AP)
— Drew Stafford scored Associated Press
twice and Blake Wheeler
had two assists as Winni-
Continued from Page 17 tional two-shot penalty for Tiger Woods at the 2013 “doughnut” on her 9-iron. shot. An exception was
the scorecard error. Masters does not apply. She was disqualified for vi- added in 2012 for when
“And the removal from One example was Camilo Woods took an incorrect olating Rule 14-3 banning it is virtually certain that it
competition is something Villegas, who chipped up drop on the 15th hole of artificial devices. Now that wasn’t the player’s fault
that we should use judi- the slope to the 15th green the second round. A for- penalty is two shots (loss of (such as strong gusts).
ciously and therefore only at Kapalua in 2011, and mer rules official saw it on hole in match play), and Now, the rules no longer
when appropriate. We feel the ball rolled back to- TV and notified the Masters the penalty for any subse- say players are guilty un-
that this is a step in that ward him. Villegas casually rules committee, which de- quent violation of the rule is less proved innocent. The
right direction.” swatted away some loose cided it was not a violation disqualification. D.A. Points penalty will be applied only
One of those changes in- pieces of grass in front of and Woods signed for a 71. was disqualified for that if the facts show a player
volved the scorecard. the divot as the ball was Only later, after the com- rule at Pebble Beach when caused the ball to move.
Players still face disqualifi- moving in that direction. mittee spoke to Woods, he put a sponge ball under “It’s not an absolute any-
cation if they sign for a low- The violation (23-1) was de- was it a clear violation. He his arm to swing during a more,” said Thomas Pagel,
er score on a hole. How- tected by a television view- was given a two-shot pen- delay on the 18th tee. the USGA’s senior director
ever, the new exception to er after the round. It was a alty but not disqualified be- Rickman said that also ap- of rules.
Rule 6-6d allows a player to two-shot penalty, and thus cause the committee felt it plies to range finders. To This change comes with
avoid disqualification if the Villegas was disqualified for was at fault. use it once is a two-shot a new decision to serve
score includes a penalty an incorrect card. Rickman said the new ex- penalty, twice is disqualifi- as a guideline (18-2/0.5).
that was discovered only Under the new rule, Villegas ception to Rule 6-6d would cation. Among things an official
after he signed his card. would have four shots add- not have applied because The other significant would consider is what ac-
Previously, players were dis- ed to his score — two for a committee error was in- change to the rules in- tions the player takes near
qualified if a violation was the rules violation, two for volved. volved when a ball at rest the ball; how much time
reported after the round the scorecard error. But he Another change involved moves (Rule 18-2b) elapses between those
because their scorecards would remain in the tourna- artificial devices. Currently, if a ball moves af- actions and the ball mov-
did not account for the ment (unless the additional During a 30-minute wait in ter it has been addressed, ing; the lie of the ball (on
penalty strokes. Starting in shots meant he missed the the middle of her round at the player is deemed to a slope, perched on a
2016, players would have cut). the 2010 Safeway Classic, have caused the move- tuft of grass) and weather
the penalty added to the Rickman said the case of Juli Inkster put a weighted ment and is penalized one conditions.q
hole, along with an addi-