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                                                                                                                                                                Tuesday 20 October 2015

Morgan Stanley’s earnings are hit by bond trading slump 

KEN SWEET                      preferred shareholders for     The jolt in financial markets     half from $1.2 billion a year               Stanley’s chairman and
AP Business Writer             the three-month period         last quarter caused the           earlier.                                    CEO, said in a statement.
NEW YORK (AP) — Turbu-         ending in September, the       major U.S. banks to report        Most of that drop could                     In a conference call with in-
lence in global markets        bank said Monday, com-         drops in quarterly earnings,      be attributed to the bank’s                 vestors, Gorman noted that
hit Morgan Stanley’s  busi-    pared with $1.63 billion a     but the disruption seemed         bond trading operations,                    last quarter was the worst
ness particularly hard in the  year earlier.                  to impact Morgan Stanley          which had net revenue of                    quarter for Morgan Stan-
third quarter, sending the     On a per-share basis, the      more than its peers. The          $583 million versus $997 mil-               ley’s fixed-income  busi-
bank’s earnings down 42        bank earned 48 cents per       bank’s institutional securi-      lion the year before. Cor-                  ness  since the financial
percent, well short of ana-    share, compared with 84        ties division, which includes     porate bond underwriting                    crisis. The bank set aside
lysts’ estimates.              cents a year earlier. That     Morgan Stanley’s invest-          was also down.                              $3.4 billion for employee
The New York-based in-         was far below the 67 cents     ment banking and trad-            “The volatility in global mar-              compensation this quar-
vestment bank and wealth       per share that analysts        ing operations, had net in-       kets in the third quarter led               ter, down from $4.2 billion
advisory firm earned $939      were looking for, accord-      come of $688 million in the       to a difficult environment,”                a year earlier, as a result of
million after payments to      ing to FactSet.                quarter, down by nearly           James Gorman, Morgan                        the struggling markets.q

Oprah Winfrey goes on diet, gains Weight Watchers deal

JOSEPH PISANI                  ness for its products and      Oprah Winfrey is seen at The TimesCenter in New York. Weight                  health and wellness, rather
AP Business Writer             services. Additionally, she    Watchers announced Monday, Oct. 19, 2015, that Winfrey is tak-                than just dropping pounds.
NEW YORK (AP) — Oprah          will make appearances on       ing an approximately 10 percent stake in Weight Watchers for                  “We are expanding our
Winfrey, who has publicly      the company’s behalf.          about $43.2 million and joining the weight management com-                    purpose from focusing on
struggled with her weight      The Weight Watchers en-        pany’s board.                                                                 weight loss alone to more
for decades, is going on a     dorsement is a departure                                                                                     broadly helping people
diet again. But this time she  for Winfrey. Throughout her                                               (Photo by Greg Allen/Invision/AP)  lead a healthier, happier
stands to gain a lot of mon-   talk show reign, Winfrey                                                                                     life,” said Weight Watch-
ey from her efforts.           did not make money off         make the lasting shift that I     lution.”                                    ers President and CEO Jim
Weight Watchers said Mon-      endorsements, Garthwaite       and so many of us who are         Weight Watchers is no                       Chambers said in a state-
day that it signed a five-     said. Since leaving the talk   struggling with weight have       stranger to celebrities. It                 ment.
year deal with the former      show, she has also lent her    longed for,” Winfrey said in      has paid singers Jessica                    The company has been
talk show host. Winfrey,       name to Starbucks Corp.,       a statement. “I believe in        Simpson and Jennifer Hud-                   hurt by the popularity of
a co-owner of OWN: The         which sells Oprah-branded      the program so much I de-         son to promote its plan.                    fitness trackers and other
Oprah Winfrey Network, is      tea drinks.                    cided to invest in the com-       But the deal with Winfrey                   health apps. MyFitnessPal
paying about $43.2 million     Winfrey is buying about        pany and partner in its evo-      is a shift to focus on overall              lets users track steps, work-
for a 10 percent stake in      6.4 million shares of Weight                                                                                 outs and the amount of
the weight loss company.       Watchers at $6.79 per                                                                                        calories they eat for free
The deal is already pay-       share. She will also receive                                                                                 on its app. Buying a FitBit
ing off: Weight Watchers       options to buy an addition-                                                                                  tracker unlocks similar free
shares more than doubled       al 5 percent of the com-                                                                                     online tools. Weight Watch-
after the partnership was      pany’s fully diluted shares.                                                                                 ers charges for its online
announced, earning Win-        She is also joining the com-                                                                                 food tracking, and weekly
frey about $45 million on      pany’s board.                                                                                                meetings and weigh ins
paper. Winfrey will use the    Shares of New York-based                                                                                     have been a hallmark of its
Weight Watchers mobile         Weight Watchers Interna-                                                                                     plan. Its shares were down
app and work with a per-       tional Inc. soared $7.13, or                                                                                 73 percent for the year
sonal coach, the company       105 percent, to close at                                                                                     through Friday. The com-
said. She has also agreed      $13.92 Monday.                                                                                               pany’s earnings have fall-
to let Weight Watchers use     “Weight Watchers has giv-                                                                                    en every year since 2011.
her name, image and like-      en me the tools to begin to                                                                                  q

Valeant tops Street 3Q forecasts, boosts outlook

The Associated Press           company, known for gob-        Revenue rose 36 percent           look to between $11 billion                 Valeant may sell its neuro
Valeant Pharmaceuticals        bling up smaller drugmak-      to $2.79 billion, also edging     and $11.2 billion from $10.7                and other portfolio, which
posted better-than-ex-         ers to get their products      out expectations.                 billion to $11.1 billion.                   had been the subject of its
pected third-quarter prof-     and then slashing jobs and     The company raised its            Shares of Valeant Pharma-                   price increase strategy.
its and raised its outlook     research programs, jacked      fourth-quarter profit esti-       ceuticals International Inc.                In a conference call Mon-
for the year, but shares slid  up prices on drugs shortly     mate to between $4 and            slid more than 7 percent, or                day, executives addressed
with the company under in-     after buying them from         $4.20 per share from prior        $13.73, to close at $163.83.                the pricing issue, saying the
creasing pressure about its    Marathon Pharmaceuticals       guidance of $3.98 to $4.18.       Shares hit an all-time high in              company will focus less on
drug prices.                   in February, tripling one and  It now expects fourth-quar-       August,                                     “mispriced” products as
The company revealed           raising the other sixfold.     ter revenue of between            but have been in steep de-                  its portfolio shifts to newer
last week that federal pros-   Valeant earned $49.5 mil-      $3.25 billion and $3.45 bil-      cline as scrutiny over the                  and higher volume growth
ecutors have subpoenaed        lion, or 14 cents per share.   lion, up from prior guidance      company’s drug prices has                   products.
documents on its drug pric-    Earnings adjusted for one-     of $3.2 billion to $3.4 billion.  increased.                                  Valeant’s  businessmodel
ing and other policies.        time gains and costs were      For the full-year, the com-       S&P Capital kept its “Buy”                  has historically involved
The Laval, Quebec, com-        $2.74 per share,               pany raised profit guid-          rating on Valeant shares                    acquiring drugs that it con-
pany drew Congress’ inter-     much better than the $2.68     ance to between $11.67            but slashed its 12-month                    siders undervalued, or “mis-
est following its purchase of  projected by analysts, ac-     and $11.87 per share from         price target on the stock to                priced,” and then raising
the life-saving heart drugs    cording to a survey by         $11.50 to $11.80 per share.       $46 from $234.                              the price to what it deter-
Nitropress and Isuprel. The    Zacks Investment Research.     It boosted its revenue out-       The company noted that                      mines is a proper value.q
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