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A32    sports
                     Diahuebs 29 aPRiL 2021

                        Carmouche to be 1st Black jockey in Kentucky Derby since '13

                                                                                                   been many in recent decades,  cause of better working con-
                                                                      Carmouche is now one of the  but  if  you  go  back  to  the  ditions  and  never  returned.
                                                                      few remaining Black jockeys  early years of the Derby, the  Manny  Ycaza  came  from
                                                                      in the U.S. Much like Mar-   late 1800s, early 1900s, Black  Panama and blazed a trail for
                                                                      lon St. Julien in 2000, Patrick  jockeys  dominated  the  Ken-  Latin American jockeys, who
                                                                      Husbands in 2006 and Kevin  tucky  Derby,"  NBC  Sports  used riding schools and other
                                                                      Krigger in 2013, his presence  analyst  Randy  Moss  said.  factors that changed on-track
                                                                      in horse racing's biggest event  "Guys like Isaac Murphy and  demographics.
                                                                      is a reminder of how the in-  Jimmy Winkfield."
                                                                      dustry  marginalized  Black                               Along  the  way,  participa-
                                                                      jockeys to the point they all  Carmouche  joins  St.  Julien  tion  by  Black  people  in  the
                                                                      but  disappeared  from  the  as the only U.S.-born Black  Kentucky  Derby  ebbed  and
                                                                      sport.                       jockeys  in  the  Derby  since  flowed with significant con-
                                                                                                   1921,  which  was  even  then  tributions along the way, in-
                                                                      "As  a  Black  rider  getting  to  long after the era dominated  cluding grooms Will Harbut
                                                                      the  Kentucky  Derby,  I  hope  by  Murphy,  Winkfield  and  with Man O'War in 1920 and
                                                                      it inspires a lot of people be-  others.                  Eddie Sweat with Secretariat
                                                                      cause my road wasn't easy to                              in 1973 and trainer Hank Al-
                                                                      get  there  and  I  never  quit,"  Chris  Goodlett,  a  historian  len  with  Northern  Wolf  in
                                                                      Carmouche  said.  "What  I've  at the Kentucky Derby Mu-  1989.  Harbut's  great  grand-
                                                                      been  wanting  all  my  career  seum, cited a combination of  son, Greg Harbut, co-owned
                                                                      is to inspire people and make  Jim Crow laws and segrega-  2020  Derby  runner  Neckar
                                                                      people  know  that  it's  not  tion in the U.S., intimidation  Island and helped found the
                                                                      about  color.  It's  about  how  by white riders and decisions  Ed  Brown  Society,  named
                                                                      successful you are in life and  by  racing  officials,  owners  after  the  19th  century  Black
                                                                      how far you can fight to get  and  trainers  for  the  decline  jockey and trainer to further
                                                                      to that point."              of Black jockeys in the early  diversify racing.
                                                                                                   20th  century.  One  example
                                                                      Carmouche is a success story  was  white  counterparts  rid-  Husbands was well-aware of
                                                                      in  his  own  right.  He  is  the  ing  Winfield  into  the  rail  at  his  unique  place  in  history
                                                                      son of a jockey who has won  Harlem  Race  Track  outside  when he rode Seaside Retreat
                                                                      more  than  3,400  races  and  Chicago  and  injuring  him  in the 2006 Derby and feels
                                                                      earned $118 million since be-  and his horse.             a  connection  to  Carmouche
                                                                      ginning to ride professionally                            this  year  because  "the  step-
                                                                      in 2000. He came back from  "Consequently, white trainers  ping stone that he's doing for
                                                                      a broken leg three years ago  and owners would be (more)  his culture is the same stuff I
                                                                      and set himself up for his first  reluctant to ride Black jock-  was trying to do for my cul-
                                                                      Kentucky  Derby  mount  by  eys  on  their  horses  due  to  ture."
                                                                      riding  72-1  long  shot  Bour-  instances like that," Goodlett
                                                                      bonic to victory in the Wood  said. "We see it also just from  Knowing the history of Black
                                                                      Memorial on April 3. Bour-   an  administrative  point  of  jockeys, Husbands is inspired
            Long  before  Kendrick  tucky Derby in 1875 and won  bonic  will  leave  from  the  view,  as  well:  fewer  licenses  by Carmouche's journey.
            Carmouche  started  rid-     15 of the first 28 editions of  20th post in Saturday's race at  being issued to Black jockeys,
            ing  horses  growing  up  in  the  race.  Everything  has  Churchill Downs.            sometimes not issued at all."  Husbands  said  Carmouche
            Louisiana,  Black  jockeys  changed  since:  Carmouche                                                              becoming  the  first  Black
            were  synonymous  with  on Saturday will be the first  He's  also  a  rarity  in  a  sport  Brien  Bouyea,  communica-  jockey  to  win  the  Kentucky
            the sport.                   Black jockey in the Kentucky  now  dominated  by  jockeys  tions director for the National  Derby since 1902 "would be a
                                         Derby since 2013 and is just  from Latin America.         Museum of Racing and Hall  blessing. It would bring tears
            Black riders were atop 13 of  one of a handful over the past                           of  Fame,  said  many  Black  to a lot of people's eyes."
            the 15 horses in the first Ken-  century.                 "Obviously  there  haven't  jockeys  left  for  Europe  be-

                                          Atlanta to allow full capacity at 2 stadiums

            Atlanta's two biggest out-   ginning May 15 when Atlanta
            door  pro  sports  stadiums  United hosts a Major League
            will  both  allow  100%  ca-  Soccer  match  against  CF
            pacity at events beginning  Montreal.    Mercedes-Benz
            next month.                  Stadium is a retractable-roof
                                         venue  that  can  hold  more
            The  Braves  said  they  will  than 70,000 fans.
            return to normal capacity at
            41,084-seat  Truist  Park  be-  United  allowed  up  to  50%
            ginning  May  7,  when  they  capacity at its first two home
            face the Philadelphia Phillies  games.
            to  begin  their  third  homes-
            tand of the season.          Also, the NFL's Atlanta Fal-
                                         cons  intend  to  be  at  100%
            The  team  allowed  33%  ca-  capacity  for  games  in  the
            pacity  for  their  first  homes-  fall,  following  a  statement
            tand and ramped up to 50%  from  Commissioner  Roger
            for their current homestand.  Goodell  that  he  expects  to
                                         have full venues for the up-
            In  a  release  issued  at  the  coming season.
            same time as the Braves' an-
            nouncement,  officials  said  Face coverings will continue
            Mercedes-Benz Stadium will  to be required at both stadi-
            return  to  100%  capacity  be-  ums.
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