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WORLD NEWS Tuesday 1 February 2022
EU auditor: Fossil fuels get more tax breaks than renewables
By SAMUEL PETREQUIN dies by 2025, but the audi-
Associated Press tors said it “will be a chal-
BRUSSELS (AP) — European lenging social and eco-
Union nations often still tax nomic transition.”
and subsidize their energy The European Court of Au-
sources in contradiction ditors, however, said re-
with their committed cli- newable energy subsidies
mate goals, and a majority almost quadrupled be-
spend more supporting fos- tween 2008 and 2019 and
sil fuels than renewables. that the use of renewables
After reviewing carbon to produce electricity went
pricing measures, energy up in all member countries
taxation levels and energy over the last decade.
subsidies in the 27-country As part of the “European
region, the EU’s external Green Deal,” the EU has
auditor warned Monday committed to cutting
that the amount that ener- greenhouse gas emissions
gy sources are taxed does by at least 55% by 2030
not mirror their greenhouse compared with 1990 lev-
gas emissions. els. Brussels also is aiming to
The European Court of Au- become “climate neutral”
ditors found that more pol- by midcentury. Scientists
luting energy sources may say this goal needs to be
get a tax advantage com- A woman walks in the fog past EU flags in front of EU headquarters in Brussels, Tuesday, Jan. 25, achieved to keep average
pared with others with bet- 2022. global temperatures from
ter carbon efficiency. Coal, Associated Press rising above 2 degrees Cel-
for instance, is on average sets minimum tax levels. make up 78% of total envi- Member countries provid- sius (3.6 F) by 2100.
taxed less than natural They noted that while a ronmental taxes worth 330 ed about two-thirds of the The EU’s executive branch
gas which is more carbon majority of EU countries im- billion euros ($370 billion) aid through tax exemptions has proposed creating a
efficient and some fossil pose high taxes on fuels, per year. or reductions. carbon market for buildings
fuels are taxed less than several others keep taxes Fossil fuel subsidies in the While renewable energy and vehicles, which would
electricity, which could be close to the minimum. EU have remained largely subsidies are higher across not be tied to the current
produced by low-carbon “Low carbon prices and constant over the past 10 the bloc, 15 EU countries EU emission trading system
sources. Auditors said their low energy taxes on fossil years around 55 billion to 58 spend more supporting fos- that it wants to extend to
review aims to contribute fuels increase the relative billion euros (about $62 bil- sil fuels than renewables. ships. The EU also is con-
to the debate around the cost of greener technolo- lion to $65 billion) per year The European Commission sidering a carbon tax on
European Commission pro- gies and delay the energy which auditors say has hin- and some member coun- imports from countries that
posal to change the bloc’s transition,” they said. dered the transition toward tries have committed to don’t have the same envi-
energy tax directive, which Within the EU, energy taxes a greener economy. phase out fossil fuel subsi- ronmental restrictions. q
Europe storms: Ships collide off Dutch coast; crew evacuated
By MIKE CORDER the Royal Dutch Lifeboat details of the rescue on tion. morning with powerful
Associated Press Company. the high seas amid power- The Juliette D suffered gusts uprooting trees and
THE HAGUE, Netherlands The other boat, the Pecho- ful winds. Dutch television damage “that poses direct causing traffic problems.
(AP) — Rescue helicop- ra Star, also was damaged, showed the rescued crew danger for the 18 crew on Storm Corrie also hit Scot-
ters evacuated all 18 crew but was able to continue its arriving in a helicopter at board,” spokesman Ed- land late Sunday, hot on
members from a ship that voyage. Amsterdam’s Schiphol Air- ward Zwitser told The Asso- the heels of Storm Ma-
was left drifting rudderless The Dutch coast guard port. ciated Press in a telephone lik, which left thousands
in a wind turbine park off said that all crew members Three helicopters, including interview. in Scotland and northern
the Dutch North Sea coast were rescued. It didn’t im- one from Belgium, were in- Both ships had been an- England without power as
Monday after it collided mediately provide more volved in the rescue opera- chored off the coast, but it blew down trees, dam-
with another ship and be- the Julietta D’s anchor “did aged power lines and
gan taking on water during not hold,” the coast guard ripped roofs off homes.
a powerful storm, emer- said. A nine-year-old boy in the
gency services said. Hours later, with winds eas- English county of Stafford-
The collision happened as ing in the Netherlands, the shire and a 60-year-old
Storm Corrie lashed parts Julietta D was still drifting woman in the Scottish city
of the northern Europe. It and the coast guard said of Aberdeen died after
came after Storm Malik efforts were underway to trees were torn down on
killed at least four people attach a line to a tugboat Saturday.
over the weekend, de- so that the vessel could be Also over the weekend,
stroying houses, unleashing towed to safety. Danish media reported
flooding and leaving thou- Thousands of homes in the that a 78-year-old woman
sands of households with- Nordic region remained died from severe injuries
out electricity. without power Monday after falling in strong winds.
A freighter called the Juliet- and there were reports of In neighboring Germany,
ta D collided with another flooding in North Sea and local media reported that
boat about 20 miles (32 ki- A storm sweeping over the Netherlands sent a tree crashing Baltic Sea harbors in the re- a man was killed on Satur-
lometers) west of the port down on the roof and windshield of a car in Amsterdam, gion. day after being hit by a bill-
Netherlands, Monday, Jan. 31, 2022.
of Ijmuiden, said Edward Associated Press The western Netherlands board that was loosened
Zwitser, a spokesman for were hard hit Monday by the storm.q