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P. 13
Tuesday 20 October 2015
Chef Urvin Presents: Memories from Peru
PALM BEACH - The Kitchen doing what he does best: dish of potato and Avoca- or your hotel concierge for
Table and White Modern translating these dishes to do, prepared Chef Urvin’s telephone 528-7015 or visit reservations.q
Cuisine’s local personality reflect the flavors and inspi- signature style with surpris-
Chef Urvin recently visited ration from Peru in a Carib- ing, exquisite Caribbean
the beautiful country of bean setting. flavors.
Peru on a culinary mission. Peru is a magnificent coun- Patrons can look forward
The mission: to search, find try of a diversity of land- to the highlights of the Pe-
and sample local food scapes, with a long pacific ruvian kitchen for the full
and flavors in some of Latin coast and famous High- month of October. Impor-
America’s best restaurants. lands. tant to note is that both The
Unfortunately, Chef Urvin Peru is also known for its his- Kitchen Table and White
will not be sharing any tory, with the famous, mys- Modern Cuisine will do their
photos of the 17-course tical Machu Picchu site, utmost to accommodate
lunch he enjoyed at Cen- Inca history and culture. dietary restrictions if ad-
tral, ranked the world’s This all translates to a culi- vised at least 24 hours in
number 4 restaurant. Nor nary diversity that inspired advance, so that the chefs
will he be showing off the Chef Urvin to meld the fla- can create dishes that
dishes he savored at his vors from Peru into Carib- match the creativity and
30-course dinner at Astrid bean dishes. flavors of the menu items.
& Gaston, ranked number The 7-course menu at The For more information on
3 in Latin America. Instead, Kitchen Table includes Aruba’s top ranked res-
he is bringing back his ex- Ceviche, Pescado al Aji taurant The Kitchen Table,
periences from Peru and and Causa, a traditional please visit www.thekitch-