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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 29 aPRiL 2021

                             Madrid glad it's still in it after struggles against Chelsea

            MADRID (AP) — Things  try to win the game."
            didn't go well for Real Ma-
            drid  right  from  the  start  Madrid  looked  lost  at  the
            against  Chelsea  in  the  start,  with  its  three  central
            first leg of the Champions  defenders — Raphael Varane,
            League semifinals.           Nacho  Fernández  and  Éder
                                         Militão — unable to contain
            Despite  being  the  home  the Chelsea forwards.
            team,  Madrid's  setup  with
            three defenders failed miser-  Timo  Werner  and  Christian
            ably at the Alfredo Di Stéfa-  Pulisic  were  comfortable  up
            no Stadium on Tuesday with  front and didn't have trouble
            Chelsea  easing  through  the  finding  spaces  behind  the
            defense  and  taking  control  Madrid  defense.  Fullbacks
            early on.                    Marcelo  and  Dani  Carvajal
                                         didn't to much in attack and
            The  English  team  scored  struggled to help defensively.
            once  and  could  have  added  Pulisic became the first Unit-
            a  few  more  before  Madrid  ed  States  international  to
            equalized from a set piece be-  score in a Champions League  in  the  second  half  to  move  Ferland Mendy on Tuesday.  area.
            fore halftime.               semifinal match with his goal  away  from  the  initial  setup
                                         in the 14th minute, when he  of  three  central  defenders  Ramos  was  out  because  of  The goal was Benzema's 71st
            It was only a 1-1 home draw,  received  a  pass  unmarked  and finally improve the team  suspensions  when  Madrid  in  the  Champions  League,
            but there was reason for the  inside  the  area  and  calmly  defensively.  Zidane  has  pre-  was eliminated in the round  moving him level with Raúl
            Spanish  powerhouse  to  cel-  got  past  goalkeeper  Thibaut  ferred  the  3-5-2  scheme  re-  of 16 in the last two seasons.  González  in  fourth  position
            ebrate the result.           Courtois  before  finding  the  cently  but  had  already  been                        in the competition's all-time
                                         net.                         forced  to  switch  from  it  in  Madrid was far from its best  scoring list.
            "It was complicated," Madrid                              the  middle  of  other  games  in attack as well on Tuesday,
            coach Zinedine Zidane said.  The  second  leg  will  be  on  this season.              largely  because  of  Chelsea's  Madrid is still in contention
            "It's  a  Champions  League  May 5 in London, when 13-                                 good  setup  defensively  un-  for  the  Spanish  league  title
            semifinal and you are playing  time  champion  Madrid  will  Zidane hopes to have the re-  der manager Thomas Tuchel.  but  Zidane  has  already  in-
            against a good team. You have  need  to  score  at  least  once  turn  of  some  key  defensive  Madrid  struggled  to  create  dicated  he  will  rest  some  of
            to suffer and we suffered, but  to  return  to  the  Champions  players  for  the  second  leg,  significant  scoring  opportu-  his  regular  starters  in  Satur-
            I'm happy for the players be-  League final after a two-year  including captain Sergio Ra-  nities and only found the net  day's match against Osasuna
            cause we are still alive and we  absence.                 mos, who has been sidelined  off  a  29th-minute  set  piece  to keep his team fresh for the
            know  that  we  have  to  go  to                          with  an  injury.  Zidane  also  that ended with a nice finish  second leg against Chelsea.
            London and score goals and  Zidane had to make changes  couldn't  count  on  left  back  by Karim Benzema inside the

                          Cavaliers' Love sorry for on-court tantrum: 'That wasn't me'

            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —                                        call as what he called a "ther-  ment that I got caught up in."  "I don't care. I love this game.
            Kevin Love spoke from his  The five-time All-Star apolo-  apy  session"  to  express  his                           I'll  always  love  this  game.  I
            heart. Over 13 minutes, he  gized Wednesday for his on-   feelings  about  dealing  with  Late  in  the  third  quarter  hope I can play as many years
            apologized,  lectured  and  court  tantrum  two  days  ago  an  injury  this  season,  his  against  Toronto,  a  frustrated  as I possibly can."
            asked  for  forgiveness  and  in  a  game  against  Toronto,  leadership  role  in  Cleveland  Love, who was upset with the
            understanding.               saying  his  behavior  was  out  and  continued  struggle  with  officials  for  some  non-calls,  Coach J.B. Bickerstaff called
                                         of line and out of character —  mental health.            angrily  tapped  the  ball  back  Love's  actions  a  "lapse  in
            He regrets his fit of frustra-  but that it had nothing to do                          into  play  on  an  inbounds  judgment."
            tion but said it shouldn't de-  with  any  frustration  toward  "I  (messed)  up,"  Love  said,  pass.  The  loose  ball  was
            fine him.                    his teammates or coaches.    using an expletive to open his  grabbed by the Raptors, who  It's  not  known  if  the  Cava-
                                                                      remarks.  "Everyone  knows  made  a  3-pointer  and  went  liers  will  discipline  Love  by
            "That wasn't me," Love said.  Love did not take any ques-  that. My intent wasn't to dis-  on to win 112-96.        benching  him  for  any  up-
            "I apologize for that moment.  tions  from  reporters  after  respect  the  game,  my  intent                       coming  games.  Cleveland
            It was an ugly one. It was one  speaking  passionately  about  wasn't even for the damn ball  Video of the tantrum went vi-  hosts Orlando on Wednesday.
            that was not ill-intentioned."  the incident, using the Zoom  to go inbounds. It was a mo-  ral on social media, and Love
                                                                                                   was blistered by fans and me-  Love  said  he  didn't  real-
                                                                                                   dia for behavior called "child-  ize  how  bad  the  incident
                                                                                                   ish" and "unacceptable."     looked  until  after  the  game
                                                                                                                                and he felt embarrassed and
                                                                                                   Love took exception to some  ashamed.
                                                                                                   of the criticism, saying he felt
                                                                                                   aspects of his behavior were  The  Cavaliers  were  miss-
                                                                                                   "a little blown out of propor-  ing  seven  players  with  inju-
                                                                                                   tion."                       ries for the game, and Love's
                                                                                                                                outburst  only  compounded
                                                                                                   "I  just  hope  that  you  judge  things  for  a  young  team
                                                                                                   my  character,  judge  me  as  a  stumbling  to  the  season's
                                                                                                   man," said Love, who helped  end. Cleveland is 21-40.
                                                                                                   the Cavaliers win an NBA ti-
                                                                                                   tle in 2016 and signed a four-  Love said he has only respect
                                                                                                   year,  $120  million  contract  for Bickerstaff and his team-
                                                                                                   extension  two  years  later.  "I  mates. He believes they've ac-
                                                                                                   mean,  the  basketball  stuff,  cepted  his  apology  knowing
                                                                                                   you  can  crush  me,  you  can  how hard he has worked this
                                                                                                   kill me by any means, I'll take  season to come back from a
                                                                                                   that on the chin all day.    calf injury that sidelined him
                                                                                                                                for two months.
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