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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Tuesday 1 February 2022
             Mandate to vaccinate New Orleans schoolchildren kicking in

            By REBECCA SANTANA                                                                                                  on Reinventing Public Edu-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    cation  suggested  that  the
            NEW  ORLEANS  (AP)  —  As                                                                                           charter  schools'  habit  of
            school  systems  across  the                                                                                        operating   independently
            U.S. struggle to keep class-                                                                                        might  have  played  a  role
            rooms open amid the pan-                                                                                            in their support for the vac-
            demic,  New  Orleans  is  set                                                                                       cine requirement.
            to become the nation's first                                                                                        The measure is also in step
            major  district  to  mandate                                                                                        with  others  taken  by  the
            COVID-19  vaccinations  for                                                                                         city  at  large  to  curb  the
            children  5  and  up,  though                                                                                       virus,  including  a  recently
            state  regulations  will  allow                                                                                     reinstituted mask mandate
            parents to opt out easily.                                                                                          and  vaccination  require-
            Ahead of Tuesday's  dead-                                                                                           ments  for  everyone  5  and
            line,  many  schools  in  the                                                                                       older to enter certain plac-
            city  have  been  holding                                                                                           es, such as restaurants.
            vaccination events, includ-                                                                                         A few other school districts
            ing  one  at  KIPP  Believe                                                                                         around  the  country  have
            school.                                                                                                             taken   similar   measures.
            One by one, dozens of chil-                                                                                         Students  in  Washington,
            dren presented their signed                                                                                         D.C.,  will  be  required  to
            permission slips, pushed up   A young boy walks down a hallway to get tested for COVID-19 at L.B. Landry High School in the   be  vaccinated  by  March
            the  sleeves  of  their  pale   Algiers neighborhood of New Orleans, on Jan. 3, 2022.                               1.  The  Los  Angeles  school
            yellow school uniform shirts                                                                       Associated Press  system  delayed  a  require-
            and  —  often  wincing,  but                                                                                        ment  that students 12 and
            rarely  with  tears  —  re-  won't  lead  to  youngsters  parents  can  obtain  waiv-  thousands  of  students  are  up  be  vaccinated  after  it
            ceived  a  shot.  Then  they  being kicked out of school  ers  from  any  immunization  tested weekly. There's been  became  clear  that  thou-
            got candy.                   come Tuesday.                simply  by  citing  medical,  little  of  the  public  contro-  sands of unvaccinated stu-
            Some said they had loved  Waivers for those opposed  religious  or  philosophical  versy seen in other districts,  dents who didn't meet the
            ones  who  had  gotten  the  to vaccination are easy to  objections.                   where parents have berat-    requirement would have to
            coronavirus and wanted to  obtain  under  state  regula-  Tulane University epidemiol-  ed school boards.           do online learning.
            do what they could to pro-   tions, and schools will work  ogist Susan Hassig said that  Henderson  said  the  man-  But many states have gone
            tect  their  families.  Others  with  students  who  aren't  even  with  the  waiver  op-  date was a bottom-up de-  the other direction, in some
            said their parents decided.  inoculated,  he  said.  But  tion, the mandate is a good  cision,  with  charter  school  cases banning schools from
            Eight-year-old  Nyla  Carey  eventually  everyone  will  way  to  get  students  vac-  operators across the district  mandating  the vaccine.
            had talked to her mother.    have  to  be  vaccinated  or  cinated.  She  said  parents  submitting  letters  of  sup-  About  55%  of  all  5-  to
            "She  said  that  the  COVID  have a waiver.              who were a little unsure or  port, as opposed to district  17-year-olds in New Orleans
            shot  was  to  protect  you.  New  Orleans  is  a  Demo-  hadn't  gotten  around  to  it  officials imposing the policy  have had at least one dose
            And  so  now  I  want  to  be  cratic  enclave  in  a  red  will have a stronger motiva-  on their own.             of the vaccine, according
            brave,"  the  third-grader  state, and the city and the  tion to get their kids' shots.  About   one-quarter   of  to  city  figures.  Statewide
            said before going back to  district  are  outliers  in  the  The  New  Orleans  public  the  district's  schools  were  the  number  is  about  26%.
            class.                       South, where many parents  school  system  consists  en-  closed  to  in-person  learn-  That compares with 66% of
            Schools     Superintendent  and  elected  officials  have  tirely  of  charter  schools,  ing  in  mid-January  as  the  12- to 17-year-olds and 30%
            Henderson  Lewis  said  the  balked at measures to con-   which  are  taxpayer-sup-    omicron  wave  hit  staff  of 5- to 11-year-olds nation-
            requirement,  announced  trol the coronavirus.            ported  but  independently  members and students, ac-     ally, according to the Cen-
            in December  in the district  In  fact,  Louisiana  Health  operated.  It  has  a  mask  cording to Henderson.      ters for Disease Control and
            of  nearly  46,000  students,  Department guidelines  say  mandate  in  place,  and  Christine Pitts of the Center  Prevention.q

            Family wants no contact with woman facing terrorism charge

                                         —  The  family  of  a  Kansas  the judge that he had been  that  she  preferred  to  be  an Islamic State unit called
                                         woman charged with join-     in contact with Ekren's par-  addressed  as  Ekren.  The  "Khatiba  Nusaybah"  in  the
                                         ing the Islamic State group  ents and her adult children,  Justice  Department  used  Syrian city of Raqqa in late
                                         and  leading  an  all-female  and all had said they want-  her full name, Allison Fluke-  2016.  The  all-female  unit
                                         battalion  says  they  want  ed no contact with her.      Ekren,  when  it  announced  was  trained  in  the  use  of
                                         nothing  to  do  with  her,  a  The magistrate judge, Ivan  charges  against  her  Satur-  AK-47  rifles,  grenades  and
                                         prosecutor said Monday.      Davis,  said  he  had  little  day.                       suicide belts.
                                         Allison  Ekren,  42,  made  ability  to  keep  her  from  Prosecutors say Ekren want-  According  to  court  pa-
                                         an  initial  appearance  on  reaching  out  to  her  fam-  ed  to  recruit  operatives  to  pers, Ekren moved to Egypt
                                         Monday  afternoon  in  U.S.  ily  from  jail,  but  told  Ekren  attack a college campus in  in  2008  and  traveled  fre-
                                         District Court in Alexandria.  he  would  take  it  into  ac-  the U.S. and discussed the  quently  between  Egypt
                                         The  hearing  lasted  only  count at Thursday's hearing  idea  of  attacking  a  shop-  and the U.S. over the next
                                         minutes;  she  was  ordered  if she contacted her family  ping mall. She told one wit-  three  years.  She  has  not
                                         to remain in jail pending a  against their wishes.        ness  that  "she  considered  been in the U.S. since 2011.
            This  undated  photo  provided
            by the Alexandria, Va., Sher-  detention  hearing  set  for  Ekren,  speaking  in  a  soft-  any  attack  that  did  not  Prosecutors  believe  she
            iff's  Office  in  January  2022   Thursday  afternoon,  and  spoken  voice  and  wear-  kill  a  large  number  of  indi-  moved  to  Syria  around
            shows Allison Fluke-Ekren.   an attorney was appointed  ing  an  inmate  jumpsuit  viduals to be a waste of re-     2012.
                        Associated Press   to represent her.          and  headscarf,  said  she  sources,"  according  to  an  Ekren's  newly  appointed
                                         At the end of the hearing,  understood  the  restriction.  FBI affidavit.              attorney,   Joseph   King,
            By MATTHEW BARAKAT           though,  First  Assistant  U.S.  She  also  told  the  judge,  in  The  affidavit  also  alleges  declined  comment  after
            ALEXANDRIA,     Va.    (AP)  Attorney  Raj  Parekh  told  response  to  his  question,  Ekren  became  leader  of  Monday's hearing.q
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