Page 10 - aruba-today-20220201
P. 10
Tuesday 1 February 2022 locAl
European vaccination certification valid for 9 months
ORANJESTAD - Starting Feb- months after taking the last cination Certificate with The DVG urges everyone increases the number of
ruary 1, 2022, the rules will vaccine of the basic se- the basic vaccine series over 18 years to get their antibodies in the person’s
change regarding the valid ries of vaccines, meaning older than nine months. booster vaccine as soon defense system.
term of the European Vac- the first and second Pfizer The validity of the Europe- as possible, at least three Those recently infected
cination Certificate (Digi- vaccine or one Johnson & an Vaccination Certificate months after receiving the with Covid19 should wait
tal Corona Certificate of Johnson vaccine. Individu- cannot affect only the second Pfizer vaccine or at least three months af-
‘DCC”). als who only received the entrance into European the first Johnson & John- ter testing positive for their
first two Pfizer vaccines or countries but also the use son vaccine. The booster booster vaccine.
The reason for this change one Johnson & Johnson of services in the hospital- vaccine provides bet- The DVG also urges trav-
is the effectiveness of the vaccine and did not re- ity area or cultural events. ter protection against the elers to verify the destina-
vaccine over time. As of ceive their booster vaccine The validity period will be Omicron variant. It also tion’s vaccine and test-
February 1, 2022, the valid must be aware that many extended to nine months prevents complications ing rules as each country
term for the European Vac- European countries will not after receiving the booster and even hospitalization has its Covid19 policies for
cine Certificate will be nine accept the European Vac- vaccine. since the booster vaccine travelers.q
All youth and vice police detectives
certified to interrogate
gists of the Orthopedagogi- the case. Several steps are for the “Studio Interrogation
cal Centrum, Guardianship taken to ensure that the Room” was bought. It en-
Council (Directie Voogdi- cases are solid. The Public ables certified professionals
jraad), and Correction In- Prosecutor's Office will soon to conduct interrogations
stitute Aruba (KIA) are now announce new instructions according to the interna-
certified. for specifically investigat- tional rules and standards
According to Minister of ing sexual abuse cases. for solid investigations. Now
Justice Rocco Tjon, in sex- The Minister was happy to there are enough profes-
ual abuse cases, a proper see two prosecutors from sionals that can conduct
investigation is essential. the Prosecutor's office issue interrogations on such a
these certificates. high level.
ORANJESTAD- Recently, 12 to interrogate and investi- This matter has also been Kinterview is a renowned
professionals of different gate sexual abuse cases. voiced on multiple occa- organization with plenty The Minister thanked Mrs.
Government departments The theoretical part took sions by the Bar Associa- of years of experience on Daphny Tecklenborg, who
have completed the train- place in December while tion. They told Parliament this matter. It provides this is leading the “Family Jus-
ing "Interrogation of Mi- the practical part of the that sometimes, in their training and certifies Police tice Center”, for her efforts
nors". training recently ended. plea, the investigation can Departments in the Neth- in organizing this training.
Now the entire Youth and be discredited if improperly erlands. The participants The objective of this train-
It is an essential achieve- Vice Police (JZP) is certi- done. By making a police that completed the course ing is to continue to provide
ment for professionals who fied. In addition to the JZP investigation airtight, it can were informed that the more professionals with
are now better equipped detectives, some psycholo- have an added value to much-needed equipment valuable training.q
Foundation “Ban uni man pa cria nos muchanan” needs a helping hand
Feeding the needy children of Aruba every school day
ORANJESTAD — “Ban uni 2019 schoolyear started The breakfast program is 600, meaning that at least
man pa cria nos muchan- with 650 children but as a sponsorship program; al- 200 children won’t be able
an” is a foundation whose the schools reopened after though the sponsors are to receive a breakfast this
goal it is to provide the the peak of the pandem- encouraged to donate year and they would have
needy children of Aruba ic, the number of children Fls 25.00 per month, the to make the difficult deci-
with a breakfast every grew to a staggering 794 actual cost per child has sion in choosing who will
school day. A breakfast children at the closing of doubled. Leaning towards stay on the list and who to
which consists of a sand- the 2019-2020 schoolyear! Fls. 50.00 per month. Simple remove. The foundation
wich and a drink (juice or These children are from 57 arithmetic shows that the will keep working hard and
milk). It is an independent elementary schools all over current 450 sponsors are do their utmost on getting receive a transcript of the
foundation, receiving no the island. This number also not enough. At Fls 50.00 per these funds but they need Chamber of Commerce,
subsidy whatsoever from includes about 70 children month it takes 800 sponsors the help of the community. the By-Laws or the latest Fi-
the government. of the Traimerdia project, to keep the program run- nancial Report (2020-2021)
which is an after school ning – or a combination of If you feel inspired by this of the foundation, please
The program started at the program. For over 20 years sponsors and donations. article, do not just turn the contact Mrs. Rachelle Roos
beginning of the 2001/2002 the foundation has been Due to the effect of the page but act upon it. You at +297-527-4000 or Mrs. Fe-
schoolyear as a commu- providing breakfast to chil- pandemic and the in- can help and support this licia Halman at +297- 527-
nity service project of the dren of elementary schools crease in consumption wonderful foundation by 4750 or Mr. John Fun (Presi-
Facility Department of the but they are aiming on prices the foundation is ex- making a donation to their dent) at +297-527-4711 or
Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Hos- some day also be able to pecting a big deficit for the bank account at the follow- at +297-699-4330.
pital, with 138 children. At provide kindergartens and new school year of 2021- ing banks: CMB 22559501,
the closing of the schooly- high schools, seeing that 2022. If they don’t man- RBC 43.65.011 and at the Your support will help the
ear 320 children were en- there are many children in age to get sufficient funds Aruba Bank 2516290190. children of this program at
rolled and this kept grow- need. they will have to reduce least have a breakfast ev-
ing steadily each year. The the amount of children to For more information, or to ery day. q