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A30    world news
                     Diahuebs 29 aPRiL 2021

                        US Navy fires warning shots in new tense encounter with Iran

                                                                                    becca  Rebarich,  a  spokeswoman  for
                                                                                    the  Mideast-based  5th  Fleet.  "The  The  incident  Monday  marked  the
                                                                                    crew  of  Firebolt  then  fired  warning  second  time  the  Navy  accused  the
                                                                                    shots, and the (Guard) vessels moved  Guard of operating in an "unsafe and
                                                                                    away to a safe distance from the U.S.  unprofessional"  manner  this  month
                                                                                    vessels."                           alone after tense encounters between
                                                                                                                        the  forces  had  dropped  in  recent
                                                                                    She called on the Guard to "operate  years.
                                                                                    with due regard for the safety of all
                                                                                    vessels  as  required  by  international  Footage released Tuesday by the Navy
                                                                                    law."                               showed  a  ship  commanded  by  the
                                                                                                                        Guard  cut  in  front  of  the  USCGC
                                                                                    "U.S. naval forces continue to remain  Monomoy, causing the Coast Guard
                                                                                    vigilant  and  are  trained  to  act  in  a  vessel to come to an abrupt stop with
                                                                                    professional manner, while our com-  its engine smoking on April 2.
                                                                                    manding officers retain the inherent
                                                                                    right to act in self-defense," she said.  The Guard also did the same with an-
                                                                                                                        other Coast Guard vessel, the USC-
                                                                                    The  last  time  a  Navy  vessel  fired  GC Wrangell, Rebarich said.
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emirates  tracer round racing across the top of  warning shots in the Persian Gulf in
            (AP)  —  An  American  warship  the water.                              an incident involving Iran was in July    The  interaction  marked  the  first
            fired warning shots when vessels                                        2017,  when  the  USS  Thunderbolt,  "unsafe and unprofessional" incident
            of  Iran's  paramilitary  Revolu-   Iran  did  not  immediately  acknowl-  a sister ship to the Firebolt, fired to  involving the Iranians since April 15,
            tionary Guard came too close to  edge the incident.                     warn off a Guard vessel. Regulations  2020,  Rebarich  said.  However,  Iran
            a patrol in the Persian Gulf, the                                       issued last year give Navy command-  had  largely  stopped  such  incidents
            U.S. Navy said Wednesday. It was  The Navy said the Cyclone-class pa-   ers the authority to take "lawful de-  in 2018 and nearly in the entirety of
            the  first  such  shooting  in  nearly  trol ship USS Firebolt fired the warn-  fensive  measures"  against  vessels  in  2019, she said.
            four years.                         ing shots after three fast-attack Guard  the  Mideast  that  come  within  100
                                                vessels came within 68 yards (62 me-  meters (yards) of their warships.  The incident comes as Iran negotiates
            The  Navy  released  black-and-white  ters) of it and the U.S. Coast Guard                                  with  world  powers  in  Vienna  over
            footage  of  the  encounter  Monday  patrol boat USCGC Baranoff.        While  100  meters  may  seem  far  to  Tehran and Washington returning to
            night  in  international  waters  of  the                               someone  standing  at  a  distance,  it's  the 2015 nuclear deal. It also follows a
            northern reaches of the Persian Gulf  "The  U.S.  crews  issued  multiple  incredibly  close  for  large  warships  series of incidents across the Mideast
            near  Kuwait,  Iran,  Iraq  and  Saudi  warnings  via  bridge-to-bridge  ra-  that have difficulty in turning quick-  attributed to  a shadow war between
            Arabia.  In  it,  lights  can  be  seen  in  dio and loud-hailer devices, but the  ly, like aircraft carriers. Even smaller  Iran  and  Israel,  which  includes  at-
            the distance and what appears to be  (Guard) vessels continued their close  vessels can collide with each other at  tacks on regional shipping and sabo-
            a single gunshot can be heard, with a  range  maneuvers,"  said  Cmdr.  Re-  sea, risking the ships.        tage at Iran's Natanz nuclear facility.

                              Russia rejects Ukraine's push to revise 2015 peace deal

            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Rus-        the  potential  for  large-scale  for turning a blind eye to the  they are trying hard to wrig-  thorities need to speak to the
            sia's   foreign   minister  hostilities.  Tensions  eased  failure of Ukrainian authori-  gle out."                 rebels to settle the conflict in
            sternly warned Ukrainian  last  week  after  Moscow  an-  ties to meet their obligations                            Donbas. He added that if the
            officials  Wednesday  that  nounced  a  pullback  of  its  under  the  2015  document  Zelenskyy  has  pushed  for  a  Ukrainian  president  wants
            Moscow  would  not  ac-      forces  following  massive  that was signed in the Belaru-  meeting with Putin, but the  to  discuss  the  normalization
            cept  their  push  to  revise  drills.                    sian capital, Minsk, by then-  Russian  leader  responded  of ties with Russia, he's wel-
            a  peace  deal  for  eastern                              Ukrainian  President  Petro  last week that Ukrainian au-  come to come to Moscow.
            Ukraine.                     The  2015  deal,  which  was  Poroshenko.
                                         brokered by France and Ger-
            Foreign Minister Sergey Lav-  many,  marked  a  diplomatic  "The  West  either  can't  or
            rov's  comments  followed  coup  for  Russia,  obliging  doesn't  want  to  encourage
            Ukrainian President Volody-  Ukraine  to  offer  broad  au-  compliance  with  the  Minsk
            myr Zelenskyy calling Tues-  tonomy  to  the  separatist  re-  agreement," he said.
            day for a modification of the  gions  and  amnesty  for  the
            2015 agreement and inviting  rebels. It also stipulated that  Lavrov  categorically  rejected
            other nations to help mediate  Ukraine  would  regain  full  the  push  by  Ukrainian  offi-
            the stalled talks on a political  control  of  its  border  with  cials to reverse the sequence
            settlement  of  the  conflict  in  Russia in the rebel-held ter-  of  steps  stipulated  by  the
            Ukraine's east.              ritories only after the election  Minsk deal and to make re-
                                         of  local  leaders  and  legisla-  claiming  control  of  the  bor-
            Fighting  between  Ukrainian  tures, the provisions resented  der with Russia in the rebel-
            forces and Russia-backed sep-  by many Ukrainians as a be-  controlled  regions  the  first
            aratists  erupted  in  Ukraine's  trayal of national interests.  step.
            eastern  industrial  heartland,
            called  Donbas,  shortly  after  Ukraine  and  the  West  have  "Control of the border is the
            Moscow's 2014 annexation of  accused Russia of backing the  very  last  move  that  comes
            Ukraine's Crimean Peninsu-   separatist  rebels  in  the  east  only  after  those  territories
            la. More than 14,000 people  with  troops  and  weapons,  get  a  special  status  fixed  in
            have  been  killed  during  the  claims  Moscow  has  denied.  the  Ukrainian  Constitution
            seven-year conflict.         The Kremlin has insisted that  and  hold  free  elections  ac-
                                         Russia  isn't  a  party  to  what  knowledged  as  such  by  the
            In  recent  weeks,  increasing  it  described  as  an  internal  Organization  for  Security
            violations  of  a  shaky  cease-  Ukrainian conflict.     and Cooperation in Europe,"
            fire  in  eastern  Ukraine  a                             the Russian minister said. "I
            Russian troop buildup across  Speaking  in  an  interview  believe  that  we  mustn't  let
            the  border  drew  Ukrainian  with a Russian state TV host,  Mr. Zelenskyy and his team
            and  Western  concerns  about  Lavrov  criticized  the  West  get off the hook, even though
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