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LOCALTuesday 20 October 2015

Dual 40th Wedding Anniversaries at Marriott’s Aruba Surf Club

“Marriage is a mosaic you     ries. Mrs. Celeste and Mr.      tioning in Aruba. And Mrs.       ing forward to commemo-      staff and management of
build with your spouse. Mil-  Don Hardy of Westmont,          Eileen and Mr. Barry Potak       rate this special occasion   the Marriott’s Aruba Surf
lions of tiny moments that    Illinois, have been mar-        of Safety Harbor, Florida,       with friends at Madame Ja-   Club, wish Mr. and Mrs. Po-
create your Love story.”      ried since September 27th,      have been married since          nette’s Restaurant Aruba.    tak and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy
PALM BEACH - Marriott’s       1975. They think that Aruba     June 1st, 1975. As owners at     They are celebrating this    Happy Anniversary! May
Aruba Surf Club has the       is beautiful and much dif-      the Marriott Surf Club, this is  special occasion with their  your love and devotion in-
honor and privilege as we     ferent from the Wisconsin       their 8th visit back to Aruba    friends Mrs. Todd and Mr.    spire all who surround you,
are celebrating two cou-      Lake Country where they         since they celebrated their      Joe Germino from Parlin,     and may you be blessed
ples with their very special  spent their honeymoon.          honeymoon on Aruba.              New Jersey. General Man-     with all the gifts that life has
40th Wedding anniversa-       This is their first time vaca-  Eileen and Barry are look-       ager Mr. Joop Bangma,        to offer.q
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