Page 23 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 23
Tuesday 27 October 2015
New online site BroadwayHD offers to stream live theater
MARK KENNED er going to replace the
AP Drama Writer communal experience of
NEW YORK (AP) — A new seeing actors live. I under-
online streaming service stand that. New York has
launches on Monday that an amazing caliber of tal-
hopes to one day become ent — of writers, directors
the Netflix of Broadway, and performers — that
offering high-definition we’d like to share with the
broadcasts of top theatri- world. If they can’t get
cal events to computers here in time, we can share
and phones. that with the world in the
BroadwayHD currently has best way we can.”
a modest list of plays and A sample of what you can
musicals ready to stream now find on BroadwayHD
but hopes to eventually be includes Orlando Bloom in
the place where theater the 2013 Broadway revival
fans and educators turn for of “Romeo and Juliet,” a
their live event fix. live “Jekyll & Hyde” with
It was founded by Broad- David Hasselhoff in 2001,
way producers Stewart F. Helen Mirren in “A Midsum-
Lane and Bonnie Com- mer Night’s Dream,” Mon-
ley, a Tony Award-winning tego Glover and Chad
husband-and-wife pro- Kimball in “Memphis,” Dan-
ducing team behind such iel Craig and Stephen Rea
shows as “On Your Feet!” This screen image provided by BroadwayHD shows the home page for the new online streaming in “Copenhagen” from
‘’A Gentleman’s Guide to service offering high-definition broadcasts of top theatrical events to computers and phones. a BBC TV movie in 2002,
Love & Murder” and “Le- Associated Press and Rufus Sewel in “Henry
gally Blonde.” cals and plays on phones Offerings at launch include English plays. IV.” Up next will be Audra
“We’re not going to re- and tablets, BroadwayHD more than 120 productions, To those who sneer at re- McDonald as Billie Holiday
place the Broadway ex- hopes to become the go-to mostly classics from Shake- ducing a live Broadway in “Lady Day at Emerson’s
perience, but if you can’t library to find live-captured speare and Anton Chekov. show to the size of an Bar and Grill” after it airs on
get to Broadway, get to theatrical events, whether “A lot of it is classic archival iPhone screen, Lane re- HBO.
BroadwayHD,” said Lane. from off-Broadway or the pieces, but then we start sponds by pointing out that “There’s plenty of stuff out
“Hopefully it will whet your West End, after a show has layering in the new things people also said the the- there but what we’re trying
appetite to go see it live.” been seen in cinemas or and go out and start shoot- ater experience would be to do is have anecdotal
Users can buy a monthly on cable TV. While the ser- ing new shows,” Comley diluted when microphones evidence for producers
subscription for $14.99 vice currently leans heavily said. “We’re looking for this were introduced. and all of the creatives to
and or a yearly one for on the archives of the BBC, to be the landing place.” “This is part of an evolu- see where this goes,” Com-
$169.99. There’s also free WNET-TV in New York and The site comes at a time tion,” he said. “We’re nev- ley said.q
content. The shows can be Broadway Worldwide, the when so-called event cin-
streamed to computers, creators hope they will be ema has exploded. When
Expedia’s travel sites to listmobile devices and TVs — able to expand their titles once there was just the
both Apple TV or Google with partnerships and their Metropolitan Opera at the
more info on airline fees Chromecast.
own captures. They’ve also movie theater, now there’s
While sites such as iTunes, added commentaries, in- the Bolshoi Ballet, concerts BELLEVUE, Wash. (AP) — lines began charging to
Amazon Video, Netflix and Expedia’s online travel check bags seven years
GooglePlay stream musi- troductions and documen- from One Direction, circus- sites are introducing tools ago, but they are here to
taries. es and a steady stream of
Pandora to pay $90 million to designed to show the true stay.
cost of flying. Baggage and cancel-
settle suit over pre-1972 hits The features announced lation fees generated
Tuesday will list the fees $6.5 billion in revenue for
for checking bags and airlines last year, a 7 per-
cancelling a reservation cent increase from 2013,
LOS ANGELES (AP) — in addition to the ticket according to the U.S. De-
Streaming music company fare. Those fees typically partment of Transporta-
Pandora has agreed to remain hidden until a tion.
pay $90 million to settle a traveler is ready to buy a The airline industry is fight-
lawsuit brought by major ticket. ing proposed government
record labels over its use of Expedia is hoping the ad- regulations that would re-
recordings released before ditional transparency will quire carriers to spell out
1972. The labels, including help its sites, which also their baggage and can-
divisions of Sony, Warner include Travelocity, Orb- cellation fees alongside
and Universal, had argued itz and Hotwire, to stand their ticket prices.
that songs such as Aretha out from rivals like Pric- Expedia’s sites also are
Franklin’s “Respect” and’s Kayak and going to analyze airline
the Beatles’ “Hey Jude” Google’s extensive index pricing trends to advise
are not covered by feder- of flight information in its travelers when there are
al copyright law, but they dominant search engine. likely to get the best deal
have been protected in Pandora is displayed above a post where it trades on the floor Added airline fees have for a ticket to a destina-
common law by states in- of the New York Stock Exchange, Friday, Oct. 23, 2015. been a sore spot for trav- tion on their business or
cluding New York.q elers since American Air- vacation itinerary.q
Associated Press