Page 20 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 20


SPORTSTuesday 27 October 2015

Earnhardt only bright spot after Talladega ending

BY JENNA FRYER                 Sprint Cup Series driver Kevin Harvick (4) drives past a wreck involving Sprint Cup Series driver                                     erately turned right into
AP AUTO RACING WRITER          Tony Stewart (14), David Gilliland (38), Danica Patrick (10) Trevor Bayne (6) during the NASCAR                                       Bayne to save his season.
TALLADEGA, Ala. (AP)           Sprint Cup Series auto race at Talladega Superspeedway Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015, in Talladega, Ala.                                      And even if NASCAR
-- Thank goodness Dale                                                                                                                                               wanted to punish Harvick,
Earnhardt Jr. showed dig-                                                                                                                          Associated Press  there’s no easy cleanup.
nity in defeat after he was                                                                                                                                          NASCAR can’t undo the fi-
bounced from NASCAR’s          with that.”                                            car camera appears to            shoved Jimmie Johnson,                        nal restart, in which Hamlin
playoffs.                      His fans showered Logano’s                             show Harvick looking con-        left without comment after                    was caught in the wreck.
The class shown by NAS-        car with beer cans.                                    stantly in his rearview mir-     running out of fuel at New                    NASCAR also can’t give
CAR’s most popular driver      Their anger may have been                              ror in an apparent effort        Hampshire and then was                        Earnhardt and Kenseth the
in not criticizing the out-    misdirected.                                           to ward off any more cars.       accused by other teams of                     chance to race for the vic-
come was the one take-         Harvick knew he had a                                  The replay, though, seems        intentionally damaging his                    tory both needed to ad-
away from a disastrous         problem with his engine                                to indicate he turned right      race-winning car at Dover                     vance.
ending to Sunday’s elimi-      and knew his car likely                                into Bayne’s bumper to           to avoid a thorough NAS-                      A points penalty against
nation race at Talladega       wouldn’t go on the restart.                            spin him and bring out           CAR inspection.                               Harvick wouldn’t do much.
Superspeedway. At least        Had he forfeited his posi-                             the race-ending caution.         NASCAR should be ex-                          All he has to do is win one
four drivers accused series    tion in the running order - a                          Among those question-            tremely sensitive to accu-                    of the next three races -
champion Kevin Harvick of      move one would only do                                 ing Harvick’s intent were        sations of race manipula-                     and this stretch includes
manipulating the finish, and   as a courtesy to avoid a                               Bayne and David Gilliland.       tion, particularly since the                  Phoenix, where he’s won
an overwhelming pro-Earn-      potential pileup - it’s likely                         Far more direct in their ac-     2013 fiasco at Richmond in                    four straight of five of six - to
hardt crowd left dissatisfied  the reigning series champi-                            cusation of race manipula-       which Michael Waltrip Rac-                    advance to the champion-
when a change to the rules     on would have plummeted                                tion were Joe Gibbs Racing       ing used a series of maneu-                   ship. But cleaning up the
prevented him from racing      in the standings and have                              drivers Matt Kenseth and         vers to put a driver in the                   cloud surrounding Harvick
for the win.                   been eliminated from the                               Denny Hamlin, who were           Chase. It took NASCAR al-                     is just one part of the prob-
It was a win he had to have,   Chase.                                                 both eliminated from the         most a week to sort out all                   lem.Talladega under no cir-
too, to advance into the       So he was told over his team                           playoffs when the caution        the shenanigans and it was                    cumstances should be an
third round of the Chase for   radio to block as many cars                            flag came out.                   made clear by chairman                        elimination race because
the Sprint Cup champion-       as he could on the restart,                            NASCAR has so far said           Brian France that manipu-                     it’s a crapshoot and simply
ship. But NASCAR said last     an attempt to cling to the                             only that its review of the in-  lating races was a very seri-                 not fair to drivers racing for
week that in an effort to      best finish possible. Instead,                         cident showed Harvick did        ous crime.                                    the championship. With so
maintain some semblance        Bayne shot around Har-                                 nothing on purpose.              With MWR, there were sev-                     much on the line, their fate
of safety, it would make just  vick’s slowed car then tried                           Doesn’t matter, though. It’s     eral smoking guns of intent.                  shouldn’t be so out of their
one attempt to finish the      to cut back in front of him                            a bad look for the champ,        This time, it’s impossible to                 control at the unpredict-
race under the green flag      to get back in line. The in-                           who already this Chase has       prove that Harvick delib-                     able, high-banked track.
instead of the usual three                                                                                                                                           NASCAR knew well before
tries. Earnhardt supported                                                                                                                                           Sunday that the chances of
the decision before the                                                                                                                                              the field successfully racing
race, and didn’t change his                                                                                                                                          to the finish without wreck-
mind after Harvick hooked                                                                                                                                            ing were slim to none, so
Trevor Bayne on the restart                                                                                                                                          it altered the green-white-
to trigger an 11-car crash                                                                                                                                           checkered flag rule for one
that froze the field before                                                                                                                                          particular race - and even
Earnhardt had a chance to                                                                                                                                            that one attempt at finish-
chase leader Joey Logano                                                                                                                                             ing under green was use-
into the first turn.                                                                                                                                                 less. Since everyone knew
“I feel like no matter the                                                                                                                                           a wreck was more than
rules, when the race is over,                                                                                                                                        likely, why even bother
I can live with the result as                                                                                                                                        with the charade? Just let
long as everyone else is                                                                                                                                             the race finish under the
going by the same rules,”                                                                                                                                            original caution and save
Earnhardt said. “Per the                                                                                                                                             everyone the post-race
rule book, it sorted out and                                                                                                                                         headaches that seem to
I finished second. I’m OK                                                                                                                                            be a Talladega staple.q

                                                                                      Nadal rallies from brink to
                                                                                      beat Rosol at Swiss Indoors 

France’s Adrian Mannarino returns a ball to Serbia’s Viktor                           BASEL, Switzerland (AP) — Rafael Nadal       “For me it was very difficult to adjust,”
Troicki during their first round match at the Swiss Indoors tennis                    rallied from losing positions twice to beat  said the seventh-seeded Spaniard, who
tournament at the St. Jakobshalle in Basel, Switzerland, on Mon-                      Lukas Rosol of the Czech Republic 1-6, 7-5,  played his first indoor match this season. “I
day, Oct. 26, 2015.                                                                   7-6 (4) in the Swiss Indoors first round on  tried to survive in that second set and wait
                                                                                      Monday.                                      for an opportunity.”
                                                                    Associated Press  The 69th-ranked Rosol, who beat Nadal at     Earlier, French qualifier Adrian Manna-
                                                                                      Wimbledon in 2012, served for the match      rino, beat Viktor Troicki of Serbia, 4-6, 7-5,
                                                                                      leading 5-4 in the second set but lost sev-  7-6 (3), and Austria’s Dominic Thiem beat
                                                                                      en straight games.                           Dutchman Robin Haase 0-6, 7-6 (5), 7-5.
                                                                                      Nadal then trailed 3-0 in the decisive tie-  In the late match, Donald Young of the
                                                                                      breaker before clinching a victory he cel-   United States beat wild-card entry Henri
                                                                                      ebrated with vigorous fist pumps.            Laaksonen of Switzerland 6-2, 3-6, 6-4.q
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