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WORLD NEWSTuesday 20 October 2015

Many Uruguayans fed up with complaints from Syrian refugees 

L. HABERKORN                      Alshebli shocked locals by      just as earlier this year the                            He showed The Associated         Their frustration at a boiling
Associated Press                  dousing himself in gasoline     ups and downs of six former                              Press a two-month winter         point, the Syrians protested
JUAN LACAZE, Uruguay              in protest, furthering Uru-     Guantanamo Bay detain-                                   electricity bill totaling $475   for several days last month
(AP) — When Uruguay an-           guayans’ indignation and        ees taken in by the country                              and said everyone in the         in front of the Uruguayan
nounced last year that it         sense that this South Ameri-    hogged headlines.                                        family who is able works.        presidency to demand
would be taking in five fam-      can nation’s humanitarian       Like the ex-detainees, the                               For example his 19-year-         help getting to another
                                                                                                                           old daughter Nada sells          country.
Syrian refugee Nada Alshebli, right, jokingly places a “hijab” veil on Uruguayan Sonia de Leon                             Arab food downtown and           Then came the incident at
as her sister Fatima walks behind them as they stroll through town in Juan Lacaze, Uruguay.                                recently worked in an as-        Alshebli’s home on Oct. 6,
                                                                                                                           sisted living facility, but      when he poured gasoline
                                                                                           (AP Photo/Matilde Campodonico)  earned just $68 in a little un-  over himself in protest in the
                                                                                                                           der a month there.               presence of officials from
ilies fleeing Syria’s devastat-   gesture has gone off the        refugee families complain                                Alshebli also complained         Uruguay’s Human Rights
ing civil war, residents of this  rails.                          that life in Uruguay is expen-                           that the government won’t        Secretariat. According to a
small town pulled together        “I’m outraged,” said Moni-      sive and authorities aren’t                              let him farm beyond the          statement from the agen-
and lobbied to host one.          ca Benitez, who works at a      doing enough to support                                  modest vegetable garden          cy, he did so after being
Then in November, locals          shoe store in Juan Lacaze’s     them. But unlike the former                              the family has planted.          told that Uruguay doesn’t
welcomed a newly arrived          tiny downtown. “What they       prisoners, who refused jobs                              “No sheep. No cows. No           have the authority to is-
Merhi Alshebli, his wife and      are doing is offensive.”        offered to them, the adult                               land,” said Alshebli, re-        sue him a visa for another
their 15 children with food       The Syrians’ discontent is      Syrians have worked.                                     counting what he said of-        country.
and seeds to plant veg-           playing out as hundreds of      The Syrians’ biggest beef is                             ficials told him.                It’s unclear whether Alshe-
etables. People in Juan           thousands of their compa-       that they can’t make ends                                Political analyst Daniel         bli intended to light himself
Lacaze, a coastal city of         triots are risking their lives  meet even though the                                     Chasquetti said the gov-         on fire or simply scare the
fishermen and paper fac-          to migrate to Europe and        government provides hous-                                ernment underestimated           officials, who later filed a
tory workers in southwest-        world leaders from German       ing and gives each family a                              cultural differences be-         police complaint. Alshebli
ern Uruguay, wanted to do         Chancellor Angela Merkel        monthly stipend. Both gov-                               tween Uruguay and the            declined to discuss the inci-
their part to help a country      to Pope Francis have urged      ernment officials and the                                refugees’ homeland and           dent, and the head of the
where more than 200,000           nations to open their doors     families have declined to                                failed to take into account      rights body did not respond
have been killed in the           to the flood. The administra-   say how much that is.                                    their limited job skills.        to requests for comment.
fighting.                         tion of U.S. President Barack   “I like Uruguay. I like Uru-                             “And it’s not like Uruguay       One of Alshebli’s sons,
But after months of the           Obama has pledged to            guayan families. My young                                is a country bursting with       21-year-old Ibrahim, said
Syrians’ complaints about         take in 10,000 Syrians over     children all go to school                                opportunities,” Chasquetti       his father simply lost his
their living conditions and       the next year.                  here,” Alshebli said in halt-                            said.                            temper and didn’t mean
demands to be sent to an-         Uruguay’s attempt to help       ing Spanish, standing in the                             The economy of this na-          any harm. The elder Alshe-
other country, many Uru-          by sheltering 42 refugees —     living room of his sparsely                              tion of 3.3 million people is    bli was briefly detained and
guayans in this town and          a largely symbolic gesture      furnished, multi-room home                               largely based on agricul-        taken to a hospital for psy-
elsewhere have come to            given that over 4 million       on the outskirts of Juan                                 tural and textile exports,       chiatric evaluation.
see the refugees more as          Syrians have fled since civil   Lacaze. “But food is very                                and about 40 percent of          Self-immolation has special
rude, ungrateful guests.          war broke out in 2011 —         expensive. How can I feed                                workers earn around $500         symbolism today in the Mid-
This month the 51-year-old        appears to be backfiring,       15 children?”                                            a month, according to a          dle East. A major catalyst
                                                                                                                           leading union.                   for the Arab Spring, which
                                                                                                                           In August one of the Syrian      began in 2011 in Tunisia,
                                                                                                                           families tried to travel to      was a poor and frustrated
                                                                                                                           Serbia, only to be detained      fruit vendor who set himself
                                                                                                                           23 days at the airport in Is-    on fire. But many Uruguay-
                                                                                                                           tanbul because they didn’t       ans were appalled.
                                                                                                                           have the right documents.        Lourdes Schneck, who
                                                                                                                           Ultimately they returned to      serves the Uruguayan spe-
                                                                                                                           Uruguay.                         cialty of fried pies in down-
                                                                                                                           The refugees do not have         town, said she wasn’t sure
                                                                                                                           Syrian passports and can-        whether to be angry with
                                                                                                                           not get Uruguayan ones           her government or the Syr-
                                                                                                                           because they are not citi-       ians.
                                                                                                                           zens. The government has         “I get the feeling they
                                                                                                                           given them national ID           thought they were coming
                                                                                                                           cards, but they’re insuffi-      to a different class of coun-
                                                                                                                           cient to cross many of the       try, with more wealth,”
                                                                                                                           world’s frontiers and Uru-       said Schneck, who periodi-
                                                                                                                           guay says it can’t force         cally hires one of Alshebli’s
                                                                                                                           other countries to accept        teenage sons, 15-year-old
                                                                                                                           the documents.                   Mohammed.q
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