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PEOPLE & ARTSTuesday 20 October 2015

We will Rock U: Rock college takes root in Woodstock, NY
                                                                                                                                                                        come. Everyone will take

Associated Press                                                                                                                                                        two instruments a semester,

WOODSTOCK, New York                                                                                                                                                     one the student chooses

(AP) — It’s a syllabus you                                                                                                                                              and the other chosen by

can head bang to.                                                                                                                                                       faculty members. They will

Students at the Woodstock                                                                                                                                               not grant degrees at first,

Music Lab will bend notes                                                                                                                                               but expect students will be

alongside guitar heroes,                                                                                                                                                able to earn college cred-

and jamming in class will be                                                                                                                                            its acceptable at other in-

encouraged. Assignments                                                                                                                                                 stitutions.

will include recreating the                                                                                                                                             A big attraction will be

Beach Boy’s classic “Pet                                                                                                                                                guest professors. Green

Sounds” note-for-note and                                                                                                                                               and Lang will use their mu-

making a progressive-rock                                                                                                                                               sic-world connections to

album based on Egyptian                                                                                                                                                 bring in names, some who

mythology.                                                                                                                                                              have homes in the woods

So it will go at the rock                                                                                                                                               around Woodstock. For

school for college-age                                                                                                                                                  now they’re naming just a

students planned for the                                                                                                                                                handful, such as former Yes

famous Catskill Mountains                                                                                                                                               singer Jon Anderson.

artists’ colony in the com-                                                                                                                                             “You ever see the commer-

ing years. Think Juilliard with                                                                                                                                         cials for ‘SportsCenter’ with

power chords. Or, as co-                                                                                                                                                Grant Hill hanging out?”

founder Paul Green said,                                                                                                                                                Green asked. “We want it

think of a “giant, fertile petri  In this Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015 photo, Paul Green, left, and Michael Lang pose at the former                                         to be like that.”
dish” where young guitar-         Zena Elementary School in Woodstock, N.Y.                                                                                             Students also will get a
ists, producers and arrang-                                                                                                                                             dose of Green, who has
                                                                                                                                                      Associated Press

ers rub shoulders with each       for Jack Black’s jet-fueled  open the school as early as    become a recording studio                                                 been teaching younger
other. “Odds are you can          character in the 2003 mov-   next year, though Lang said    big enough for an orches-                                                 students since he opened
step out of the studio and        ie “School of Rock,” though  that timetable is optimistic.  tra. The school will offer a                                              his first Paul Green School
say, ‘I need a saxophone,’        the movie’s writer has de-   They reached a milestone       two-year program in which                                                 of Rock Music in 2000, later
and some other kid here           nied that. Among the oth-    this summer by closing a $1    students will learn perform-                                              selling the chain in 2009.
working on a jazz project         er co-founders is Michael    million deal on a pale brick   ing, production, arranging                                                He now runs the Paul
will say, ‘I’ll be right down!’”  Lang, the promoter of the    former elementary school       and marketing.                                                            Green Rock Academy, a
Green said as he showed           original 1969 Woodstock      a few miles from Wood-         “We’re really looking for                                                 one-story building outside
off the old elementary            festival, which took place   stock’s central village.       people who want to get an                                                 of Woodstock with a pirate
school that will become           in a muddy field some 50     Walking through emp-           education about the entire                                                flag flying out front. On a
the school. “It gives you         miles (80 kilometers) from   ty classrooms this week,       business,” Lang said.                                                     busy day of after-school
that sort of Abbey Road,          here.                        Green and Lang described       They are looking for tal-                                                 lessons, Green moved from
Muscle Shoals, Motown sort        Their group has raised sev-  where performance spac-        ented college-age and                                                     room to room acting pretty
of collective beehive.”           eral million dollars and     es will be and how the         post-college students. Met-                                               much like a character that
Green is the voluble, veter-      needs more than twice        gym with climbing ropes        al heads, indie types and                                                 could be played by Jack
an rock teacher often cred-       the amount. They hope to     attached to the ceiling will   beat makers are all wel-                                                  Black, hugging and teasing
ited as being the inspiration                                                                                                                                           students. q

                                  Review: John Grisham returns with

                                                               ‘Rogue Lawyer’

                                  JEFF AYERS                                 office, saying Rudd is a rogue      Rudd’s lap over the course of
                                  Associated Press                           lawyer is a bit of a stretch. He’s  the novel, with some being
                                  John Grisham’s latest novel,               not really a scoundrel or dis-      quite personal and others trag-
                                  “Rogue Lawyer,” introduces                 honest.                             ic. He’s going to have a diffi-
                                  Sebastian Rudd, a criminal de-             The book opens with Rudd            cult time providing justice the
                                  fense attorney who takes on                defending someone who ap-           more he pushes.
                                  cases others want to avoid.                pears to be guilty, but he knows    The book’s layout and the way
                                  In the world that Grisham re-              otherwise. The evidence is ei-      in which the narrative flows
                                  veals from Rudd’s perspec-                 ther made up or circumstantial      give “Rogue Lawyer” the ap-
                                  tive, he is fighting for his clients’      at best. He has witnesses who       pearance of being several
                                  lives while also battling corrupt          can place his client elsewhere      short stories crammed togeth-
                                  police and court officials who             at the time of the murder, but      er. The last third of the book
                                  would rather have closure than             it’s going to be a tough sell       feels more like a standard nov-
                                  the truth. While his methods               since his client’s alibi involves   el when elements from previ-
                                  are sometimes unorthodox,                  testimony from street people        ous sections are mentioned
                                  and he doesn’t have an offi-               and drug addicts. The jury has      and become essential to the
                                  cial residence he can call his             already made up its mind and        tale.
                                                                             is willing to do anything to put    All the standard Grisham
                                  This book cover image released             an innocent man on death            themes are in abundance,
                                  by Doubleday shows “Rogue Law-             row just to stop the proceed-       and Rudd’s charm as the nar-
                                  yer,” by John Grisham.                     ings.                               rator should vault this book to
                                                                             Several other cases land in         the top of the best-seller lists.q
                                                           Associated Press
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