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SPORTSTuesday 20 October 2015

NFL Roundup

Brady, Patriots take advantage of botched play to beat Indy 

The Associated Press            Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck (12) is sacked by New England Patriots defensive                                           4-1 for the first time since
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Tom         end Chandler Jones (95) and defensive tackle Dominique Easley (99) in the second half of an NFL                                       2010. Brandon Marshall
Brady threw for 312 yards       football game in Indianapolis, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015.                                                                                 had seven catches for 111
and three touchdowns as                                                                                                                                               yards, and Eric Decker also
New England took advan-                                                                                                                             Associated Press  caught a TD. The Redskins
tage of a botched fake                                                                                                                                                are 2-4.
punt in the Patriots’ 34-27     Denver in range for Bran-      Field erupted with a collec-    with 32 seconds left as Car-                                           STEELERS 25, CARDINALS 13
victory over the Indianapo-     don McManus’ 34-yard           tive sigh of relief. Green Bay  olina remained unbeaten,                                               PITTSBURGH (AP) — Landry
lis Colts on Sunday.            field goal with 4:56 left in   (6-0) survived its biggest      rallying for a stunning win                                            Jones threw two touch-
The Patriots improved to 5-0    overtime.                      scare of the year to stay       over Seattle.                                                          down passes to Martavis
for the first time since 2007.  Manning took the Broncos       unbeaten.                       Newton led the Panthers                                                Bryant in relief of Michael
It was the first meeting be-    from their own 12 to Cleve-    The Packers started strong      (5-0) to touchdowns on                                                 Vick as Pittsburgh rallied for
tween the rivals since the      land’s 16 before McManus       and finished barely in front.   their final two possessions                                            the win.
“Deflategate” storm erupt-      kicked his game-winner to      Running back James Starks       after trailing 23-14, the sec-                                         Vick left in the third quar-
ed after the AFC title game     make Denver 6-0 for the        had touchdowns on a 65-         ond straight week the Se-                                              ter with a hamstring injury
in January.                     seventh time in franchise      yard run and a 5-yard pass      ahawks collapsed in the                                                and Pittsburgh’s offense
For a half, the teams trad-     history. The Broncos only      in the first quarter.           fourth quarter. Newton                                                 took off when Jones took
ed jabs.                        rallied thanks to their top-   LIONS 37, BEARS 34, OT          found Olsen wide open                                                  over. Jones hit Bryant for
But New England seized          ranked defense, which          DETROIT (AP) — A win, fi-       down the seam as All-Pros                                              an 8-yard score to give the
control in the second half.     came up big in overtime.       nally. Matt Prater kicked a     Earl Thomas and Richard                                                Steelers (4-2) the lead. The
Brady’s 25-yard touchdown       After Manning’s third pick,    27-yard field goal with 2:29    Sherman looked at each                                                 two hooked up later for an
pass to Rob Gronkowksi          Denver recorded two sacks      left in overtime, and Detroit   other in confusion.                                                    88-yard strike.
gave New England a 27-21        to push the Browns (2-4) out   won for the first time this     Newton was 12 of 15 for 162                                            Jones completed 8 of 12
lead. And when the Patri-       of field-goal range.           season.                         yards in the fourth quarter                                            passes for 168 yards and the
ots stopped the Colts (3-       PACKERS 27, CHARGERS 20        Matthew Stafford heaved         and threw for 269 yards                                                two scores. Bryant caught
3) on an odd-looking and        GREEN BAY, Wisconsin (AP)      a 57-yard pass to Calvin        overall. He led the Pan-                                               six passes for 137 yards in his
ill-advised fake punt, the      — Green Bay stopped San        Johnson to set up the kick      thers on a pair of 80-yard                                             first action of the season.
scrambling Brady eventual-      Diego on fourth-and-goal       for the Lions (1-5). Johnson    touchdown drives in the fi-                                            Carson Palmer threw for
ly found LeGarrette Blount      from the 3 with 15 seconds     finished with six receptions    nal period as the Panthers                                             421 yards with a TD and
for an 11-yard scoring pass     left and overcame a ca-        for 166 yards.                  improved to 5-0 for the sec-                                           two interceptions. John
that made it 34-21.             reer day by Philip Rivers to   The Bears (2-4) had chanc-      ond time in franchise his-                                             Brown caught 10 balls for
Andrew Luck was 30 of 50        hold off the Chargers.         es for a third straight come-   tory.                                                                  196 yards for the Cardinals
for 312 yards and three         Rivers set career highs        back win.                       It was the second straight                                             (4-2).
touchdowns in his first         with 43 completions, 65        Chicago’s Robbie Gould          week the Seahawks (2-4)                                                VIKINGS 16, CHIEFS 10
game back from an injured       attempts and 503 yards         kicked a 29-yard field goal     suffered a late defensive                                              MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — De-
right shoulder.                 passing. He threw for two      as time expired in regula-      meltdown.                                                              spite an erratic perfor-
BENGALS 34, BILLS 21            touchdowns for the Char-       tion. The tying score was       JETS 34, REDSKINS 20                                                   mance by Terry Bridgewa-
ORCHARD PARK, New York          gers (2-4). But he needed      set up by Darius Slay get-      EAST RUTHERFORD, New                                                   ter, Minnesota’s tough de-
(AP) — Andy Dalton threw        one more completion.           ting called for interference    Jersey (AP) — Ryan Fitzpat-                                            fense and rookie wide re-
three touchdown passes as       Rookie cornerback Dam-         after Jay Cutler’s 25- and      rick threw two touchdown                                               ceiver Stefon Diggs came
Cincinnati beat Buffalo to      arious Randall lunged to       24-yard passes to Alshon        passes and ran for another                                             through over mistake-
improve to 6-0 and match        poke away Rivers’ short        Jeffery.                        score as the Jets overcame                                             prone Kansas City.
the best start in franchise     pass to Danny Woodhead         PANTHERS 27, SEAHAWKS 23        a sloppy first half.                                                   Alex Smith’s 42-yard touch-
history.                        near the front right pylon in  SEATTLE (AP) — Cam New-         Chris Ivory ran for 146 yards                                          down pass to Albert Wilson
With star receiver A.J.         the final seconds.             ton threw a 26-yard touch-      and a TD on 20 carries for                                             midway through the fourth
Green covered much of           The fans inside Lambeau        down pass to Greg Olsen         the Jets, who improved to                                              quarter pulled the Chiefs
the game, Dalton com-                                                                                                                                                 within three points, but the
pleted touchdown passes                                                                                                                                               Vikings (3-2) played well
to Marvin Jones, Tyler Eifert                                                                                                                                         enough early to survive
and Jeremy Hill. Dalton fin-                                                                                                                                          their ragged finish.
ished 22 of 33 for 243 yards                                                                                                                                          The Chiefs (1-5) had eight
for Cincinnati, which was                                                                                                                                             penalties for 95 yards.
also 6-0 to start the 1975                                                                                                                                            Diggs had 129 yards on
and ‘88 seasons.                                                                                                                                                      seven catches. Bridgewa-
The Bengals broke the                                                                                                                                                 ter threw two interceptions.
game open by scoring 17                                                                                                                                               Adrian Peterson, who was
points on their first three                                                                                                                                           on the sideline late in the
second-half possessions to                                                                                                                                            game with the Vikings try-
build a 34-14 lead.                                                                                                                                                   ing to put it away, finished
The Bills (3-3) were undone                                                                                                                                           with 60 yards on 26 carries.
by injuries and several pen-                                                                                                                                          49ERS 25, RAVENS 20
alties that allowed the Ben-                                                                                                                                          SANTA CLARA, Califor-
gals to enjoy an average                                                                                                                                              nia (AP) — Colin Kaeper-
drive start of midfield in the                                                                                                                                        nick completed a 76-yard
first half.                                                                                                                                                           touchdown pass to ex-Ra-
BRONCOS 26, BROWNS 23,                                                                                                                                                vens star Torrey Smith, and
OT                                                                                                                                                                    Joe Flacco threw two inter-
CLEVELAND (AP) — Peyton                                                                                                                                               ceptions as San Francisco
Manning shook off three                                                                                                                                               beat Baltimore to end a
interceptions and drove                                                                                                                                               four-game losing streak.q
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