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P. 22
SPORTSTuesday 20 October 2015
Grillo makes rookie debut with win at Silverado
DOUG FERGUSON off losers. Na walked away
AP Golf Writer with $648,000.
NAPA, California (AP) —
The two lasting images of Emiliano Grillo, of Argentina, reacts on the 18th green of the Silverado Resort North Course after He wasn’t the only disap-
Emiliano Grillo in his PGA winning the golf tournament Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015, in Napa, Calif. pointed player at Silverado.
Tour rookie debut were Jason Bohn had the lead
both misses. Associated Press alone and was just inside
And then he made the one 50 yards of the hole on the
putt he could afford to miss. the hole, and Na had a tee for a second playoff onto and over the green, par-5 16th when he chun-
“This is the greatest mo- long two-putt just to make hole, the Argentine gath- chipped well past the hole ked a wedge, pitched
ment in my life in golf,” the par. Step over the putt, rap ered himself. Even after and made bogey. Grillo the next one to 8 feet and
23-year-old Argentine said it and the kid would be a two mediocre shots, he only needed two putts for missed the putt to take bo-
Sunday after his playoff win PGA Tour winner in the sea- delivered an aggressive the win. gey on the second-easiest
in the Open. son opener. approach to just under 10 He made it, throwing both hole of the day. He missed
Grillo was trying to make a He missed. feet. arms in the air. the playoff by one shot.
move up the leaderboard The momentary shock And the next mistake be- Na defended his deci- Justin Thomas made a 45-
Saturday afternoon when came from a putt the same longed to Na. sion to hit driver from the foot birdie putt on the 13th
he was told on the 296-yard distance that he missed After getting a reprieve tight grass on the fairway, hole, missed a 7-foot birdie
17th hole that the green seven months earlier in with Grillo’s missed birdie suggesting in a brief Golf putt on the next one and
was clear. His tee shot was the Puerto Rico Open that putt, he was in the 18th Channel interview when it never got a better look
just left of the green, and cost him a chance to win, fairway and chose for the was over that maybe it was than that. Four more pars
only later did he realize it and he lost in a playoff. He second time to hit driver off getting darker or the ball left him one shot behind,
came within inches of hit- later said that miss gave the deck. It worked out fine was slightly above his feet, though he made a gallant
ting Rory McIlroy. him nightmares for a week. on the first extra hole, not but he probably would bid with a 30-foot birdie at-
That was a good miss. “One of the most painful so much on the second. have hit the same shot tempt on the 18th hole that
McIlroy, who struggled all times of my life,” he said. Na hooked it so far left that again. He did not come burned the bottom edge
week with his putter, joked After what seemed like a a tree blocked his path to to the media room for an of the cup.
later it would have “put me long drive back to the 18th the green. He hit wedge interview, typical of play- Justin Rose was tied for the
out of my misery” if it had lead and began his slide by
hit him. missing a 3-foot putt. Bren-
dan Steele had the lead
Grillo said he thought about until five bogeys in a six-
running over a few fairways hole stretch. He shot 40 on
to find him for an apology, the back.
but his thoughts were oc- Ultimately, this day was all
cupied by another matter about Grillo.
Sunday afternoon. First, he Born in Argentina, groomed
rolled in a 25-foot birdie for golf in Florida, he earned
putt on the par-5 18th hole his PGA Tour card about a
for a 3-under 69 that even- month ago and capped
tually landed him in a play- off his Tour sea-
off with Kevin Na, who bird- son by winning the final
ied the 18th for a 70. event by making a 25-foot
On the first extra hole, Grillo putt on the final hole. Two
looked like a winner when weeks later, another 25-
he hit a chip shot across foot birdie putt on the 18th
the 18th to 3 feet above hole sent him soaring.q
Nyad She reignited her dream of out with favorable currents during her swim in a bank to manage. She may not
that sped her toward Key vault for safekeeping.) have maliciously flouted
Continued from page 17 swimming from Havana to West. She stepped ashore “Find a Way” makes clear any rules, but she wasn’t
on Labor Day 2013 after how Nyad did everything looking for input from out-
The book opens amid the the Keys in 2010, but poor swimming roughly 110 miles her way, even if she was side her protective bubble,
debilitating jellyfish stings in about 53 hours. out of step with the rest of either.
that derailed Nyad’s third weather conditions de- the open water swimming Nyad developed her self-re-
attempt, in September Nyad gives the controversy community. She didn’t liance and obsessive drive
2011, to make the swim. It layed her attempt until the that followed her victory — keep up with how mara- as a traumatized child. She
was her second failed at- public skepticism from oth- thon swimmers started to writes rawly about the sex-
tempt that year. following year, when she er open water marathon codify their events during ual assaults inflicted by her
She first attempted the swimmers who doubted her 30-year absence from swim coach and the con
Cuba-Florida swim, with failed twice. A fourth at- her account of the swim — the water — and she didn’t artist who raised her, even
a shark cage, in 1978 at a single paragraph in the much care when it came as they pushed her to fulfill
age 28, at the height of tempt in 2012 was halted book, and then she returns to jumping back into the what she saw as her destiny
her open swimming ca- to the internal struggles Florida Straits. as a swimmer.
reer. She called it quits after Nyad, again suffer- and payoffs that come in She had her vision for the Maybe some readers will
after swimming from the pursuit of a 35-year dream. swim, her internal playlists find inspiration in Nyad’s
Bahamas to Florida, and ing from jellyfish stings, was (For anyone still looking and tricks to occupy her triumphs over adversity.
then spent the next three for more data to confirm mind during the long hours In “Find a Way,” though,
decades working in broad- pulled from the water twice Nyad’s path through the in the water, her hand- Nyad’s ambitions don’t
casting and the sports in- Florida Straits, she says she picked crew of supporters come across as triumphant
dustry. during life-threatening has the GPS devices used and her own expectations so much as needy.q
Nyad writes that her team’s
patience waned in 2013,
but she pressed on, deter-
mined to finish what she
had repeatedly started.
Wearing a specialized mask
and stinger suit to protect
herself from jellyfish rising
to the surface during the
night, Nyad finally lucked