Page 13 - aruba-today-20220201
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clAssifieds                     Tuesday 1 February 2022

            Fake poop helps evicted owls settle                                                                                              HEALTH

            into new neighborhood                                                                                                  DOCTOR ON DUTY

            By CHRISTINA LARSON                                                                    FOR RENT                     Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
            AP Science Writer                                                                      DIVI DUTCH                   Tel. 527 4000
            Settling  into  a  new  home                                                           unit for 6                         San Nicolas
            can  be  tough  for  anyone.                                                           one week  april  06 to april 16
            So scientists have come up                                                             2beds / 2 baths  $ 2,300.00     Imsan 24 hours
                                                                                                                                 Tel.524 8833
            with  some  tricks  to  make                                                           More info 305 5927333
            transplanted     burrowing                                                             ________________________________215070    Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                PHARMACY ON DUTY
            owls  feel  like  they  are  not                                                       For Sale by Owner
            alone  in  their  new  digs,                                                           Caribbean Palm Village Resort  Oranjestad:
            playing  owl  sounds  and                                                              Wk 50-2br/28th, $1,900       Eagle   Tel. 587 9011
                                                                                                                                San Nicolas:
            scattering fake poop.                                                                  Wks 51852-/2br/28th, $2,900  san Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
            The  owls'  grassland  homes                                                           Wks 51&52/1br/2bth, $1,900   Women in Difficulties
            are often prime real estate,                                                           Wk 52-1br/2bth, $2,500       OTHER
            and  they've  been  losing                                                             Wk 11-2br/2bth, $1,900       Dental Clinic 587 9850
            ground  to  development                                                                Wk 12-1 br/2bth, $1,200      Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            in  fast-growing  regions  like                                                        Wk 13-2 br/2bth, $1,300      Urgent Care 586 0448
            Silicon Valley and Southern   This  photo  provided  by  the  San  Diego  Zoo  Wildlife  Alliance   Contact:        Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
            California.  Biologists  have   shows a burrowing owl in a habitat at the San Diego Zoo Safari  +297 588 0539
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            tried  moving  the  owls  to   Park in 2014.                                           ________________________________215060  EMERGENCY
            protected  grasslands  but                                            Associated Press  Casa del Mar 2BR/2B
            the  challenge  has  been                                                              Week 2/1113 (17k);           Police            100
                                                                                                                                                  527 3140
            getting the owls to accept  Thursday in the journal Ani-  tence," said Lynne Trulio, an   Week 5/1315 (19k);        Noord             527 3200
            their new homes.             mal Conservation.            ecologist at San Jose State   Week 8/1113 (18k);          Sta. Cruz         527 2900
            Just  dropping  off  the  owls  Burrowing owls are the rare  University  who  has  studied   Week 8/1409 (18k);     San  Nicolas      584 5000
            in  prime  habitat  wasn't  extroverts  of  the  raptor  burrowing  owls  for  three   Week 9/1218 (16k);           Police Tipline      11141
            enough,    prior   attempts  world.  These  long-legged  decades. She was not part     Week 10/1207 (16k);          Ambulancia        911
            showed. In a pilot program,  owls  with  slightly  cross  ex-  of the study.           Week 13/1509 (13k);          Fire Dept.        115
                                                                                                                                                  582 2219
                                                                                                                                Red Cross
            scientists took pains to cre-  pressions   actually   love  The  population  of  western   Week 14/1308 (13k);
            ate  the  impression  that  company. They nest in un-     burrowing owls — the sub-    Week 15/1217 (10k).          TAXI SERVICES
            owls already lived there so  derground  burrows  with  species  that  lives  in  Cali-          Taxi Tas       587 5900
            they'd stick around. And it  many owls nearby.            fornia  —  has  declined  by   u.s. Cell: (860)992-3890   Prof. Taxi     588 0035
            worked.                      Such colonies provide pro-   one-third  since  1965.  It  is   ________________________________214832  Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            "They like to be in a neigh-  tection   from   predators,  considered  a  "species  of                              Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            borhood, to live near other  such  as  coyotes  or  hawks,  special  concern"  in  the                              A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            owls," said Colleen Wisinski,  that  may  try  to  snack  on  state.                                                Women in Difficulties
            a conservation biologist at  the   robin-sized,   yellow-  For  their  experiment,  the                             TRAVEL INFO
            the San Diego Zoo Wildlife  eyed birds. When one owl  scientists  transplanted  47                                  Aruba Airport   524 2424
            Alliance,  which  launched  sounds an alarm, the others  burrowing owls during 2017-                                American Airlines 582 2700
            the  experiment  with  the  fly away.  Federal law pro-   2018. Twenty were outfitted                               Avianca       588 0059
            U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Ser-  hibits the killing of the birds  with  GPS  devices  to  track                     Jet Blue      588 2244
            vice.                        but their habitat is not pro-  their  movements,  and  the                             Surinam       582 7896
            The  scientists  played  re-  tected.  Typically,  they  are  scientists  also  returned  to                        Women in Difficulties
            cordings of owl calls before  flushed  from  their  burrows  the sites to check on them.                            AID FOUNDATIONS
            and  after  the  new  arrivals  before properties are built.   Most  successfully  settled
            were  released  at  four  lo-  "If after eviction there's no-  into  their  new  homes  and                         FAVI- Visually Impaired
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 5051
            cations in Southern Califor-  where for these guys to go,  established breeding colo-
            nia. Wisinski used a syringe  it's  basically  a  death  sen-  nies. q                                              Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736 2952
            to  squirt  around  fake  owl                                                                                       Narcotics Anonymous
            poop  —  in  reality,  white                                                                                        Tel. 583 8989
            paint.                                                                                                              Fundacion Contra Violencia
            Their results were published                                                                                        Relacional Tel. 583 5400
                                                                                                                                Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
            FOR RENT OR SALE                                                                                                    Child Abuse Prevention
            Paradise Beach Villas                                                                                               Tel. 582 4433
            rent sale                                                                                                           Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
            P/O Front wks 2 & 4 - 1 bedr                                                                                        Women in Difficulties
            wks 1,8,9,31,32,52 - 2 bedr                                                                                         General Info
            wks can be switched                                                                                                 Phone Directory Tel. 118
            Call 941 343 1088 usa
            For Sale
            Divi Village
            pool and ocean view,
            deluxe studios, sleep 4
            Week 4- unit 7306 $9000
            Week 6- unit 7205 $7000
            Call 646 541 8726 usa
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