Page 9 - aruba-today-20220201
P. 9

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 1 February 2022

            The Prime Minister of Aruba

            congratulates Honduras for its first

            female president Xiomara Castro

            ORANJESTAD  -  On  Thurs-    the  Dutch  Kingdom.  Both  ers,  the  women  will  bring
            day, January 27, 2022, the  leaders  have  known  each  other  things  to  the  table,
            Prime Minister of Aruba at-  other for a while now. Ac-   like comprehension, empa-
            tended  the  inauguration  cording to the Prime Minis-    thy, and feelings. This is very
            of  the  Honduran  president  ter, Aruba needs to expand  important  in  the  recovery
            Mrs. Xiomara Castro.         its  ties  with  Honduras.  “We  from  the  Global  Covid  cri-
                                         are  currently  in  the  recov-  sis. That is why I support the
            President  Castro  is  the  first  ery phase of Covid, and it  Honduran  President”,  the
            female President of Hondu-   is  important  to  seek  inves-  Prime Minister stated.
            ras,  making  this  occasion  tors  to  rebuild  our  island.  The  Prime  Minister  ex-
            extra  special.  The  Prime  What  Covid  has  taught  us  pressed  gratitude  for  the
            Minister  of  Aruba,  Aruba’s  is  the  importance  of  work-  opportunity,   hospitality,
            first  female  Prime  Minister,  ing together and having al-  and warm welcome in Hon-
            attended the inauguration  liances”.                      duras. The Prime Minister on
            ceremony representing the                                 behalf  of  the  Government
            Dutch Kingdom. During an  Support of female leaders       of Aruba and the commu-
            interview with Honduran TV  The  Prime  Minister  men-    nity of Aruba congratulates
            channel 11, the Prime Min-   tioned that it is more com-  the  people  of  Honduras
            ister explained that she did  mon to have male leaders.  with  their  new  President
            not  hesitate  to  be  part  of  That is why it is imperative to  Xiomara Castro. She hopes
            this  historic  event  for  Hon-  support each other. “Once  that the Hondurans support
            duras  when  she  received  companies  and  organiza-     their  new  president  in  her
            the  invitation  to  represent  tions  have  female  lead-  endeavors.q

                                                                      CMMA Webinar:

                                                                      Human trafficking and smuggling

                                                                      ment”,  meaning  that  all  continue to share informa-    shared  their  expertise  on
                                                                      relevant  departments  are  tion with those who work in  how  to  put  their  cases  to-
                                                                      working  jointly  at  the  bor-  law enforcement, including  gether.
                                                                      ders.  One  of  the  invest-  judges and prosecutors.     The  focus  of  the  webinar
                                                                      ments includes” Interpol at  The  current  trajectory  is  was  on  the  investigation
                                                                      the borders”, and more will  long  from  the  first  notifi-  part,  for  example,  what
                                                                      be  invested  in  workshops  cation  of  human  traffick-  one  has  to  take  into  ac-
            ORANJESTAD  -  Recently,  Security, and INTERPOL).        and  seminars  to  create  ing  and  smuggling  until  it  count to have a solid case
            the Minister of Justice, Roc-  In connection with the phe-  awareness.  Over  130  par-  reaches  the  courthouse.  when  presenting  this  in
            co  Tjon,  officially  opened  nomena  of  Human  Traf-   ticipants  from  all  parts  of  Human  trafficking  is  very  court.  There  will  be  more
            the  Webinar:  Human  traf-  ficking  and  Human  Smug-   the Dutch Kingdom, like the  complicated  and  requires  speakers  who  will  share
            ficking  and  smuggling  or-  gling,  the  CMMA  held  an  Netherlands,  St.  Maarten,  adequate  information.  To  their  knowledge  with  the
            ganized  by  the  Coordina-  intensive campaign called  and Bonaire, attended this  help  share  this  informa-     participants.
            tion Center Human Traffick-  “open your eyes” to create  webinar.                      tion  with  the  participants,  The Minister expressed grat-
            ing.                         awareness  about  this  sub-  According  to  the  CMMA  the  organizers  invited  two  itude for the great initiative
                                         ject.                        coordinator,  Mrs.  Jeanette  Dutch experts with over 20  of  the  CMMA.  This  type  of
            The webinar Human Smug-      The  authorities  have  in-  Richardson,  they opted for  years  of  experience  in  the  seminar  is  essential  for  the
            gling “CMMA” was held at  vested  more  in  securing  the virtual seminar because  human  trafficking  and  hu-     many Government depart-
            the  (National  Central  Bu-  the coastal border through  of the pandemic. With this  man  smuggling  field  and  ments  and  partners  within
            reau  for  Counterterrorism,  the  active  “border  agree-  webinar,  the  CMMA  will  the public prosecutor. They  the Dutch Kingdom.q
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