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U.S. NEWSTuesday 20 October 2015

Obama administration says China not manipulating currency 

MARTIN CRUTSINGER                plunging in August with          is required by law to submit                              new report, the administra-     what type of guarantees
AP Economics Writer              a surprise devaluation of        to Congress twice a year,                                 tion softened its language      the administration was able
WASHINGTON (AP) — The            the yuan. Since then,  Chi-      did not charge any country                                to say that  China’s  cur-      to negotiate in the recently
Obama administration said        na’s  currency, also known       with unfair currency manip-                               rency “remains below            completed 12-nation Trans-
Monday that  China’s  cur-       as the renminbi, has fallen      ulation. Such a designation                               its appropriate medium-         Pacific Partnership trade
rency remains undervalued        2.3 percent against the dol-     could ultimately lead to                                  term valuation.”American        agreement.
in relation to the U.S. dollar   lar.                             trade sanctions.                                          manufacturing companies         In an interview before the
but it did not cite the coun-    Treasury said it will be im-     Treasury’s latest report                                  complain that  China  is still  report was released, Trea-
try for unfairly manipulating    portant going forward            stood in contrast to the                                  manipulating its currency       sury Secretary Jacob Lew
its currency to gain trade       for  China  to allow its cur-    previous report in April                                  to gain trade advantag-         said that there was still
advantages.                      rency to again rise in value     and several before that in                                es and their supporters in      room for  China’s  currency
In a new Treasury Depart-        against the dollar when          which the administration                                  Congress have pushed            to appreciate once the
ment report, the admin-          market forces dictate such       said it believed that  Chi-                               the administration to take      country gets past some of
istration noted that  Chi-       a move.                          na’s  currency was “signifi-                              a tougher stand. They are       its immediate economic
na  sent global markets          The report, which Treasury       cantly undervalued.” In the                               closely watching to see         problems.q

Hacker claims to have breached CIA director’s personal email 

CIA Director John Brennan listens during a news conference at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va.                              includes links to files that    other secure facilities, they
An anonymous hacker claims to have breached CIA Director John Brennan’s personal email                                      he says are Brennan’s con-      are required to supply their
account and has posted documents online, including a list of email addresses purportedly from                               tact list, a log of phone       Social Security numbers.
Brennan’s contact file.                                                                                                     calls by then-CIA deputy        Brennan could have been
                                                                                                                            director Avril Haines, and      forwarding a list of invitees
                                                                                       (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)  other documents.                to the White House when
                                                                                                                            The Post said he didn’t re-     he was President Barack
KEN DILANIAN                     line, including a list of email  New York Post, which de-                                  veal his name or where          Obama’s counter terror-
AP Intelligence Writer           addresses purportedly from       scribed him in an article                                 he lived. The hacker            ism adviser, the job he
WASHINGTON (AP) — An             Brennan’s contact file.          published Sunday as “a                                    also claimed to have            held before he became
anonymous hacker claims          The CIA said it referred         stoner high school student,”                              breached a Comcast              CIA director in 2013.
to have breached CIA Di-         the matter to the proper         motivated by his opposition                               account belonging to            Security experts advise
rector John Brennan’s per-       authorities, but would not       to  U.S. foreign policy and                               Homeland Security Secre-        people not to email per-
sonal email account and          comment further.                 support for Palestinians. His                             tary Jeh Johnson, and re-       sonal identification num-
has posted documents on-         The hacker spoke to the          Twitter account, @phphax,                                 leased what appeared to         bers, and some compa-
                                                                                                                            be personal information.        nies have software that
                                                                                                                            One document purport-           automatically blocks an
                                                                                                                            ing to come from Bren-          email if it detects charac-
                                                                                                                            nan’s AOL email account         ters in the format of these
                                                                                                                            contains a spreadsheet of       numbers.
                                                                                                                            people, including senior        The hacker told the Post he
                                                                                                                            intelligence officials, along   had obtained a 47-page
                                                                                                                            with their pension identifi-    version of Brennan’s appli-
                                                                                                                            cation numbers, although        cation for a security clear-
                                                                                                                            the hacker redacted the         ance, known as an SF86.
                                                                                                                            numbers in the version he       That document — millions
                                                                                                                            posted on Twitter.              of which were stolen from
                                                                                                                            It’s unclear why Brennan        the federal personnel of-
                                                                                                                            would have stored such          fice last year by hackers
                                                                                                                            a document in his private       linked to China — con-
                                                                                                                            email account. Based on         tains detailed information
                                                                                                                            the titles, the document        about past jobs, foreign
                                                                                                                            appears to date from 2009       contacts, finances and
                                                                                                                            or before. When people          other sensitive personal
                                                                                                                            visit the White House and       details.q

Waiting for Biden: Impatience about 2016 takes chaotic turn 

JOSH LEDERMAN                    put Democrats on edge,           with his decision-making                                  deputy.                         look like he’s about to run?
Associated Press                 eager to know whether            disputed claims that an                                   “We’re talking about cli-       Is he agonizing over the de-
WASHINGTON (AP) — He’s           he’ll challenge front-runner     announcement was immi-                                    mate change, guys,”             cision?
running! He’s about to de-       Hillary Rodham Clinton.          nent. No surprise: the indi-                              Obama replied. After all,       “I’m not going to stand
cide! He’ll announce within      Monday’s flood of purport-       viduals weren’t authorized                                he said pointedly, the cli-     here and assess the vice
two days! He’s maybe, pos-       ed revelations reverber-         to comment publicly and                                   mate meeting was merely         president’s body lan-
sibly, surely, definitely going  ated throughout the po-          demanded anonymity.                                       about “the survival of the      guage,” Earnest said.
to figure it out really, really  litical world, but there was     Their protestations did little                            planet.”                        One House of Representa-
soon!                            just one problem: None of it     to curb rampant specula-                                  White House press secretary     tives Democrat claimed in-
No shortage of people            came from Biden’s lips.          tion at the White House,                                  Josh Earnest spent much         side knowledge. Congress-
made assertive decla-            Months in to his painfully       in Congress and on cable                                  of his daily briefing fielding  man Brendan Boyle wrote
rations Monday about             drawn-out deliberations,         television. Even President                                unconventional questions        on Twitter that he has “very
whether Joe Biden is going       the vice president contin-       Barack Obama, after a                                     aimed at yielding some-         good source close to Joe
to run for president. Biden’s    ued his public silence. Yet      meeting on global warm-                                   thing — anything — about        that tells me VP Biden will
delays have increasingly         several individuals familiar     ing, was asked about his                                  Biden’s decision. Does he       run for Prez.”q
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