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A28    u.s. news
                     Diahuebs 29 aPRiL 2021

                     AP analysis: The expected COVID baby boom may be a baby bust

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —                                                                     states  that  provided  data  on  cooped up inside. Some fig-
            When  most  of  the  U.S.                                                              births  to  residents.  Joining  ured couples had more time
            went into lockdown over a                                                              them in the analysis was Cal-  together  and  some  women
            year ago, some speculated                                                              ifornia,  the  most  populous  might  find  it  harder  to  run
            that  confining  couples  to                                                           state,  which  provided  data  out  and  get  birth  control,
            their homes — with little                                                              on  all  births  that  happened  leading to at least a small up-
            to entertain them beyond                                                               in the state, including among  tick in births.
            Netflix  —  would  lead  to                                                            visitors.
            a lot of baby-making. But                                                                                           New  York,  the  deadly  epi-
            the  statistics  suggest  the                                                          The  Centers  for  Disease  center  of  the  U.S.  outbreak
            opposite happened.                                                                     Control  and  Prevention  is  in the spring of 2020, was not
                                                                                                   expected to provide a nation-  part of the analysis. Its Health
            Births  have  fallen  dramati-                                                         al picture later this year. But  Department  said  the  figures
            cally  in  many  states  during                                                        the  data  for  the  25  states  is  were not available.
            the  coronavirus  outbreak,                                                            not expected to change sub-
            according  to  an  Associated                                                          stantially;  preliminary  birth  A majority of the babies born
            Press analysis of preliminary                                                          numbers usually end up be-   in 2020 were, of course, con-
            data from half the country.                                                            ing  pretty  close  to  the  final  ceived  in  2019,  before  the
                                                                                                   counts, experts say.         virus took hold in the U.S.,
            The COVID-19 baby boom                                                                                              so the numbers partly reflect
            appears to be a baby bust.                                                             The AP's findings echo pro-  the  pre-existing  downward
                                                                                                   jections by researchers at the  trend.
            Nationally,  even  before  the                            41,000 fewer births than the  Brookings  Institution  and
            epidemic, the number of ba-  Births  for  all  of  2020  were  same  three-month  span  a  elsewhere,  who  have  pre-  But births in December 2020
            bies born in the U.S. was fall-  down  4.3%  from  2019,  the  year earlier. That's an 8% de-  dicted a sizable drop in births  declined in 23 of the 25 states
            ing, dropping by less than 1%  data indicates. More tellingly,  cline.                 this year.                   from the same month a year
            a  year  over  the  past  decade  births in December 2020 and                                                       earlier,  the  exceptions  be-
            as  many  women  postponed  in January and February 2021  "When there's a crisis, I don't  "The widespread consensus is  ing  Alaska  and  Wyoming.
            motherhood and had smaller  — nine months or more after  think  people  are  thinking  there is going to be a decline,"  They dropped about 11% in
            families.                    the  spring  2020  lockdowns  about  reproduction,"  said  said  Hans-Peter  Kohler,  a  Massachusetts  and  Virginia;
                                         —  were  down  6.5%,  9.3%  Dr.  John  Santelli,  a  Colum-  University  of  Pennsylvania  10% in California; and 7% in
            But data from 25 states sug-  and  10%  respectively,  com-  bia  University  professor  of  researcher  who  focuses  on  Florida, Illinois, Indiana and
            gests a much steeper decline  pared with the same months  population and family health  fertility and health.       Nevada.
            in 2020 and into 2021, as the  a year earlier.            who reviewed the AP's analy-
            virus  upended  society  and                              sis.                         It  didn't  look  that  way  to  Declines  were  even  more
            killed  over  a  half-million  December, January and Feb-                              some  around  March  2020,  dramatic  in  January  2021  in
            Americans.                   ruary  together  had  about  The  analysis  included  24  when much of America was  many of the 25 states.

                              Gates helps launch drive for global vaccine distribution

            A  new  mass  fundraising  paredness  Innovations  and                                 paigns  on  crowdfunding  medication  to  HIV-positive
            campaign  aims  to  inspire  Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.  Organizers  also  plan  to  in-  platforms.  Go  Give  One,  individuals. Soni, who spent
            50  million  people  around                               volve  businesses  through  however, aims to jump-start a  years  working  at  the  Global
            the  world  to  make  small  Go  Give  One  aims  to  mo-  workplace  giving  campaigns  unified effort that can be rep-  Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuber-
            donations  to  Covax,  the  bilize  small-dollar  donors  and promotions on corpora-   licated around the world, said  culosis and Malaria and later
            international  effort  to  around  the  world  to  give  tions' social-media platforms.  Anil Soni, chief executive of  the Gates Foundation and the
            push  for  equitable  global  roughly  $10  each  toward  Facebook has also pledged to  the WHO Foundation. It will  Clinton Health Access Initia-
            distribution of COVID-19  the  cost  of  COVID-19  vac-   host  a  fundraising  campaign  aim  to  provide  companies  tive,  says  those  campaigns
            vaccinations.                cines — which are priced at  for  the  effort  and  match  as  with a simple giving platform  showed  the  difference  one
                                         about $5 a shot. The specif-  much as $5 million contrib-  that they can share with em-  person can make in a global
            Called  Go  Give  One,  the  ics  of  the  campaign  are  still  uted through the platform.  ployees and customers.  crisis. "It was that individual
            campaign    was   launched  being  ironed  out,  organizers                                                         engagement that caused col-
            Wednesday by the Bill & Me-  said.  The  global  campaign  Gavi and Unicef are already  The  approach  is  similar  to  lective  action  that  caused
            linda  Gates  Foundation,  the  will  collaborate  with  public  appealing for donations from  previous  cross-sector  cam-  governments  to  do  their
            WHO  Foundation  and  cor-   health-care systems and indi-  individuals  to  support  Co-  paigns  to  fund  HIV  treat-  part," he said.
            porate,  religious,  and  world  vidual mass vaccination sites  vax,  and  some  donors  have  ment, when donors contrib-
            leaders.                     to advertise the campaign.   launched  their  own  cam-   uted  small  sums  to  provide  Equitable  access  to  the  vac-
                                                                                                                                cine is essential to ending the
            The  campaign  will  contrib-                                                                                       pandemic, Soni stressed, and
            ute to the $3 billion in Covax                                                                                      one  of  the  goals  of  the  Go
            funding  needed  to  vaccinate                                                                                      Give One campaign is to re-
            almost  30  percent  of  people                                                                                     mind people who are able to
            in  92  low-income  countries                                                                                       get vaccinated that others still
            sometime  next  year.  That                                                                                         lack access. While the pace of
            support will come from do-                                                                                          vaccination has slowed in the
            nors like those who contrib-                                                                                        United  States,  Soni  expects
            ute to the Go Give One cam-                                                                                         vaccinations  to  continue  for
            paign as well as cost-sharing                                                                                       some time.
                                                                                                                                After  a  year  of  lockdown,
            Meanwhile,  the  $6.3  billion                                                                                      loss, and disconnection, vac-
            that's so far been committed                                                                                        cination will be an emotional
            to Covax has come primarily                                                                                         experience  for  many  people
            from global governments, in                                                                                         — and they'll have a 15-min-
            addition to the World Health                                                                                        ute observation period to sit
            Organization,  Unicef,  the                                                                                         and drink that feeling in.
            Coalition  for  Epidemic  Pre-
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