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                                                                                                                                                              Tuesday 20 October 2015

Superb new biography Blake Shelton sues In Touch

of the King of Pop                                                                    Weekly over rehab story 

                                                                                      ANTHONY McCARTNEY

                                                                                      AP Entertainment Writer

                                                                                      LOS ANGELES (AP) — Blake

                                                                                      Shelton sued the tabloid

                                                                                      magazine In Touch Weekly

                                                                                      on Monday over a cover

                                                                                      story claiming heavy

                                                                                      drinking by the country

                                                                                      music star contributed to

                                                                                      his divorce from Miranda

                                                                                      Lambert and that he was

                                                                                      headed to rehab.

                                                                                      Shelton’s     defamation

                                                                                      lawsuit filed in Los Angeles

                                                                                      County Superior Court

                                                                                      seeks more than $1 million

                                                                                      in damages over the story

                                                                                      that his lawyers say is false.

                                                                                      The lawsuit against In Touch

                                                                                      publisher, Bauer Publishing

                                                                                      Co., contends the tabloid

                                                                                      has repeatedly published        In this June 26, 2015 file photo, singer-songwriter Blake Shelton
                                                                                                                      performs on Day 1 of the 2015 Big Barrel Country Music Festival
                                                                                      false information about the     at The Woodlands in Dover, Del.

                                                                                      singer and his breakup with                                                                         Associated Press


                                                                                      “Blake Shelton has had          album.                             has not hit rock bottom,”
                                                                                                                      In Touch published the             the lawsuit states.
                                                                                      enough,” the lawsuit begins     story in late September
                                                                                                                      that alleged Shelton was             It accuses In Touch of
                                                                                      before refuting claims          drinking heavily and that          publishing the story without
                                                                                                                      his actions contributed to         reaching out to the
                                                                                      made in the article and         the end of his marriage            singer’s lawyers or other
                                                                                                                      to Lambert. It previously          representatives.
                                                                                      laying out the Grammy-          published a story claiming         The lawsuit states Shelton,
                                                                                                                      Shelton had cheated                39, has sought a retraction
                                                                                      nominated singer’s busy         on Lambert and that                of the story but received no
                                                                                                                      contributed to their               response.
This photo provided by Scribner/Simon & Schuster shows the                            schedule. “Mr. Shelton is       divorce.                           In addition to monetary
cover of the book, “MJ: The Genius of Michael Jackson,” by                                                            The rehab cover story also         damages, Shelton is
author Steve Knopper                                                                  not in rehab and has no         proclaimed that Shelton            seeking an injunction that
                                                                                                                      had hit “rock bottom.”             would prevent In Touch
                                                                    Associated Press  plans to go to rehab.”          “To be clear: Mr. Shelton          from repeating allegations
                                                                                                                                                         in the disputed story.q
                                                                                      An email sent to publicists

Associated Press                facial structure constrict                            for In Touch was not
Steve Knopper begins his        him. Every time somebody
superb biography of Mi-         tried to define him, he liter-                        immediately returned.
chael Jackson with an an-       ally shifted his shape.”
ecdote about a protest          Knopper, a contributing                               The lawsuit points out
against school integration      editor to Rolling Stone, in-
in Jackson’s hometown           terviewed hundreds of                                 that Shelton continues to
of Gary, Indiana, in 1927,      people to write this fasci-
more than three decades         nating, fair-minded ac-                               work as a judge on NBC’s
before the singer was born.     count of Jackson’s dazzling
Then he fast-forwards to        rise to the pinnacle of pop                           “The Voice” and on an
1995, when the self-pro-        music and his ignominious
claimed King of Pop is argu-    fall. We learn the backstory                          upcoming greatest hits
ing with film director Rupert   of the moonwalk, the mili-
Wainwright about whether        tary jackets, white socks,                            PBS’ ‘Finding Your Roots’
to use a giant statue of        glove, plastic surgery, skin
himself in the video for “HIS-  whitening and more, all of                            returning in January 
tory.” Wainwright thinks it’s   it scrupulously document-
a little grandiose; Jackson     ed with multiple sources.                              In this Nov. 14, 2014 file photo, Ben Affleck poses in the press  omitted references to the
doesn’t agree.                  And while it’s evident from                                                                                              slaveholding past of Ben
“It had been 30 years since     the title, “MJ: The Genius                            room with the Hollywood film award for “Gone Girl” at the Hol-     Affleck’s ancestor at the
Michael had been the kid        of Michael Jackson,” that                                                                                                actor’s request, will return
from the segregated Gary        Knopper is a fan, he neither                          lywood Film Awards in Los Angeles.                                 to public television for its
neighborhood who’d bare-        mythologizes nor sensation-                                                                                              third season in January.
ly seen Chicago, much less      alizes Jackson’s indisput-                                                                Associated Press               The show has hired a new
the rest of the world,” writes  ably weird life. The by-now                                                                                              fact-checker and two new
Knopper. “He’d spent his        familiar story begins in Gary                         DAVID BAUDER                    popular “Finding Your              genealogists as part of its
first five or six years on the  in the early 1960s, when                                                                                                 reforms,
planet with nothing but         Jackson, a prodigy at age                             AP Television Writer            Roots” series, temporarily         said the network’s Beth
walls and boundaries, and       6, starts performing with his                                                                                            Hoppe on Monday. PBS
by 1995 he wanted no            older brothers as the Jack-                           NEW YORK (AP) — PBS’ shelved after an episode                      had suspended the series
limits at all. He refused to    son 5 under the tyrannical                                                                                               after determining that the
let race, gender, musical       supervision of their father.                                                                                             show’s producers violated
styles, family, even his own    q                                                                                                                        standards by allowing Af-
                                                                                                                                                         fleck undue influence on
                                                                                                                                                         its content and failing to
                                                                                                                                                         inform the network of his
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