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                                                                                                                                Tuesday 20 October 2015

Injuries, questions follow Buffalo Bills to England 

JOHN WAWROW                     updates on the status of          Buffalo Bills quarterback Tyrod Taylor (5) is brought down in the first half of an NFL football game
AP Sports Writer                his injured players following     against the Tennessee Titans, Sunday, Oct. 11, 2015, in Nashville, Tenn. 
ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (AP)         the game, and isn’t sched-
— Coach Rex Ryan and            uled to address reporters                                                                                                                             Associated Press
the Bills carried plenty of     until the Bills hold their first
baggage upon flying out         practice on Wednesday.            “I went with some three-        injured reserve last week      sion after being arrested
of Buffalo and touching         What complicates matters          man rush stuff and never        because of a neck injury.      and charged with bat-
down in London on Mon-          is how restricted the Bills will  let my guys go as much as       “We’re banged up. The          tery for punching a boy in
day.                            be if they intend to bring        I should have,” Ryan said.      only think that’s certain      the face in Florida. Though
A sudden rash of injuries is    in reinforcements, who will       “We’ve got to take a long       is we’ve got a game on         charges were dropped,
a concern for the Bills (3-     require a valid passport to       hard look at what we’re         Sunday,” receiver Robert       the Bills suspended Kromer
3), who left town early in      travel to England.                asking our guys to do.”         Woods said. “We’re going       without pay. ... CB Leodis
preparation to play the         “No, it’s not easy logistical-    It doesn’t help that the Bills  to London with what we         McKelvin is eligible to be
Jacksonville Jaguars (1-5)      ly,” general manager Doug         might be without one of         have. I think it’s a must-win  activated off the reserve-
at Wembley Stadium on           Whaley said. “It’s going to       their front-line anchors in     situation.”                    non-football injury list on
Sunday.                         put us in a bind.”                Kyle Williams. And they’re      NOTES: Offensive line          Tuesday.
And then there are ques-        The Bills’ defense is another     already missing starting        coach Aaron Kromer is set
tions regarding the effi-       concern.                          safety Aaron Williams, who      to rejoin the team after         He has been sidelined
ciency of Buffalo’s prized      The pass rush has dried up.       was placed on short-term        serving a six-game suspen-     since aggravating an injury
defense which is playing        Buffalo has managed just                                                                         to his right foot in July.q
well below its high-priced      nine sacks in six games,
expectations after being        well off the pace of the
picked apart in a 34-21 loss    past two years in which the
to Cincinnati.                  Bills topped 50.
“Any time you go on a trip      Against the Bengals, the
like this, it’s all about cir-  Bills failed to register a sack
cling the wagons,” offen-       or generate a turnover in
sive guard Richie Incognito     the same game for the
said following the loss to      first time since a 44-7 loss
the Bengals.                    at Dallas on Nov. 13, 2011.
 “This is where teams really    And they’ve not been shut
forge their identity. We’re     out at home in both cate-
going over to face some         gories since a 38-14 loss to
adversity, and it’ll be good    the New York Jets on Oct.
for us.”                        3, 2010.
The question is which Bills     The defense on third down
will be healthy enough to       was an issue, too, against
face that challenge.            the Bengals, who convert-
Receiver Sammy Watkins          ed 7 of 12 opportunities.
(left ankle),                   The 58 percent conversion
defensive tackle Kyle Wil-      rate matched the highest
liams (left knee), offensive    against Buffalo since New
tackle Seantrel Henderson       England went 7 of 12 on
(concussion) and receiver       Nov. 11, 2012.
Marquise Goodwin (ribs)         This is not what was expect-
were hurt against Cincin-       ed from a unit that features
nati, and their status is un-   two defensive lineman with
certain against Jackson-        $100 million contracts —
ville.                          Mario Williams and Marcell
Then there are the regulars     Dareus — and returned
who were already side-          mostly intact after leading
lined on Sunday, including      the league in sacks and
starting quarterback Tyrod      allowing the fourth-fewest
Taylor (left knee), receiver    yards last season.
Percy Harvin (hip), backup      Ryan placed the blame
running back Karlos Wil-        on himself and finally be-
liams (concussion) and          gan acknowledging that
receiver Marcus Easley          he might be holding back
(shoulder).                     too much when it comes to
Ryan declined to provide        pressuring the pocket.
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