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WORLD NEWSTuesday 20 October 2015

Fatal beating of Eritrean prompts soul-searching in Israel 

JOSEF FEDERMAN                 society, and those that car-    were slain in clashes with     An Israeli border policeman stands on a hill overlooking Jeru-
Associated Press               ried out this lynching need     Israeli forces.                salem’s Old City. The death of an Eritrean migrant who was shot
JERUSALEM (AP) — The           to be found and brought to      Amid the seemingly ran-        and beaten by a mob that mistakenly believed he was a Pales-
death of an Eritrean mi-       justice,” said Yaakov Ami-      dom attacks, Israelis have     tinian attacker set off a round of soul-searching Monday amid
grant who was shot and         dror, Netanyahu’s former        stocked up on mace and         the jittery atmosphere sweeping Israel in a wave of unrest.
beaten by a mob that mis-      national security adviser.      pepper spray, and some
takenly believed he was a      “Even if it was the terrorist   public officials are openly                                                       (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean)
Palestinian attacker set off   himself, by the way, after      carrying personal weapons
a round of soul-searching      he was shot, after he was       and encouraging the pub-
Monday amid the jittery at-    neutralized and lying on        lic to do the same. Security
mosphere sweeping Israel       the floor, you need to be       has been increased, and
in a wave of unrest.           an animal to torment him,”      especially in Jerusalem.
Prime Minister Benjamin        he told Israel Radio.           The violence has led to fear
Netanyahu condemned            Nine Israelis have been         and sometimes outright
the vigilantism. Some critics  killed in the past month in     panic. Following an attack
accused Israel’s leaders of    the attacks, mostly stab-       at Jerusalem’s bus station
fostering the charged cli-     bings, on city streets. At      last week, a swarm of se-
mate, while others called      least 41 Palestinians have      curity forces and armed
for the swift prosecution of   been killed — including 20      civilians ran along a central
the crazed mob.                identified by Israeli authori-  road in search of a second
“It is a disgrace to Israeli   ties as attackers; the rest     assailant following a false

                                                                                              alarm. Elsewhere, an Israeli    couldn’t move. I couldn’t
                                                                                              man stabbed a fellow Jew        sleep at night from seeing
                                                                                              after mistaking his dark-       him, his blood,” Meir Saka,
                                                                                              skinned victim for an Arab.     a passer-by who tried to
                                                                                              Palestinians in Jerusalem       protect the Eritrean, tear-
                                                                                              say they are afraid of be-      fully told Channel 10 TV.
                                                                                              ing shot if perceived to be     An Israeli identified only by
                                                                                              a threat. But Sunday night’s    the first name Dudu told
                                                                                              mob scene at the bus sta-       Israeli Army Radio that he
                                                                                              tion in the southern city of    regretted participating in
                                                                                              Beersheba took things to        the attack. “If I would have
                                                                                              a new level. The violence       known he wasn’t a terrorist,
                                                                                              began when an Arab with         believe me, I would have
                                                                                              a knife and gun killed a        protected him like I protect
                                                                                              soldier, stole his weapon       myself,” he said. “I didn’t
                                                                                              and opened fire, wounding       sleep well at night. I feel
                                                                                              nine people before being        disgusted.” Meeting law-
                                                                                              killed by police.               makers from his Likud Party,
                                                                                              In the mayhem, Habtom           Netanyahu condemned
                                                                                              Zerhom, an Eritrean migrant     the vigilante violence and
                                                                                              in his late 20s, ran into the   sent his condolences to
                                                                                              station to seek cover, po-      Zerhom’s family. “We are
                                                                                              lice said. A security guard,    a law-abiding country,”
                                                                                              mistaking Zerhom for an at-     he said. “No one should
                                                                                              tacker, shot him.               take the law into their own
                                                                                              As the young man lay on         hands.” Police said they
                                                                                              the floor, a mob cursed         were reviewing the secu-
                                                                                              him, kicked him and hit him     rity video to identify the
                                                                                              with objects. Security cam-     mob. As of late Monday,
                                                                                              era video showed Zerhom         no arrests had been an-
                                                                                              in a pool of blood as he        nounced. Critics said the
                                                                                              was rammed with a bench         shooting was the result of
                                                                                              and kicked in the head by       the charged atmosphere.
                                                                                              passers-by, while an Israeli    Jerusalem Mayor Nir Bar-
                                                                                              officer and a few bystand-      kat, for instance, has open-
                                                                                              ers tried to protect him. Zer-  ly called on all licensed gun
                                                                                              hom later died at a hospital.   owners, like himself, to carry
                                                                                              “It doesn’t matter if it was a  their weapons to help back
                                                                                              terrorist or not. It was a man  up overstretched security
                                                                                              lying on the ground that        forces.q
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