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BUSINESSTuesday 20 October 2015

US stocks eke out tiny gains after a sluggish day                                                                                                                   United to offer

ALEX VEIGA                       Poor’s 500 index added         “Oil has had a tough time       investors in a selling mood.                                      plan after CEO’s
AP Business Writer               0.55 points, or 0.03 per-      getting off the ground and      Hasbro fell the most among
U.S. stocks mustered a slight    cent, to 2,033.66. The Nas-    most commodities are            stocks in the S&P 500 after                                        hospitalization 
gain in the final moments of     daq composite rose 18.78       down,” said JJ Kinahan, TD      the toy maker reported
trading on Monday, cap-          points, or 0.4 percent, to     Ameritrade’s chief strate-      that sales of girls’ toys and                                     DAVID KOENIG
ping a day of listless action    4,905.47.                      gist. “Normally you would       games dropped 28 per-
that had the market head-        Major stock indexes have       say it is demand, but be-       cent in the third quarter.                                        AP Airlines Writer
ed for a downbeat close.         closed higher for three        cause pretty much every         The stock lost $5.60, or 7.2                                      DALLAS (AP) — United Air-
A slide in oil prices ham-       days in a row.                 commodity is getting hit        percent, to $72.18. Morgan                                        lines is preparing to release
mered energy stocks, in-                                                                                                                                          details about how it plans
cluding Chevron and Exxon        Specialist James Sciulli, right, works with traders at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Ex-                           to move forward during
Mobil, which ended up as         change. U.S. stocks mustered a slight gain in the final moments of trading on Monday, capping a                                  the hospitalization of its
the biggest decliners in the     day of listless action that had the market headed for a downbeat close.                                                          new CEO, Oscar Munoz.
Dow Jones industrial aver-                                                                                                                                        In a brief statement Mon-
age. Other commodities                                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  day, Chairman Henry Mey-
also fell, hurt by a strength-                                                                                                                                    er III said the board would
ening dollar.                    Five of the 10 sectors in the  today. I relate that more       Stanley slumped 4.8 per-                                          finish a corporate-gover-
Weight Watchers more             S&P 500 rose, led by con-      to dollar strength.” Inves-     cent after reporting a sharp                                      nance review and would
than doubled on news that        sumer discretionary stocks,    tors are tuned into earnings    drop in quarterly earnings                                        likely say more in the next
Oprah Winfrey is buying          which gained 0.5 percent.      as they hunt for insight into   as the bank’s bond trad-                                          day or two. United provid-
a 10 percent stake in the        The sector is up 9 percent     how the global economy is       ingbusiness weakened. The                                         ed no additional informa-
weight management com-           this year.                     doing.                          stock fell $1.63 to $32.32.                                       tion about Munoz’s condi-
pany and will help promote       Energy stocks fell the most,   Roughly 57 percent of the       Weight Watchers surged                                            tion.
the company’s services.          1.9 percent. The sector is     companies in the S&P 500        105 percent on news that                                          Munoz, 56, became CEO in
Investors had their eye on       down about 15 percent          index report earnings over      Oprah Winfrey is paying                                           early September after Jeff
company earnings from            this year, hurt by the slide   the next two weeks. That        about $43.2 million for a                                         Smisek abruptly stepped
Morgan Stanley, Hasbro           in oil prices. Benchmark U.S.  works out to about 117          10 percent stake in Weight                                        down amid a federal in-
and others. Both compa-          crude fell $1.37 on Monday     companies this week, in-        Watchers and is joining the                                       vestigation.
nies tumbled after their re-     to close at $45.89 a barrel    cluding Verizon Communi-        weight management com-                                            Munoz vowed that he
sults left investors less-than-  in New York.                   cations, eBay, Caterpillar      pany’s board.                                                     would deal with customer-
impressed.                       Shares in Exxon Mobil fell     and Alphabet. Another 170       Winfrey also agreed to en-                                        service issues and other
Still, Monday’s sluggish         $1.49, or 1.8 percent, to      companies in the S&P 500        dorse the company’s pro-                                          problems at the world’s
trading suggests many in-        $80.99, while Chevron slid     report earnings next week.      grams and services, and                                           second-biggest airline. He
vestors were holding off on      $1.26, or 1.4 percent, to      Morgan Stanley and Has-         to help promote the com-                                          was admitted to a hospital
any big moves until they         $90.03.                        bro’s latest results put many   pany. q                                                           on Thursday. The company
see a broader slice of com-                                                                                                                                       disclosed his hospitaliza-
panies report third-quarter                                                                                                                                       tion on Friday after The
earnings over the next few                                                                                                                                        Wall Street Journal report-
days, said David Schie-                                                                                                                                           ed that he had suffered a
goleit, managing director                                                                                                                                         heart attack, and shares
of investments at the Pri-                                                                                                                                        fell 3 percent.
vate Client Reserve at U.S.                                                                                                                                       In Monday afternoon trad-
Bank.                                                                                                                                                             ing, shares of United Con-
“A lot of participants are on                                                                                                                                     tinental Holdings Inc. rose
the sidelines waiting to see                                                                                                                                      62 cents, or 1.1 percent, to
those numbers come out                                                                                                                                            $56.59.
and use them as a cue to                                                                                                                                          Publicly traded companies
move forward,” Schiegoleit                                                                                                                                        must disclose when there
said. “The big push in earn-                                                                                                                                      is a change in CEOs, but
ings season starts today,                                                                                                                                         there is no legal require-
particularly after the close,                                                                                                                                     ment to disclose a health
and as we head into the                                                                                                                                           setback or hospitalization
rest of the week.”                                                                                                                                                of a top executive. “It’s a
All told, the Dow rose 14.57                                                                                                                                      judgment call,” said Don-
points, or 0.1 percent, to                                                                                                                                        na Dabney, executive di-
17,230.54. The Standard &                                                                                                                                         rector of The Conference
                                                                                                                                                                  Board, a  business  group
Hasbro stock falls as 3Q sales of girls’ toys slip                                                                                                                that does research on
                                                                                                                                                                  management and other
PAWTUCKET, R.I. (AP) —           ment Research predicted.       upcoming “Star Wars: The        per share.                                                        corporate topics. “Cor-
Sales of girls’ toys and         But sales of girls’ toys tum-  Force Awakens” movie.           That surpassed Wall Street                                        porate governance usu-
games dropped in Has-            bled 28 percent in the         The category also benefit-      expectations.                                                     ally goes beyond what
bro’s third quarter, send-       quarter, as Furby sales con-   ed from increased sales of                                                                        the minimum legal require-
ing the toy maker’s shares       tinued to weaken. Sales of     Nerf products and sales of       The average estimate of                                          ments are.”
down more than 7 percent         games dropped 8 percent        “Jurassic World” products.      seven analysts surveyed by                                        Companies have tilted to-
in Monday afternoon trad-        on weak sales of Magic:        For the period ended Sept.      Zacks Investment Research                                         ward more disclosure ever
ing.                             The Gathering and several      27, Hasbro Inc. earned          was for earnings of $1.51                                         since Apple Inc. was criti-
Revenue for the Pawtuck-         other games.                   $207.6 million, or $1.64 per    per share.                                                        cized for failing to provide
et, Rhode Island-based           The boys’ category ex-         share, down from $180.5         The company’s stock de-                                           more information about
company totaled $1.47 bil-       perienced strong growth,       million, or $1.40 per share, a  clined $6.08, or 7.8 percent,                                     CEO Steve Jobs’ pancre-
lion, narrowly beating the       with sales up 24 percent.      year ago.                       to $71.70 in afternoon trad-                                      atic cancer, Dabney said.
$1.46 billion that six analysts  This was due partly to the     Earnings, adjusted for non-     ing. Its shares are up al-                                        However, she said, boards
surveyed by Zacks Invest-        launch of toys tied to the     recurring gains, were $1.58     most 30 percent so far this                                       are reluctant to comment
                                                                                                year.q                                                            if they believe they don’t
                                                                                                                                                                  know all the facts about
                                                                                                                                                                  a situation, such as the
                                                                                                                                                                  extent of a CEO’s health
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