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P. 7
Tuesday 20 October 2015
US Financial Front:
America’s homebuilder sentiment improves in October
Readings above 50 indi- The supply of new homes the release of pent-up de-
cate more builders view has been scarce, so great- mand, we expect housing
sales conditions as good er construction could result to keep moving forward as
rather than poor. The in- in more sales. we start to close out 2015,”
dex has been consistently The latest builder index re- he said.
above 50 since July last flects a gradual, but con- Builders’ view of current
year. sistent strengthening in the sales conditions and their
Builders’ improved opti- market for new homes, said outlook for sales over the
mism bodes well for a pick- David Crowe, the NAHB’s next six months surged.
up in new home construc- chief economist. A measure of traffic by
tion, which could help give “With firm job creation, prospective buyers held
the U.S. economy a boost. economic growth and steady.q
Builders work on a home under construction in the Briar Cha-
pel community of Chapel Hill, N.C. The National Association of
Home Builders/Wells Fargo builder sentiment index released
Monday, Oct. 19, 2015 rose this month to 64, up from 61 in Sep-
tember. The last time the reading was higher was October 2005
at 68.
(AP Photo/Gerry Broome)
ALEX VEIGA The National Association of
AP Business Writer Home Builders/Wells Fargo
U.S. homebuilders are feel- builder sentiment index re-
ing more optimistic about leased Monday rose this
the housing market, lifting month to 64, up from 61 in
their confidence this month September. The last time
to the highest level in 10 the reading was higher was
years. October 2005 at 68.
Agency cites Ashley Furniture
over alleged safety violations
WHITEHALL, Wis. (AP) — A in fines. The furniture maker
federal safety agency has currently is contesting an
again cited Ashley Furni- additional $1.8 million in
ture Industries Inc. for al- proposed fines from previ-
leged safety violations at ous inspections at its fac-
one of its Wisconsin facto- tory in Arcadia, in western
ries. The U.S. Occupational Wisconsin.
Safety and Health Admin- Ashley called the latest al-
istration alleged Monday legations “outrageous,”
that Arcadia-based Ash- and said it “will vigorously
ley failed to protect work- challenge” the citations.
ers from moving machine “At all times, Ashley has
parts at its upholstery plant machine guards in place
in Whitehall. that are provided by the
The agency contends Ash- manufacturer and, in some
ley failed to put in place cases, the company has
procedures at the plant to gone beyond what manu-
keep machines from acci- facturers put in place by
dentally starting up while installing additional guards
workers cleaned them, and implementing spe-
changed blades or cleared cial procedures to protect
jams, the Milwaukee Jour- workers,” Paul Waters, legal
nal Sentinel reported. counsel for the firm, said in
OSHA is proposing $431,000 the statement.q