Page 27 - ATD 27OCT,2015
P. 27
Tuesday 27 October 2015
Promise of Mongolia mining boom lures brands DOCTOR
come. ON DUTY
ClassifiedsInternational car brands
that have trickled into Dr. Esschendal
Mongolia include Volk- TIMESHARE FOR SALE Tel. 586-0334
swagen and BMW.
Porsche opened a show- RENAISSANCE EMERGENCIA
room in Ulaanbaatar in
February with models Week room price 911
ranging in price from
$70,000 to $300,000. wk 36 room 130 $2,250 POLICE 100
Jason Broome, in charge wk 37 room 332 $2,750
of Porsche’s Mongo- wk 38 room 529 $4,750 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
lia business, said the lo- wk 40 room 336 $3,750 NOORD
cal franchise now serves wk 40 room 105 $5,000 527-3200
30 customers. wk 42 room 103 $3,250 STA. CRUZ 527-2900
Burger King has part- wk 42 room 338 $4,000 SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
nered with Mongolian wk 43 room 329 $3,250 POLICE TIPLINE 11141
franchisee, Max Group, wk 49 room 144 $5,500
Customers eat their meals at the first Burger King outlet which one of the country’s wk 48 or 49 room 119 $4,750 FIRE DEPT. 115
recently opened in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Monday, Oct. 26, largest conglomerates, wk 48 or 49 room 551 $5,500 FIRE DEPT.
2015. The landlocked, sparsely populated country of about 3 engaged in mining, wk 49 or 50 room 203 $5,500 HOSPITAL 582-1108
million people, sandwiched between China and Russia, has food and beverage, ag- Cwokn2ta1cot rB2ri2anroComell:354973$-042,00000 527-4000
long been dependent on mining and animal herding and still riculture and real estate. DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
has no McDonalds or Starbucks. But following economic growth Meal prices range from _______________________2_0_36_6_7_ AMBULANCE
rates as high as 17.5 percent earlier this decade, it has begun to about $2.5 to $5.5, less 582-1234
see an influx of foreign fast-food brands. than 1 percent of the CENTRO MEDICO 523-8833
average monthly salary
(AP Photo/Grace Brown) of $734.q Time Share Resale PHARMACY
Marriott Ocean Club
GRACE BROWN are largely empty now, 2 bedroom O.V Gold, Price :$9000 Oranjestad: del Pueblo Tel: 582-1253
1 bedroom O.V Gold, Price :$6000
Associated Press they and others are bank- Marriott Surf Club San Nicolas: Seroe Preto Tel: 584-4833
2 bedroom O.V Gold, Price :$9000
ULAANBAATAR, Mongo- ing that better times will 2 bedroom O.S Gold, Price :$9500 INFORMATION 118
2 bedroom Garden V.G, Price :$8000 TAXI-TAS 587-5900
lia (AP) — Burger King has more info call:(297)6301307 PROF. TAXI 588-0035 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
opened its first store in SERVICE ARUBA 583-3232
sparsely populated Mongo-
Time Share Resale
lia, joining companies from Costa Linda Beach Resort
2 bedroom week 42 room $3008
Pizza Hut to Porsche in antic- Pool/O.V
2 bedroom week 43 room #4012
ipating an economic boom CRUISESHIP
October 28
from the Oyu Tolgoi copper Carnival Breeze
Royal Princess
and gold mine. Monarch
Sandwiched between Chi-
na and Russia, Mongolia
has long been dependent
on mining and animal herd- Ocean View Aruba Aiport 524-2424
ing and still has no McDon- Price : $9000 each, American Airline 582-2700
ald’s or Starbucks. But it has Avianca 588-0059
begun to see an influx of Dutch Village Aruba Airlines 583-8300
foreign fast food and other 2bedroom Town House week 44 Jet Blue 588-2244
brands. KFC came in 2013, room # 85 Surinam 582-7896
then Pizza Hut last year, and (19 weeks remain on the contract) Tiara Air 588-4272
now the world’s second- Price : $ 6000 Venezolana 583-7674
largest burger chain.
The interest in the country of more info call:(297)6301307 Aruba Foundation
3 million people comes de- For those Visually Incapasitated
spite a deep deceleration
in growth rates to about 3 __________________________2_03_7_60_ Tel: 582-5051
percent in the first half of this Time Share Owners !
year from 17.5 percent ear- Do you want to sell your Time Share FUNDACION
lier in the decade. However, in Aruba ? Anti-Droga
after years of deadlock over let us do it for you , 30 years Aruba
taxes and royalties, a deal experience in the industry,
reached in May between No up front listing fee, we don't sign (FADA) Tel: 583-2999
the government and mining no paper, until we have a buyer,
giant Rio Tinto over the $5.4 For more inventory For Rent & For FUNDACION
billion Oyu Tolgoi mine could Sale, go to our website Respetami Tel: 582-4433
Call :(297) 6301307
__________________________2_0_37_60 Centro Diabetic Arubano
Tel: 524-8888
help spur renewed growth. Narcotics Anonymous
“Now is a good time to be
coming in,” said Jim Dw- Tel: 583-8989
yer, executive director of
the Business Council of Mon- Tel: 525-2672
On the edge of Chinggis Women in Difficulties
Square in the capital Ulaan- Foundation
baatar, luxury brands Louis
Vuitton and Ermenegildo Tel: 583-5400
Zegna already have set up
boutiques. While these stores Bloodbank Aruba
Tel: 587-0002