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A16   sports
                  Tuesday 1 February 2022
             Improbable run has Bengals saying "Why not us?"

            By TIM DAHLBERG                                                                                                     for  every  mistake  they
            AP Sports Columnist                                                                                                 made.
            Money  Mac  was  going  to                                                                                          "We've been a second half
            deliver,  just  as  Joe  Burrow                                                                                     team all year," Burrow said.
            did a few moments earlier                                                                                           "We didn't want to be that
            and  the  Bengals'  defense                                                                                         way but that's kind of how it
            did  for  the  entire  second                                                                                       worked out."
            half  and  more.  They  had                                                                                         That's  probably  not  the
            come too far down this im-                                                                                          best  game  plan  for  a  Su-
            probable road not to finish                                                                                         per Bowl, but these Bengals
            things  off,  even  if  history                                                                                     seem to believe, all the way
            and  the  wrong  end  of  a                                                                                         from the top on down. Tay-
            coin flip threatened to de-                                                                                         lor talked afterward how he
            rail their best laid plans.                                                                                         expected his tired defense
            Evan  McPherson  —  aka                                                                                             to come up with a big play
            Money Mac — was as good                                                                                             to begin overtime — and it
            with his game winner as a                                                                                           did.  He  talked  about  Bur-
            handful of $100 bills, not to                                                                                       row always seeming to find
            anyone's  surprise.  This  was                                                                                      some  way  to  gain  yards
            a kicker, you might remem-                                                                                          when needed most, some-
            ber,  who  told  teammates                                                                                          thing he did from the sec-
            last  week  that  they  were                                                                                        ond quarter on.
            going to the AFC champi-     Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow (9) holds the Lamar Hunt trophy after an AFC cham-  And he talked about what
            onship  game  even  before   pionship NFL football game against the Kansas City Chiefs, Sunday, Jan. 30, 2022, in Kansas City,   it meant to a city that nev-
            he hit the winning field goal   Mo.                                                                                 er gets a mention when the
            to beat Tennessee.                                                                                Associated Press  conversation  turns  to  the
            What  was  surprising  was                                                                                          NFL elite.
            Patrick  Mahomes  made  a  They're  not  content  just  to  Fade them at your own risk,  beating  and  looked  for  a  "You  can't  help  but  think
            big mistake in a game the  be there.                      though,  or  you  might  end  warm place to relax during  about all the people back
            Kansas  City  Chiefs  were  "We  were  made  for  this  up like the bettor who put  the offseason.                  in  Cincinnati  celebrating
            about  to  put  away  as  the  moment," said safety Vonn  $200,000  on  the  Chiefs  at  But  a  funny  thing  hap-  right now," Taylor said. "I'm
            final seconds ran out in the  Bell,  whose  interception  of  Caesars  Sportsbook  when  pened.  The  Chiefs  failed  so happy for the city of Cin-
            first half. Even more surpris-  a  tipped  pass  led  to  the  they were up 21-3, certain  to  score  the  touchdown  cinnati.  They've  waited  for
            ing was the way an unher-    winning field goal. "Why not  that  the  paltry  10  grand  just  before  halftime  that  this moment."
            alded  Cincinnati  defense  us?                           they  would  have  made  might  have  put  the  game  They  got  what  they  were
            suddenly rose up to put the  That  question  would  have  was free money indeed.       out  of  reach.  Mahomes  waiting  for,  33  years  after
            clamps  on  the  high-pow-   been laughable two years  "It's  a  special  team  capa-  compounded      the   error  losing  to  San  Francisco  in
            ered  Chiefs,  then  made  a  ago  when  the  Bengals  ble of doing special things,"  with an ill-advised toss that  the  Super  Bowl.  The  Ben-
            play in overtime that made  were the worst team in the  Bengals  coach  Zac  Taylor  cost them a field goal, too,  gals  delivered  to  a  man,
            the lost coin flip moot.     NFL.  There  weren't  a  lot  of  said.  "We're  not  surprised,  when  time  ran  out  at  the  and  their  rookie  kicker  fin-
            Who  Dey?  Not  too  many  believers  when  the  play-    it's  where  we  were  meant  half.                       ished off the 27-24 win with
            people  outside  Cincinnati  offs  began  three  weeks  to be."                        From  then  on,  the  Chiefs  his 12th field goal in 12 post-
            knew just a few weeks ago.  ago,  either,  even  as  Bur-  The way the Chiefs played  looked tight. They seemed  season attempts, an NFL re-
            They  do  now.  The  Bengals  row  warned  that  his  team  early  Sunday,  the  only  tentative.  Mahomes,  who  cord.
            are  Super  Bowl  bound  for  should be taken more seri-  place the Bengals seemed  could  do  no  wrong  early,  Afterward,  Burrow  flashed
            the  first  time  since  Ickey  ously.                    destined  for  was  a  plane  suddenly  couldn't  do  any-  the  smile  of  a  victor  and
            Woods  was  dancing  the  They'll  be  underdogs  for  a  ride home.                   thing right.                 even  get  a  few  laughs
            shuffle  more  than  three  third  straight  game  in  the  Down  21-10  with  Kansas  And Burrow, the No. 1 draft  when  asked  whether  the
            long decades ago.            Super  Bowl,  too,  with  the  City  just  a  few  yards  from  pick  who  grew  up  only  a  glittering  large  pendant
            And  here's  a  tip  for  those  Rams  a  3  1/2-point  pick  yet  another  score,  they  few  hours  outside  Cincin-  around his neck contained
            betting the game at home:  at  home  in  Los  Angeles.  could  have  taken  their  nati, made the Chiefs pay  real diamonds.q

                                          Vandalized plaque honoring Jackie Robinson

                                          to be displayed

                                          KANSAS  CITY,  Mo.  (AP)  —  one  had  shot  the  plaque  Black player.              of  the  75th  anniversary
                                          A  plaque  honoring  base-   multiple times.             Robinson's  hometown  re-   of  Robinson's  debut  with
                                          ball  legend  Jackie  Robin-  Curator and museum vice  placed      the   damaged  the Brooklyn Dodgers. The
                                          son that was vandalized in  president Ray Doswell told  marker, with help from the  plaque is expected to be
                                          Georgia is coming to Kan-    the  Kansas  City  Star  that  league,  and  added  an-  permanently  loaned  to
                                          sas  City's  Negro  Leagues  displaying  the  defaced  other  marker  at  a  library  the  Kansas  City  museum
                                          Baseball  Museum  to  be  marker  is  an  opportunity  last week.                    for regular display.
              Jackie  Robinson,  infielder   put on display.           to teach the public about  The  vandalized  marker  is  Museum  community  en-
              for  the  Brooklyn  Dodgers,   The  sign  was  erected  in  Robinson's story and com-  slated  to  go  on  display  gagement manager Kiona
              swings  his  bat  in  this  ac-  2001  outside  the  birth-  bat hate.               around  mid-April,  after  a  Sinks  said  in  a  tweet  that
              tion  pose  at  Ebbett's  Field   place  of  Robinson  near  Robinson   broke   Major  display  case  is  built  and  the vandalized marker will
              in Brooklyn, N.Y., on May 9,
              1951.                       Cairo, Georgia. Communi-     League  Baseball's  color  spot  secured  in  the  mu-  "serve  as  a  reminder  that
                        Associated Press  ty  members  there  discov-  barrier  in  1947  when  he  seum,  to  coincide  with  the  ugliness  of  America's
                                          ered  last  year  that  some-  became  the  league's  first  the  museum's  celebration  past persists to this day."q
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