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                                                                          Tuesday 20 October 2015


This photo provided by cour-        Bills scramble for healthy bodies as they
tesy of Knopf shows the cov-                         arrive in London
er of the book, “Find A Way,”
by Diana Nyad.                     Buffalo Bills head coach Rex Ryan
                                   walks off the field after an NFL foot-
                 Associated Press  ball game against the Tennessee Ti-
                                   tans Sunday, Oct. 11, 2015, in Nash-
  ‘Find a Way’                     ville, Tenn.
likely to charm                    Associated Press
fans of swimmer                    Page 19

   Diana Nyad 

Associated Press
Diana Nyad writes the
way she speaks — exu-
berantly capitalizing the
job titles of her swimming
support team mem-
bers, name-dropping her
way through anecdotes
about her public life at a
historic time for women
in  sports, colorfully detail-
ing the hallucinations she
experienced during her
long swims from Cuba to
Nyad’s new memoir, “Find
a Way,” should charm
the fans who cheered her
through five attempts to
swim the approximately
100 miles through the
rough, swift currents be-
tween Cuba and the Flor-
ida Keys.
Critics who questioned
Nyad’s documentation of
her successful 2013 swim,
along with her methods
and equipment, likely
won’t find much to ap-
preciate about “Find a
Way,” though.

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