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                                                                                                       sports Tuesday 1 February 2022
            Olympic athletes have 1 more thing to stress about: Weather

            By HOWARD FENDRICH and                                                                                              speed needed to execute
            PAT GRAHAM                                                                                                          tricks.
            AP Sports Writers                                                                                                   "I feel like you'd be crazy if
            Mikaela  Shiffrin  describes                                                                                        you weren't worried about
            herself  as  "super  control-                                                                                       that  kind  of  thing,"  said
            ling  over  everything  that's                                                                                      freestyle halfpipe skier Car-
            happening  in  my  life,"  so                                                                                       ly  Margulies,  a  24-year-old
            the two-time Olympic gold                                                                                           from California. "But at the
            medalist is not all that fond                                                                                       end of the day, you kind of
            of one particular can't-do-                                                                                         just  have  to  push  that  out
            a-thing-about-it  aspect  of                                                                                        (of mind)."
            her chosen sport, Alpine ski-                                                                                       That's  a  common  senti-
            ing.                                                                                                                ment.
            "The  weather,"  she  said,                                                                                         "I'm  not  God,  so  I  can't
            "can literally change every-                                                                                        do  anything  about  it.  You
            thing."                                                                                                             have to (accept) the situa-
            The 26-year-old from Colo-                                                                                          tion and just focus on your-
            rado is scheduled to open                                                                                           self, focus on the skiing that
            her  Beijing  Olympics  on                                                                                          you  can  do,  focus  on  the
            Feb.  7  as  the  defending                                                                                         technique  and  on  the  en-
            champion  in  the  giant                                                                                            ergy," said Alexis Pinturault,
            slalom.  A  key  word  there                                                                                        the  reigning  Alpine  World
            is  "scheduled,"  because,                                                                                          Cup overall champion and
            as  Shiffrin  experienced  at                                                                                       a three-time Olympic med-
            the  2018  Pyeongchang                                                                                              alist for France. "Of course it
            Games,  nothing  is  certain                                                                                        makes a difference — and
            when  it  comes  to  the  va-                                                                                       we know it."
            garies  of  various  elements                                                                                       What sort of difference can
            such as temperature, wind,                                                                                          the  weather  make  on  the
            sunlight or precipitation.                                                                                          clock in Alpine skiing?
            In  outdoor  events,  all  of                                                                                       As much as a second, Pin-
            those  factors  can,  and                                                                                           turault estimates.
            quite  often  do,  alter  the                                                                                       That's  significant.  The  mar-
            competition and the com-                                                                                            gin  between  gold  and  sil-
            petitors themselves.                                                                                                ver  was  no  more  than  13
            ""On  a  more  macro  level,                                                                                        hundredths  of  a  second
            it takes a lot of mental ef-  Mikaela Shiffrin, of the United States, skies into the finish area after winning the gold medal in the   in  half  of  the  10  women's
            fort to be ready to go out   Women's Giant Slalom at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, Feb. 15, 2018.   or men's races at the 2018
            and compete in an Olym-                                                                            Associated Press  Games.
            pic  event  and  when  ...  it                                                                                      Four  years  ago,  Shiffrin
            doesn't  happen  ...  it's,  for  ing to her first Olympics.   a hill.                 the  bad  side,  you're  (an-  wanted  to  enter  five  indi-
            sure, stressful and takes en-  Snowfall  is  not  in  the  fore-  It  generally  is  considered  gry)."             vidual  events  in  South  Ko-
            ergy away from that level.  cast for the Yanqing moun-    better to go earlier to avoid  In  action  sports  —  think  X  rea.
            It's unlike any other sport, in  tain  area  during  these  ruts and bumps that devel-  Games — weather can al-     Fierce  winds  led  to  post-
            that sense, right?           Olympics. Strong wind is ex-  op. But if a headwind gives  most  singularly  dictate  the  ponements, prompting her
            "There's  just  not  that  many  pected.                  way  to  a  tailwind,  say,  or  outcome.                 to drop two races.
            sports that are that affect-  Something else to contend  if a cloudy day turns clear  A  slate  sky  can  dull  the  "You  only  have  so  many
            ed,  and  that  exposed,  by  with:  the  way  light,  and  and the crystals of the snow  contrast   between   the  weather days built into the
            weather, both to affect the  therefore  visibility,  switches  shift, then advantages can,  background  and  the  half-  schedule," said Shiffrin, who
            outcome of a race and to  as  the  sun  moves  across  too.                            pipe  for  vaulting  snow-   once  again  plans  to  par-
            affect  the  outcome  of  an  the  sky  over  the  course  of  "It's rare to have days where  boarders,  making  it  tough  ticipate in slalom, giant sla-
            event," said Mike Day, Shif-  a  day,  creating  shadows  it's consistent. You do have  for  riders  to  pick  out  land-  lom, downhill, super-G and
            frin's  main  coach  with  the  that appear and recede. In  them,  but  they're  few  and  ing  spots.  Wind  can  slow  Alpine  combined.  "At  the
            U.S. ski team. "It will have a  an event like the downhill,  far  between,"  said  U.S.  ski  down  athletes  as  they  try  end  of  the  day,  you  can
            big impact and has had a  where  speeds  can  top  80  team  member  Bryce  Ben-       to  gain  speed  to  execute  make  every  move  right.
            big impact in the past."     mph  (130  kph),  it's  vital  to  nett, who won a World Cup  tricks with 1440 degrees —  You  can  be  rested  and
            Olympians say the weather  be able to pick up on nu-      downhill at Val Gardena, It-  or  more  —  of  spin.  Shifting  ready  to  go  strong.  And  it
            might change their prepa-    ances along the course.      aly, in December. "The vari-  winds  are  most  dangerous  still  can  be  totally  messed
            ration  and  mindset  before  "You need to see everything  ables  make  it  interesting.  on  the  slopestyle  course,  up  for,  essentially,  reasons
            a  contest.  Once  the  con-  on the slope," said Vincent  When  you're  on  the  good  where  jumps  are  as  high  that are completely out of
            test begins, it might harm —  Kriechmayr,   a   30-year-  side  of  variables,  you're  as  80  feet,  because  riders  your  control.  I  don't  really
            or, it's also true, help — their  old  from  Austria  who  won  psyched.  When  you're  on  can't properly calibrate the  love that idea."q
            result. All of which turns this  two  golds  at  the  2021  Al-
            into  just  another  source  of  pine world championships.                                        LIKE US ON
            stress  at  a  one-day-every-  "When  we  have  bad  light,
            four-years  spectacle  al-   you have to react: 'What's
            ready filled with them.      coming  (toward)  my  skis?'
            "That's  like,  probably,  90%  ... When we see the slope,
            of  what  we're  thinking  we can push."
            about,"  said  Keely  Cash-  As  it  is,  the  quality  of  the
            man,  a  22-year-old  Alpine  snow  tends  to  deteriorate                
            skier  from  California  head-  as more racers head down
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