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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 1 February 2022
Georgia DA investigating Trump asks FBI for security help
By KATE BRUMBACK looking into his actions, call-
Associated Press ing them "vicious, horrible
ATLANTA (AP) — The pros- people" and "racists." The
ecutor who's investigating rhetoric is especially alarm-
whether Donald Trump and ing, Willis wrote, in light of
others broke the law by try- Trump's suggestion that if he
ing to pressure Georgia offi- returns to the White House,
cials to overturn Joe Biden's he could give pardons to
presidential election victory people who stormed the
is asking the FBI for security U.S. Capitol last year in an
help after the former presi- effort to block the certifica-
dent railed against prose- tion of Biden's win.
cutors investigating him. "We must work together
Fulton County District At- to keep the public safe
torney Fani Willis on Sun- and ensure that we do not
day wrote a letter to the have a tragedy in Atlanta
FBI office in Atlanta asking similar to what happened
for a risk assessment of the at the United States Capitol
county courthouse, where on January 6, 2021," Willis
her office is located, and wrote in the letter to the FBI.
government center. She Jenna Sellitto, a spokesper-
also asked the FBI to pro- son for the FBI in Atlanta,
vide protective resources, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis speaks during an interview at her office, Feb. 24, 2021, confirmed receipt of the
"to include intelligence and in Atlanta. letter but declined to com-
federal agents." Associated Press ment further.
At his rally Saturday night In his pushback against
outside Houston, Trump in Washington, D.C, in New investigation into any po- She added that her office the various investigations
lashed out against the on- York, in Atlanta and else- tential attempts to improp- has already taken steps to centered on him, Trump
going investigations in New where, because our coun- erly influence the 2020 gen- address security concerns has taken particular aim at
York, Georgia and Wash- try and our elections are eral election in Georgia by "considering the communi- New York Attorney General
ington and called on his corrupt," Trump said. Trump and his associates. A cations we have received Letitia James, who recently
supporters to stage mass The comments were par- special grand jury is set to from persons unhappy with said her office has uncov-
protests if he is mistreated ticularly notable given be seated May 2 to aid in our commitment to fulfill ered evidence that Trump's
by them. In her letter, Willis Trump's role in inciting the that investigation and Wil- our duties." She said she's company used "fraudulent
quoted comments Trump Jan. 6, 2021, storming of lis asked the FBI to take the also working with county or misleading" valuations
made at the rally. the Capitol building. Trump steps she requested well in officials on the need for ex- of his properties to secure
"If these radical, vicious, also suggested he might advance of that date. tra security measures as the loans and tax benefits. That
racist prosecutors do any- pardon those charged for "My staff and I will not be investigation progresses. includes playing a video
thing wrong or illegal, I their role in the riot if he runs influenced or intimidated But she said security con- at a previous rally that fea-
hope we are going to have for president again and by anyone as this investiga- cerns were "escalated" tures footage of her vowing
in this country the biggest wins reelection. tion moves forward," Willis over the weekend as Trump to take on Trump as she ran
protest we have ever had Willis last year opened an wrote. focused on the prosecutors for election.q
HUD prioritizes environment, economic equity in bloc grants
By ASHRAF KHALIL gan, Hurricane Zeta in Mis- The guidelines have been
WASHINGTON (AP) — The sissippi, and earthquakes largely expected, and HUD
Department of Housing and Tropical Storm Isaias in Secretary Marcia L. Fudge
and Urban Development Puerto Rico. spoke of these specific pri-
has laid out new guidelines These block grants tradi- orities when then grants
for the disbursal of $2 bil- tionally come with a great were first announced in No-
lion in disaster-relief block deal of flexibility for local vember 2021.
grants, with an emphasis authorities and recipient Fudge said at the time that
on climate-change mitiga- agencies to decide where the disbursal of the funds
tion and equity for under- best to target the funds de- would reflect President Joe
served communities. pending on the nature of Biden's emphasis on "ad-
The new guidelines, pub- the disaster. For example, dressing climate justice in
lished Monday in the Fed- wildfires tend to largely hard-hit communities," and
eral Register, spell out spe- destroy buildings and resi- "building long-term and in-
cific priorities for the use of dences, while storms and clusive resilience to the im-
the funds by state and lo- hurricanes often do the pacts of climate change, Mark Andollina, left, and Shane Holder, remove part of a roof
cal agencies that receive most damage to infrastruc- particularly for underserved damaged by Hurricane Zeta from the road at the Cajun Tide
the Community Develop- ture like bridges, sewers and marginalized commu- Beach Resort in Grand Isle, La., Oct. 30, 2020.
ment Block Grants. and electrical grids. nities." Associated Press
The funds were allocated Most of that flexibility will HUD spokesman Michael
last year to aid in relief ef- remain, but HUD is now Burns said the agency "have been systematically ed by the grants will need
forts for disasters that took directing recipient agen- is defining underserved denied a full opportunity to be built to green stan-
place in 2020 in 10 states cies to prioritize long-term communities as areas that to participate in aspects dards that emphasis ener-
and territories. These in- environmental resilience "were economically dis- of economic, social, and gy efficiency and resilience
clude: wildfires in California, and serving traditionally tressed before the disas- civic life." against similar disasters
a dam collapse in Michi- marginalized populations. ter" and populations that All new construction fund- down the line.q