Page 15 - atoday
P. 15
Tuesday 20 October 2015
Loyal Visitors Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority
PALM BEACH - Recently burgh, Pennsylvania, and and just about everything
the Aruba Tourism Author- Ms. Mia Pecevich of Quin- else!
ity had the great plea- cy, Massachusetts. They say Aruba feels like a
sure of honoring two loyal Since Mia met Bella they second home where the
and friendly young visitors have enjoyed each oth- people are like family to
of Aruba at the Casa del ers’ company every year them, especially Erwin of
Mar Beach Resort as Distin- on Aruba, having kept in Casa del Mar.
guished Visitors. touch now for over 10 years The certificates were pre-
The symbolic honorary titles consecutive. sented by Ms. Darline S.
are presented in the name These two young honorees de Cuba representing the
of the Minister of Tourism as are loyal members of Casa Aruba Tourism Authority to-
tokens of appreciation to del Mar and they love Aru- gether with Mr. Bob Curtis,
guests who visit Aruba for ba very much because of General Manager of Casa
10-to-19 consecutive years. the friendly people, the del Mar, and other family
The honorees were Ms. Isa- weather, the beaches, the and friends from Casa del
bella Ann Naddeo of Pitts- restaurants, the Casinos, Mar.q