Page 18 - AHATA_Neat
P. 18
Monday 12 october 2020 LocAL
My Aruba story … with New moon and yoga and sound bath
love from the UK EAGLE BEACH — Coming the sympathetic (fight and clarity our best and most
Thursday you have the op- flight) to the parasympa- loving experiences for this
received these great pic- portunity to pay attention thetic nervous system (rest lifetime and we will pro-
tures and wonderful words to you! Pamper your in- and digest). ceed to write down a set of
from Jamie Boland: ner and outer health with intentions we would want
a new moon yoga ses- Give yourself the gift of to see happening for us,
“We had booked to sion and sound bath. One reconnecting with your aligned with our visualiza-
return to Aruba for a Happy Yogi will guide true nature trough 50min tions, hopes and dreams.
4th time to celebrate you through this journey of gentle movements, still- We will share tools during
our wedding anniver- of joy at Eagle Beach. The ness of the mind and sub- our practice, like clear and
ORANJESTAD — Aruba To- sary (28 years). Unfor- event is from 08.30pm un- tle energy awareness. All strong affirmations, to help
day welcomes readers to tunately TUI (UK) had til 09.30pm, please register levels and ages are most us manifest our heart's de-
participate in our newspa- cancelled our holiday at Facebook One Happy welcome, in love, accep- sires and soul calling into
per. Now that we are open for October. At the Yogi. tance and compassion to this material reality.
to visitors again after the time we were hugely all our different body types
three months of lockdown disappointed, but glim- Yin Yoga and breath work and needs. Air element
we are all ears to know mers of hope started to Yin Yoga is a gentle yet We will be embodying
about you. How do you feel emerge when Aruba deep practice of differ- Sound healing the New Moon in Libra's
to be back or maybe this is opened up for visitors ent Asanas, targeting the For the entire duration of energies by honoring the
your first time in Aruba? Let again. There were no deepest tissues in the body, our event, we will be in- air element with an in-
us know! Send us a picture flights from the UK so glands, energy centers vited to dive deep into tuitive dance ceremony
and tell us about your ex- we decided to book di- and meridians by holding our inner journey and con- helping us feel our inten-
perience because we love rectly and fly with KLM each pose for two minutes necting with our highest, tions already in the physi-
to share this with our read- from Amsterdam, with a or more. Breath work is, as best, most loving version of cal body (this is an abun-
ers. bit of creative planning the name points out, work- ourSelves inspired by the dance practice that you
we are celebrating our ing with our breath and beautiful, soothing and can keep on for the next six
What do you do? 28th wedding anniver- body to shift our awareness healing vibrations of sound months cycle). We will offer
It’s easy. Mail us your va- sary. Huge thanks to from reactiveness to still- and music. With the bless- our intentions to the wind,
cation picture(s) togeth- Divi All Inclusives and ness, by infusing our body ing and powerful energies inviting her fantastic flow to
er with your Aruba story KLM for making it hap- with oxygen and then sus- and alchemy of @onehap- reach all the corners of the
(Email: news@arubatoday. pen. From One Happy pending the breath for pyyogi's voice to guide us Earth and help us manifest
com) and we will publish Couple to One Happy certain amount of time. in, especially during Sava- our intentions into physical
this in our newspaper. This Island thank you. By doing this practices the sana (relaxation time and existence.
for sure is a great vacation body and its systems au- the end of our event), with
memory to take home with Jamie and Alyson send- tomatically shift into relax- our instruments tuned at Giving back
you. ing our best UK wishes.” ation, energetic channels the healing frequencies of As a divine guidance and
For today’s newspaper we q open up and we flow from 432Hz (frequency aligned soul mission, we are all
with the "heartbeat of our called to serve this Earth,
planet" and known for Mother Gaia, Pachama-
promoting deep states of ma, honour those who
relaxation, recovery, offer- came before us, our fa-
ing less anxiety, emotional thers, mothers, ancestors
healing, greater intuition, and all living beings sharing
amongst other qualities), the world alongside us. And
we will have the privilege so we invite you to do so as
of welcoming Xavi Waves well. If you feel inspired to
as a special guest on the give back to Earth, feel free
guitar and as a Shamanic to bring organic produce,
energetic space holder. fruits, flowers (if they grow
in your yard, even better!),
Setting intentions honey, or make your own
A life lived with purpose is traditional meal (funchi, ar-
a powerful one, since en- epitas...) to share with the
ergy flows where intention one who sustains our life.
goes. To start our practice Our intention is to honour
we will use techniques that and give back, with beau-
will help us visualize with ty, art, joy and in love!q