Page 11 - atoday
P. 11
Tuesday 20 October 2015
Small plane crashes in Colombia capital; 5 dead, 7 injured
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) Gen. Humberto Gatibonza
— A small plane crashed Carreno, told The Associat-
into a residential area of ed Press that the pilot and
Bogota shortly after taking his three passengers died.
off from the capital’s air- One person also was killed
port Sunday, setting a bak- in the bakery and seven
ery on fire and killing five others inside the business
people and injuring seven, suffered burns, including
including two in critical a 12-year-old girl, officials
condition, authorities said. said. Two of those taken to
Civil aviation officials said hospitals were reported in
the plane had taken off critical condition.
from Bogota’s El Dorado It was the third crash of a
airport three minutes be- small plane in Bogota in
fore it went down in the En- three months. Three peo-
gativa neighborhood. ple were killed in August
It was headed to the town when an aircraft crashed
of Guaymaral, 20 kilome- in the Cajica area, and
ters (12½ miles) from Bo- three more died in Octo-
gota. ber when a plane smashed
The city’s police chief, Maj. onto a highway.q
Venezuela’s president calls for Firefighters spray water on a bakery set on fire after a small plane crashed into it in Bogota,
prosecution of food magnate Colombia. The plane crashed shortly after taking off from Bogota’s El Dorado airport killing at
least five people including the pilot and his three passengers, the city’s police chief, Maj. Gen.
Humberto Gatibonza Carreno said.
(AP Photo/Santiago Cortez)
JORGE RUEDA by triple-digit inflation,
widespread shortages and
Associated Press an estimated 10 percent
shrinking of the economy
CARACAS, Venezuela this year. “The biggest of
bigwigs thinks he has pow-
(AP) — President Nicolas er that he doesn’t have,”
Maduro said in the call,
Maduro has called for the employing a jab frequently
used to mock his oppo-
prosecution of Venezuela’s nents among Venezuela’s
business class.
biggest businessman for al- “It’s a crime what he’s
done and what he’s do-
legedly conspiring against ing, speaking in the name
of the fatherland,” said
his government in a phone Maduro. “He should be
prosecuted. I hope the ju-
call discussing a possible dicial bodies react.” Men-
doza hasn’t responded to
international bailout for the Maduro’s remarks. But in
a statement last week, he
crisis-stricken, oil-depen- accused the government
of violating his privacy by il-
dent economy legally recording and then
broadcasting a personal
Maduro late Sunday ac- conversation. He said he’s
deeply concerned about
cused billionaire business- the march of the econo-
my, which has already led
man Lorenzo Mendoza, to work stoppages at sev-
eral Polar-owned facilities,
president of the Empresas and regularly converses
with economists across the
Polar food and beer con- political spectrum.q
glomerate, of waging an
“economic war” against
Venezuela with the aim of
surrendering control of the
country to the International
Monetary Fund.
The sharp rebuke was in
response to a phone con-
versation aired on state
TV last week between
Mendoza and outspoken
government critic Ricardo
Hausmann, a Harvard Uni-
versity economist who sug-
gested Venezuela needs
a $40 billion IMF bailout to
stem a deep crisis marked