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                                                                                                                  Tuesday 20 October 2015

German anti-Islam group’s anniversary rally ends in violence 

FRANK JORDANS                  ing to block their path. Mar-   for “Patriotic Europeans          as “refugees not welcome.”                    candidate to be mayor of
Associated Press               ko Laske, a spokesman for       against the Islamization of       Speakers who touched on                       Cologne.
DRESDEN, Germany (AP) —        city police, said one person    the West” — is becoming           the issue of migration elic-                  The attacker told police he
Violence flared in the east-   was hospitalized and a          more radical.                     ited chants of “send them                     acted out of anti-foreigner
ern city of Dresden after      counter-demonstrator was        German officials accuse           back.”                                        motives.
German anti-Islam group        detained.                       the group of trying to capi-      Germany’s top security of-                    Interior Minister Thomas de
PEGIDA staged a rally to       Dresden authorities had         talize on fears of immigra-       ficial warned that groups                     Maiziere told public broad-
mark its first anniversary     warned ahead of the pro-        tion amid an unprecedent-         such as PEGIDA were pav-                      caster ARD late Sunday
Monday.                        test that they would crack      ed influx of refugees to          ing the way for violence,                     that the domestic intelli-
Scuffles broke out when        down hard on violence,          the country over the past         citing a sharp increase in                    gence service was moni-
police tried to separate far-  amid growing concern            months.                           attacks on refugee shelters                   toring PEGIDA and called
right protesters and coun-     in Germany that PEGIDA          Many in the crowd held            this year and a weekend                       its leaders “hard far-right
ter-demonstrators attempt-     — whose name stands             banners with slogans such         knife attack on a leading                     extremists.”q

Thousands rush into Croatia as police reopen Serbia border 

JOVANA GEC                     more migrants to enter                                                                                          since Saturday, had been
                               Croatia bound for its small                                                                                     blocked by Croat police.
Associated Press               Alpine neighbor, which                                                                                          Now the officers stood
                               also has been struggling to                                                                                     aside to permit asylum-
BERKASOVO, Serbia (AP)         slow the flow of humanity                                                                                       seekers by the thousands
                               across its frontiers — and                                                                                      to walk toward buses for
— Thousands of people try-     faced another wave of                                                                                           transport north — where
                               trekkers seeking to reach                                                                                       they would become Slove-
ing to reach the heart of      Austria and Germany to                                                                                          nia’s problem.
                               the north.                                                                                                      Croatia’s prime minister,
Europe surged across Ser-      “Without any announce-                                                                                          Zoran Milanovic, said his
                               ment, the borders opened.                                                                                       country had hoped to min-
bia’s border into Croatia      When the borders opened,                                                                                        imize the flow of people
                               everybody rushed,” said                                                                                         following Hungary’s deci-
on Monday after authori-       Melita Sunjic, a spokes-                                                                                        sion to seal its border with
                               woman for the U.N. refu-                                                                                        Croatia, but conditions on
ties eased restrictions that   gee agency, who was sta-                                                                                        the poorly sheltered Serb
                               tioned at the Serb-Croat                                                                                        side of the border had
had left them stranded for     border.                                                                                                         quickly grown unbearable.
                               Many had discarded their                                                                                        “It’s apparent that this is no
days in ankle-deep mud         mud-soaked socks and                                                                                            solution, so we will let them
                               walked only in sandals or                                                                                       through. We will send them
and rain.                      slippers through the ankle-                                                                                     toward Slovenia,” Mila-
                               deep muck in a driving                                                                                          novic said. q
The miserable wave of hu-

manity left behind a field

scattered with soaked

blankets,   mud-caked

clothing and water-logged                                      Children take shelter from the rain in Sredisce ob Dravi, a border
                                                               crossing between Croatia and Slovenia Monday, Oct. 19, 2015.
tents as they headed for                                       Hundreds of migrants have spent the night in rain and cold at
                                                               Croatia’s border after being refused entry into Slovenia.
Slovenia, the next obstacle
                                                                                                                      (AP Photo/Darko Bandic)
to their quest to reach rich-
                                                               rain, frigid winds and fog. ia were aided by friends
er European Union nations                                      Some who had lost limbs pushing their wheelchairs
                                                               during the civil war in Syr- down a country lane that,
via the Balkans.

Monday’s surprise move al-

lowed an estimated 3,000

Libyan government rejects UN power-sharing proposal 

RAMI MUSA                      form a unity government         government is based in the        Tobruk government saw this                    The Tripoli government ob-
Associated Press               because the U.N. refused        capital, Tripoli.                 as an attempt to remove                       jects to the deal because it
BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) —         to exclude amendments           The U.N. envoy for Libya,         their fiercely anti-Islamist                  does not provide sufficient
Libya’s internationally rec-   added by the Islamist au-       Bernardino Leon, an-              army chief, Gen. Khalifa                      guarantees that Islamic law
ognized government on          thorities without its consent,  nounced the proposal              Hifter, whose forces have                     will be implemented, mem-
Monday rejected a U.N.         Farraj Abu Hashem told The      along with a list of can-         been battling Islamist mili-                  bers of the Islamist parlia-
proposal for a power-shar-     Associated Press.               didates to head the new           tias nationwide for over a                    ment said on condition of
ing arrangement with ri-       Libya slid into chaos after     body on Oct. 8.                   year, government spokes-                      anonymity because they
val Islamist-led authorities   the 2011 toppling and kill-     The amendments that an-           man Ali Tekbali said.                         are not authorized to brief
that was intended to bring     ing of longtime dictator        gered the Tobruk lawmak-          The Islamist-led govern-                      reporters. Both govern-
peace to the north African     Moammar Gadhafi. The            ers would have given the          ment did not officially reject                ments have slammed Leon
nation.                        internationally recognized      unity government the pow-         the deal, but said “signing it                for announcing candidates
The internationally recog-     government is based in the      er to fire all senior Libyan of-  would lead to further com-                    for the unity government
nized parliament will not      far eastern town of Tobruk,     ficials not unanimously ap-       plications” in a statement                    when they had not agreed
sign the agreement to          while a rival Islamist-led      proved by its members. The        issued Monday.                                on forming one yet. q
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