Page 17 - AHATA_Neat
P. 17

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 12 october 2020
            ‘It is not about being bad, but about making bad choices. So take

            that second chance’

                                                                      months  of  detox  will  be  4
                                                                      months now. The detox pe-
                                                                      riod means no contact with
                                                                      society, no phone, no visits,
                                                                      nothing.  “Before  you  start
                                                                      this  program,  we  will  give
                                                                      you  a  week  to  prepare
                                                                      yourself.  That  determines  if
                                                                      you  are  really  dedicated.
                                                                      You need to choose for this
                                                                      completely, otherwise it will
                                                                      not  work”,  Vanessa  pro-

                                                                      All over again               Gino  felt  the  need  here  in  does not let go easily, after
                                                                      One of the clients, he was   Aruba  and  thus  they  start-  the  average  of  six  months
                                                                      addicted  to  drugs  and  al-  ed  in  the  streets  of  the  is-  that clients stay they keep
                                                                      cohol,  says:  “I  was  fed  up   land. “We had nothing but  in  touch  and  help  them
                                                                      with  my  life,  I  needed  a   God’s believe and we ap-  reintegrate  into  society.
                                                                      change  and  if  you  have   proached the addicts, this  Monica:  “But  in  the  future
                                                                      the will you can do it. It was   was  2008/2009.  Than  we  we would like to hire them
                                                                      hard  in  the  beginning,  but   got to know an alcohol ad-  ourselves  as  employees  of
                                                                      you  get  better  along  the   dict  that  offered  us  a  big  our hydroponics business. It
                                                                      way.” He feels home here,    house  because  he  loved  is not easy to get hired by a
                                                                      the  program  brings  him  a   what we did. Step by step  company  when  you  have
                                                                      new start and being useful.   the  clients  trusted  us  and  a past like this, here at least
                                                                      “It is like a baby that learns   more searched for us. One  we do not see that as a dis-
                                                                      crawling  before  walking,   led  to  another  and  God  advantage.  We  believe  in
                                                                      you  have  to  do  it  all  over   always  guided  us.  This  lo-  change.”  The  foundation
                                                                      again.  I  love  to  take  care   cation  was  a  blessing.  The  cooperates  with  the  Mov-
            ORANJESTAD - When enter-     continues: “At noon we eat   of the horses and donkeys,   Dutch owner Fred Wappe-      imiento Misionero Mundial.
            ing the 15,000 square meter  together,  they  sleep  and   a  horse  of  my  own  is  my   naar believes in us and of-
            premises of Eliezer Founda-  at 3.30 pm there is a Bible   goal and maybe even my      fered us this terrain, we are  The  ambition  and  drive  of
            tion  you  feel  you  are  visit-  study.  This  is  the  program   own ranch. I see a future.”   unbelievably  grateful.  The  this  foundation  is  heart-
            ing a Garden of Eden. The  from  Mondays  to  Fridays,    He even is a leader now as   connection  with  animals,  warming and one can only
            entrance is leading you to  Saturdays they will visit their   he  helps  new  clients  and   a water mill, to be self-sup-  wish that there were more
            a farm with beautiful nature  family.  It  is  obligatory  that   his  persistence  makes  the   portive, to teach the clients  people  like  them  to  help
            around  it.  There  are  ani-  the  family  picks  them  up   others  stronger.  “I  want  to   to cultivate and grow and  those  who  do  not  see  an
            mals,  crops,  green  houses  and brings them back. If we   help, God sent me here.”   care…  it  is  all  part  of  our  outcome  anymore.  To  ful-
            and  a  park.  Four  dedicat-  are  in  doubt,  we  do  tests                          vision.  We  are  her  since  fill  their  plans  Monica  and
            ed  people,  a  handful,  are  when  they  come  back  to   Blissful Bonding           nine  years  now  and  next  Gino  welcome  any  help.
            working  daily  to  help  15  see if they are clean. If not,   Monica  and  Gino  started   to  Foundation  Eliezer  we  Donations,   construction
            men that lost their way dur-  they  start  all  over  again,   with the Foundation Eliezer   founded  the  La  Posada  materials,  furniture,  any-
            ing the walk in life. They are  but  with  double  weight.”   in  the  Netherlands,  but   Care Farm.” The foundation  thing  that  is  needed.  You
            addicts  to  alcohol  and/or  That  means  that  the  2-                                                            are  most  welcome  to  visit
            drugs  and  live  here  to  get                                                                                     the  Care  Farm,  and  get
            detoxed and rehabilitated.                                                                                          a  tour.  “When  you  visit  us
            The  motivation  behind  this                                                                                       here, you will feel the need.
            foundation  is  the  strongest                                                                                      In almost every family there
            there  can  be:  owner  Gino                                                                                        is an addict.”
            Frans used to be an addict
            himself  until  God  called                                                                                         If you would like to visit the
            him  and  took  him  out  of                                                                                        foundation,   please   call
            that life. “The Lord freed him                                                                                      +297  561  3792  and  ask  for
            but also gave him a call to                                                                                         Gino  or  Monica  Frans.  For
            help  others.  That  is  how  it                                                                                    more  information  visit  the
            all  started”,  says  Monica                                                                                        website: https://eliezer-fun-
            Frans, Gino’s wife.                                                                                        or Face-

            The  clients  start  their  day                                                                                     book: Eliezer Fundacion.q
            at 05.30 am with a prayer.
            They  take  a  section  from
            the Bible that makes them
            begin  the  day  committed
            and  positive.  Then  they
            have  breakfast  and  start
            the job. All have a job de-
            scription  and  responsibility.
            Vanessa  Maduro,  admin-
            istrator  and  social  helper,
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