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a8    local
                  Tuesday 1 February 2022

             More than $150,000 in prizes
             The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba launched its amazing campaign:

             Mega Win Luxury Vacations!

             PALM BEACH — The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba
             just launched its amazing campaign: Mega Win Luxu-
             ry Vacations! This campaign starts on February 1st till
             April 30th, 2022, where they will raffle dream vacations   ticipate by visiting one of our Restaurants  for both slot machines and table games
             to the newest hotels in the Caribbean: The Ritz-Carlton,   at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba.              and  receive  cash  redemption  from  slot
             Turks and Caicos and   The St. Regis Bermuda Resort.     With  every  dinner  purchase  at  Casa  machine  points,  while  accumulated  ta-
             They will also raffle dream vacations to The Ritz-Carl-  Nonna New York and BLT Steak, you will  ble  comps  can  be  redeemed  towards
             ton, Aruba and more prizes amongst their visitors.       receive a voucher to participate. Simply  enjoying  the  hotel’s  celebrated  ame-
                                                                      present the restaurant voucher together  nities,  including  complimentary  rooms
             All members of The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba     with the dinner receipt at the Casino VIP  nights, dining, and spa.
             can participate in this campaign starting February 1st   Desk on the same night to redeem your  The  Casino  at  The  Ritz-Carlton,  Aruba  is
             till April 30th. There will be 3 drawing dates: February   raffle ticket.                           known as the island’s luxury casino where
             26th, March 26th and April 30th. A total of 10 finalists                                            guests  enjoy  exceptional  personalized
             will be selected on each drawing date and will qualify   The prizes for this promotion will be as fol-  service, a great selection of table games
             through the raffle tickets in the raffle box and through   lows:                                    and  state-of-the-art  slot  machines  for  a
             the MVP (Most Valuable Player) promotion. To partici-        3 x vacations for two persons to The  casino experience like no other.
             pate is very easy: you need to be a member of The        •   Ritz-Carlton, Turks and Caicos
             Casino VIP Club. For every 80 points you accumulate          3 x vacations for two persons to The St.
             on slot play and every $40 dollars in Theoretical Win on   •   Regis Bermuda Resort
             table play you will receive one ticket. In addition you      3 x vacations for two persons to The
             have the option to receive one free raffle ticket to par-    Ritz-Carlton, Aruba
                                                                      •   21  x  slot  credit  prizes  for  a  total  of

                                                                      The  Casino  at  The  Ritz-Carlton,  Aruba
                                                                      keeps  innovating  by  bringing  exciting
                                                                      campaigns  for  their  visitors  who  are  al-
                                                                      ways  surprised  and  excited  to  partici-  For more information about the Mega Win
                                                                      pate. Additionally, The Casino at The Ritz-  Luxury Vacations Campaign, the Elevate
                                                                      Carlton, Aruba offers a thoughtfully-tiered  Tier Program and other promotions, visit us
                                                                      player reward program called ‘Elevate’,  at The Casino at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba
                                                                      featuring  exclusive  benefits  and  events  VIP Desk or call us at 527-2276/ 527-2277
                                                                      for  members.  Members  can  earn  points  and we will be delighted to assist you.q

                                                                      Aruba to me

                                                                      ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  back  and  we
                                                                      would like to portrait you! By inviting you
                                                                      to send us your favorite vacation  picture
                                                                      while enjoying our Happy Island.

                                                                      Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba  to  me  is
                                                                      ……. Send your picture with that text (in-
                                                                      cluding  your  name  and  where  you  are
                                                                      from) to: and we
                                                                      will  publish  your  vacation  memory.  Isn’t
                                                                      that a special way to keep your best mo-
                                                                      ments alive? Please do note: By submitting
                                                                      photos,  text  or  any  other  materials,  you
                                                                      give permission to The Aruba Today News-
                                                                      paper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any    Last but not least: check out our website,
                                                                      of its affiliated companies to use said ma-  Instagram  and  Facebook  page!  Thank
                                                                      terials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for   you for supporting our free newspaper, we
                                                                      promotional purposes without compensa-     strive to make you a happy reader every
                                                                      tion.                                      day again.q
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