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P. 27
Tuesday 20 October 2015
Crackdown: DOCTOR
ClassifiedsAmazon sues to stop phony product reviews ON DUTY
AP Technology Writer Tel. 586-0512
zon is stepping up its fight EMERGENCIA
against bogus product re- Week room price
views on its site, suing more 911
than 1,000 people for al- wk 36 room 130 $2,250
legedly offering to post
glowing write-ups for as wk 37 room 332 $2,750
little as $5 apiece.
The complaint, filed in state wk 38 room 529 $4,750
court in Seattle on Friday,
takes aim at what is be- wk 40 room 336 $3,750
lieved to be a burgeon-
ing practice online: Some wk 40 room 105 $5,000 POLICE 100
people try to make money
by writing five-star testimo- wk 42 room 103 $3,250 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
nials about products they
have never even tried. wk 42 room 338 $4,000 NOORD 527-3200
And some companies try
to boost sales by commis- wk 43 room 329 $3,250 STA. CRUZ 527-2900
sioning such reviews.
Online shoppers are relying wk 49 room 144 $5,500 SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
more and more on con-
sumer reviews on every- wk 48 or 49 room 119 $4,750 POLICE TIPLINE 11141
thing from restaurant meals
and Uber rides to hotel An package awaits delivery from UPS in Palo wk 48 or 49 room 551 $5,500 FIRE DEPT. 115
rooms and iPhone cases. Alto, Calif. Amazon is suing more than 1,000 people for adver- FIRE DEPT.
About 45 percent of con- tising their services writing fake reviews for as little as $5 as it wk 49 or 50 room 203 $5,500 HOSPITAL 582-1108
sumers consider product seeks to crack down on bogus reviews on its site. 527-4000
reviews when weighing an wk 21 or 22 room 347 $4,000 DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
online purchase, accord- (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)
ing to Forrester Research. Contact Brian Cell: 593-0200 AMBULANCE 582-1234
Retailers have tried to
crack down on paid-for CENTRO MEDICO 523-8833
bogus reviews in a variety _______________________2_0_36_6_7_
of ways. Other sites that alleges. thing off Amazon is con-
depend on customer-gen- In one example, a Fiverr sidered a verified custom- Psychic Cilla Born PHARMACY
erated reviews, including seller named “bess98” er and can write an online
Yelp and TripAdvisor, use said she would provide an review about the product. second sighted to reunites Oranjestad: Eagle Tel: 587-9011
computer algorithms and “awesome” review if the That’s one way Amazon
teams of investigators to seller provided the text. tries to guard against bo- loved ones and bring San Nicolas: San Lucas Tel: 584-5119
detect fraudulent write- Anyone who buys some- gus reviews.q
ups. In April, Amazon, the happiness to you immediately.
nation’s largest online re-
tailer, sued several sites All readings are confidential INFORMATION 118
that offered to produce TAXI-TAS 587-5900
positive reviews. In the lat- and all problems are solved PROF. TAXI 588-0035
est lawsuit, the company TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
is going after writers of the individually SERVICE ARUBA 583-3232
reviews themselves who
have accounts on free- Guaranteed Results
lance marketplace Fiverr.
com. The writers promise USA 001-817 584 3920
five-star reviews to compa-
nies that sell products on _____________________20_40_9_4 CRUISESHIP, according
to the complaint. In many Time -Share Resale October 20
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