Page 12 - aruba-today-20220201
P. 12

A12   technology
                  Tuesday 1 February 2022
                                                                      Safety app for drivers debuts in flood-

                                                                      plagued Virginia city

                                                                                                                                "It's  kind  of  like  a  living
                                                                                                                                thing,"  Spencer  said.  "The
                                                                                                                                feedback  loop  can  help
                                                                                                                                make  these  models  even
                                                                                                                                Norfolk,  a  city  of  nearly
                                                                                                                                250,000 people, is an ideal
                                                                                                                                testing  ground.  It's  more
                                                                                                                                threatened  than  any  oth-
                                                                                                                                er  place  on  the  Atlantic
                                                                                                                                Coast by the combination
                                                                                                                                of  sinking  land  and  rising
                                                                                                                                seas, said Molly Mitchell, a
                                                                                                                                Virginia  Institute  of  Marine
                                                                      This  image  provided  by  Kyle  Spencer,  acting  chief  resilience   Science professor.
                                                                      officer for the city of Norfolk, shows a flooded intersection along
                                                                      with a screenshot of the traffic app Waze depiction of the flood   Water  levels  have  risen  by
                                                                      area in Norfolk, Va.                                      about  1.5  feet  (.5  meters)
                                                                                                               Associated Press  since  1928.  They're  pro-
                                                                                                                                jected  to  rise  by  close  to
                                                                      NORFOLK,  Va.  (AP)  —  The  cities around the world are  another 1.5 feet by 2050 —
                                                                      sun  was  shining  when  Kim  trying  to  adapt  to  climate  or more depending on the
                                                                      Williams  hopped  in  her  change. And it's an exam-      Earth's rising temperatures.
                                                                      Honda  Odyssey  to  visit  a  ple of how new technology  The  Chesapeake  Bay  and
                                                                      friend  at  a  nursing  home.  will likely play an increasing  the  Elizabeth  River  form  a
                                                                      But an unexpected down-      role.                        crescent  of  water  around
                                                                      pour on the drive back left  The pilot program in Norfolk  three sides of the city, while
                                                                      her  trapped  in  a  maze  of  went  live  this  month  after  other tributaries flow into its
                                                                      flooded streets.             two years of development.  interior.  During  high  tides,
                                                                      Williams  made  turn  after  FloodMapp  CEO  Juliette  rains  can  overwhelm  sew-
                                                                      turn  to  avoid  rising  waters  Murphy said the firm's mod-  ers  and  have  nowhere  to
                                                                      in  a  century-old  neighbor-  eling has proved to be "in-  go  but  low-lying  streets.
                                                                      hood  in  Norfolk  before  credibly  accurate"  along  Flooding affects truck traffic
                                                                      shutting off her minivan.    the  streets  of  this  low-lying  heading  to  and  from  port
                                                                      "I knew that I would kill the  city  on  the  Chesapeake  terminals.  And  it  impedes
                                                                      car  if  I  kept  driving,"  Wil-  Bay.                   the ability of U.S. Navy sail-
                                                                      liams said of the storm from  FloodMapp  feeds  data  ors  to  quickly  reach  the
                                                                      a  few  years  ago.  "I  called  from  rain  forecasts,  tide  world's  largest  naval  base,
                                                                      the tow company and they  gauges  and  Norfolk's  ter-    where  piers  are  lined  with
                                                                      said,  'We'll  get  to  it  when  rain into an algorithm. Driv-  aircraft carriers.
                                                                      we can. We've got a very  ers  are  warned  on  Waze  Marc  Rabinowitz,  a  now-
                                                                      long list.'"                 when at least 6 inches (15  retired  psychoanalyst,  lost
                                                                      The  increasing  threat  of  centimeters)  of  water  has  his Saab in a nor'easter sev-
                                                                      sea-level  rise  on  Virginia's  likely pooled on a specific  eral  years  ago.  Floodwa-
                                                                      coast means that an after-   roadway.  New  flood  infor-  ters  blocked  his  commute
                                                                      noon  rainstorm  can  strand  mation is updated every 15  to work. He turned down a
                                                                      drivers for hours, delay par-  minutes.  Kyle Spencer, who  one-way  street  the  wrong
                                                                      ents  from  picking  up  chil-  is helping Norfolk adapt to  way  because  it  looked
                                                                      dren and damage cars be-     sea-level  rise  as  its  acting  clear.
                                                                      yond repair – all without a  chief resilience officer, said  "I got about halfway down,
                                                                      tropical storm on the radar.  a  single  storm  can  strand  and  water  just  starts  filling
                                                                      The city of Norfolk is trying to  hundreds  of  vehicles.  The  up  the  car,"  he  said.  "The
                                                                      do  something  about  that:  plan is for Waze to eventu-  car  clogs.  It  stops  running.
                                                                      Officials  have  partnered  ally reroute drivers when a  Luckily,  a  colleague  who
                                                                      with  the  tech  firm  Flood-  road  floods  with  12  inches  was  walking  to  work  starts
                                                                      Mapp  and  the  Waze  traf-  (30 centimeters) of water.   pushing me off to the side."
                                                                      fic app to warn residents of  The  app's  accuracy  will  Drivers also face unpredict-
                                                                      flooded  roadways  in  real  improve, Spencer said, be-   able  "rain  bombs,"  which
                                                                      time.  The  project  is  being  cause  drivers  will  validate  can dump an inch of water
                                                                      launched  at  a  time  when  Waze's warnings.             in 30 minutes on an isolated
                                                                                                                                area. Marc Vigeant, a proj-
                                                                                                                                ect manager for a marine
                                                                                                                                construction    company,
                                                                                                                                was caught in one in 2020
                                                                                                                                when he left work.
                                                                                                                                Water pooled around him.
                                                                                                                                He searched Google Earth
                                                                                                                                for  higher  elevation  and
                                                                                                                                quickly  drove  his  Toyota
                                                                                                                                Corolla  to  a  nearby  park-
                                                                                                                                ing lot.q
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