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                                                                                                  business Monday 12 october 2020
            Amid COVID, many businesses in precarious spot as 2020 ends

            By JOYCE M. ROSENBERG                                                                                               Rammel says.
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  Barking  Irons,  a  maker  of
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  The  fi-                                                                                        apple  brandies,  is  heav-
            nal  three  months  of  the                                                                                         ily dependent on the bars,
            year,  usually  a  boom  time                                                                                       restaurants   and    liquor
            for  many  small  businesses                                                                                        stores of New York City for
            thanks to holiday shopping                                                                                          its  business.  The  company
            and    celebrations,  looks                                                                                         typically makes half its rev-
            precarious as the coronavi-                                                                                         enue in the fourth quarter.
            rus maintains its grip on the                                                                                       The  city's  social  life,  and
            economy.                                                                                                            economy,  remains  con-
            Owners  contending  with                                                                                            strained by the pandemic.
            government  restrictions  or                                                                                        Restaurants can have only
            crumbling demand are try-                                                                                           a quarter of their capacity
            ing  to  hold  on,  with  some                                                                                      indoors and there's no bar
            creating   new    products                                                                                          service. And while outdoor
            and services or desperately                                                                                         dining  will  continue  indefi-
            searching for new custom-                                                                                           nitely,  it's  hard  to  predict
            ers. Others, however, have                                                                                          how  many  people  will  be
            found  they're  already  well                                                                                       willing  to  brave  the  cold
            equipped  to  meet  the                                                                                             —  even  with  a  brandy  to
            lifestyle  changes  brought                                                                                         warm them.
            about by the pandemic.       This photo provided by Adam M. Rammel shows The Syndicate on Aug. 20, 2020 in Bellefontaine,   The  other  side  of  Barking
            The big corporate and non-   Ohio.                                                                 Associated Press  Irons' business is picking up
            profit  parties  and  events                                                                                        some  slack  —  the  distiller
            that  Sophia  D'Angelo  ran  pect  to  make  as  much  as  they  cannot  bring  in  the  brewpub, Brewfontaine.     has boosted sales to liquor
            before  the  virus  outbreak  half  their  annual  revenue  revenue they need.         Rammel,     who    worried  stores as more people drink
            have  just  about  vanished.  during  the  holiday  shop-  Restaurants  face  a  diffi-  about the future of his Belle-  at  home.  Overall  sales
            Large  in-person  gatherings  ping  season,  as  do  many  cult time as state and local  fontaine,  Ohio,  business  won't double, as they had
            that  companies  typically  of their suppliers. Any busi-  governments limit the num-  when  he  was  interviewed  every year since the brand
            use  to  launch  or  promote  ness  connected  with  holi-  ber  of  people  they  can  by  The  Associated  Press  in  launched in 2017, but Ash-
            their brands aren't possible  day  parties  and  celebra-  serve.  The  impact  of  the  April,  said  he's  "hanging  in  ley  Purdum,  marketing  di-
            because of social distanc-   tions  also  has  high  hopes  social  distancing  can  be  there"  but  still  concerned  rector  for  Barking  Irons,  is
            ing requirements.            for the October-December  seen in sales figures — the  because  dining  is  limited  hoping to break even.
            "The  fourth  quarter  was  al-  period.                  National Restaurant Associ-  by  social  distancing.  With  "If we can just remain even
            ways  the  bulk  of  my  busi-  But  conditions  are  dicey  ation reported that 70% of  tables  six  feet  apart,  he  in  a  time  of  pandemic,  if
            ness,"  says  D'Angelo,  who  this  year.  The  coronavirus  restaurants suffered a drop  can  serve  65  people  at  we can hit our same num-
            owns  Boston  Experiential  has devastated many small  in  revenue  during  August  Brewfontaine instead of his  bers  as  last  year,  we'll  be
            Group, based in Boston.      businesses;  it's  estimated  from a year earlier.        full capacity of 100. And he  happy," she says.
            D'Angelo  has  had  to  get  that hundreds of thousands  Ohio's  restrictions  forced  has to stop serving alcohol  Business  is  down  sharply
            creative.  She's  using  her  already  have  closed  for-  Adam  Rammel  to  at  least  at 10 p.m., four hours earlier  during  what's  normally  the
            expertise  to  arrange  small  ever. Many of the survivors  temporarily abandon plans  than  pre-pandemic.  Com-    busy season for Tower Press,
            gatherings   like   holiday-  are  expected  to  struggle  for  a  catering  and  event  bined  revenue  from  both  a  manufacturer  of  promo-
            themed dinners and parties  further  during  this  quarter,  space  designed  for  par-  restaurants  is  down  more  tional  items  like  pins  and
            at  people's  homes,  usually  especially  as  cases  of  the  ties,  in  time  for  the  holi-  than  a  third  from  where  shot  glasses.  Trade  shows
            for no more than 10 guests.   virus  surge  in  some  areas  days. Rather than have the  Rammel projected it would  and   conferences    have
            The  fourth  quarter  is  a  key  of  the  country.  More  busi-  space  sit  unused,  Rammel  be.                  been  canceled,  so  com-
            time  for  many  industries  nesses  —  restaurants  and  turned  it  into  The  Syndi-  "I  don't  think  there's  any  panies  no  longer  need  to
            and companies of all sizes.  retailers in particular — will  cate, a restaurant located  chance to break even with  order  giveaways  to  hand
            Some retailers typically ex-  likely  go  out  of  business  if  next  door  to  his  5-year-old  where we expected to be,"  out to attendees. q

            Report: Iowa’s derecho crop losses increase by more than 50%

            DES  MOINES,  Iowa  (AP)  —  of up to 140 mph (225 kph)  are  asking  crop  insurance
            Crop  loss  estimates  from  that  flattened  crops.  The  adjusters  to  take  another
            a  rare  wind  storm  that  damage  then  was  com-       look at their fields after find-
            slammed  Iowa  in  August  pounded  in  late  summer  ing it more difficult than ex-
            have  increased  by  more  with  a  drought  that,  at  its  pected.
            than  50%,  a  new  report  peak, encompassed much  "Crops  can  deteriorate,"
            shows.                       of  the  state.  The  drought  said Naig, who was helping
            The U.S. Department of Ag-   is  again  expanding  after  his  father  harvest  corn  in
            riculture said Friday that the  some September rainfall.  northwest Iowa. "It's a really
            number of crop acres that  Iowa  Agriculture  Secretary  dynamic situation."
            Iowa  farmers  are  unable  Mike Naig said he expects  "I've seen the gamut: Corn
            to  harvest  has  grown  to  the number of lost acres will  down,  flat  as  a  carpet.
            850,000  (343,983  hectares)  climb even more as grow-    Some  leaning.  Some  half-
            from  estimates  last  month  ers  move  deeper  into  the  way  down.  And  some  al-
            that 550,000 acres (222,577  harvest.  Usually,  farmers  most normal," said Swenka,
            hectares) were lost, The Des  will  try  to  harvest  downed  whose crop near Iowa City   In  this  Aug.  20,  2020  file  photo,  a  cornfield  damaged  in  the
            Moines Register reported.    corn,  salvaging  what  they  goes  to  feed  his  purebred   derecho earlier this month is seen on the Rod Pierce farm near
            The  storm,  known  as  a  can. But Naig said he said  black  Angus  cattle.  "I've    Woodward, Iowa.
            derecho, generated winds  he  has  heard  that  many  had the whole extreme." q                                                 Associated Press
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