Page 14 - aruba-today-20220201
P. 14

a14   people & arts
                  Tuesday 1 February 2022
            Rogan responds to Spotify protest, COVID advisories

            By JAKE COYLE                                                                                                       statement.  "We  have  con-
            AP Film Writer                                                                                                      tinued  to  express  our  con-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Following                                                                                           cerns  to  Spotify  to  ensure
            protests  of  Spotify  kicked                                                                                       changes to its platform are
            off by Neil Young over the                                                                                          made  to  help  address  this
            spread  of  COVID-19  vac-                                                                                          public health crisis. We look
            cine  misinformation,  the                                                                                          to Spotify to meet this mo-
            music  streaming  service                                                                                           ment  and  are  committed
            said that it will add content                                                                                       to  continuing  our  work  to-
            advisories before podcasts                                                                                          gether as it does."
            discussing the virus.                                                                                               Earlier Sunday, Nils Lofgren,
            In  a  post  Sunday,  Spotify                                                                                       the  Bruce  Springsteen  gui-
            chief  executive  Daniel  Ek                                                                                        tarist  and  a  member  of
            laid  out  more  transparent                                                                                        Crazy  Horse,  a  frequent
            platform  rules  given  the                                                                                         collaborator  with  Young,
            backlash  stirred  by  Young,                                                                                       said he was joining Young's
            who  on  Wednesday  had                                                                                             Spotify  revolt.  Lofgren  said
            his  music  removed  from                                                                                           he  had  already  had  the
            Spotify after the tech giant                                                                                        last  27  years  of  his  music
            declined  to  get  rid  of  epi-                                                                                    removed  and  requested
            sodes of "The Joe Rogan Ex-                                                                                         labels with his earlier music
            perience," which has been                                                                                           to do likewise.
            criticized for spreading virus                                                                                      "We  encourage  all  musi-
            misinformation.                                                                                                     cians, artists and music lov-
            "Personally, there are plen-                                                                                        ers  everywhere  to  stand
            ty  of  individuals  and  views                                                                                     with  us  and  cut  ties  with
            on  Spotify  that  I  disagree                                                                                      Spotify," wrote Lofgren in a
            with  strongly,"  wrote  Ek.  "It   This combination photo shows Neil Young in Calabasas, Calif., on May 18, 2016, left, and UFC an-  statement.
            is important to me that we   nouncer and podcaster Joe Rogan before a UFC on FOX 5 event in Seattle, Dec. 7, 2012.   On Friday,  Joni Mitchell said
            don't  take  on  the  position                                                                    Associated Press  she  is  seeking  to  remove
            of  being  content  censor                                                                                          all  of  her  music  from  Spo-
            while also making sure that  have  conversations  on  his  ed that he earlier sat down  Britain's Prince Harry and his  tify  in solidarity with Young.
            there are rules in place and  podcast  with  people  who  on the show with Dr. Sanjay  wife,  Meghan,  Duchess  of  Earlier,  hundreds  of  scien-
            consequences  for  those  have "differing opinions."      Gupta,  the  chief  medical  Sussex, who have signed a  tists,  professors  and  public
            who violate them."           "I'm  not  trying  to  promote  correspondent for CNN, Dr.  multi-year deal to produce  health  experts  called  on
            Ek  said  that  the  advisories  misinformation,  I'm  not  try-  Michael  Osterholm,  who  is  and host podcasts for Spo-  Spotify  "to  immediately  es-
            will  link  to  Spotify's  fact-  ing to be controversial," Ro-  a member of President Joe  tify  under  their  production  tablish  a  clear  and  public
            based  COVID-19  hub  in  gan said. "I've never tried to  Biden's  COVID-19  advisory  company Archewell Audio,  policy  to  moderate  misin-
            what  he  described  as  a  do  anything  with  this  pod-  board,  and  Dr.  Peter  Ho-  on Sunday urged Spotify to  formation  on  its  platform."
            "new effort to combat mis-   cast other than to just talk  tez  from  Baylor  College  of  tame virus misinformation.  Their criticism focused on a
            information." It will roll out in  to people."            Medicine.                    "Last April, our co-founders  Dec. 31 episode from "The
            the  coming  days,  Ek  said.  He also said that he sched-  Rogan  additionally  wel-  began    expressing   con-   Joe  Rogan  Experience"  in
            He  did  not  specifically  ref-  ules the guests on his pod-  comed the idea of adding  cerns  to  our  partners  at  which  Rogan  featured  Dr.
            erence Rogan or Young.       cast  himself,  and  that  he  advisories before podcasts  Spotify  about  the  all  too  Robert  Malone,  an  infec-
            Rogan  responded  to  the  would  try  to  book  doctors  related to COVID-19.         real consequences of CO-     tious-disease specialist who
            fallout  on  Sunday,  saying  with different opinions right  "Sure,  have  that  on  there.  VID-19  misinformation  on  has  been  banned  from
            in  a  video  on  Instagram  after  he  talks  to  "the  con-  I'm  very  happy  with  that,"  its  platform,"  an  Archewell  Twitter for spreading COV-
            that he was only seeking to  troversial ones." Rogan not-  he said.                    spokesperson  said  in  a  ID-19.q

              #MeToo protest in Amsterdam after allegations at TV show

                                                                      AMSTERDAM  (AP)  —  Hun-     two  panelists  who  have  calls in the Netherlands for
                                                                      dreds of people protested  appeared  on  the  show  in  more action to make work-
                                                                      Saturday  in  Amsterdam  in  recent years and its pianist  places safer for women.
                                                                      a  #MeToo  demonstration  and  band  leader  of  inap-   Labor  union  FNV  said  this
                                                                      sparked  by  allegations  of  propriate  and  unwanted  week  that  "nearly  five
                                                                      sexual  impropriety  linked  sexual advances.            years after #MeToo, shock-
                                                                      to a popular Dutch TV tal-   The  two  coaches,  both  ingly  little  has  changed  in
                                                                      ent show.                    popular Dutch performers,  tackling  workplace  sexual
                                                                      The demonstration on Am-     have denied wrongdoing.  intimidation" and called on
                                                                      sterdam's    Museumplein  The  bandleader  apolo-        the government to tighten
                                                                      square  was  organized  fol-  gized  and  resigned  from  laws.
                                                                      lowing  reports  of  sexual  the show.                   FNV  vice  president  Kitty
                                                                      harassment,  ranging  from  While a number of women  Jong  said  that  the  alle-
                                                                      WhatsApp messages to an  have made complaints to  gations  about  "The  Voice
                                                                      allegation  of  rape,  linked  law  enforcement  authori-  Of  Holland"  clearly  show
              Hundreds  of  people  protested  in  Amsterdam,  Netherlands,
              Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022, in a #MeToo demonstration sparked   to "The Voice of Holland."  ties,  prosecutors  have  not  "that women in vulnerable
              by  allegations  of  sexual  improprieties  linked  to  a  popular   The popular show was tak-  yet  announced  whether  positions have too few re-
              Dutch TV talent show.                                   en  off  the  air  two  weeks  they will charge anybody.  sources  to  address  sexual
                                                     Associated Press  ago after women accused  The  scandal  has  led  to  harassment."q
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