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UP FRONTFriday 4 March 2016

Defense lawyer: Rush to judgment in Alabama police shooting 

JAY REEVES                     ficer is being sacrificed to      Montgomery Mayor Todd Strange, foreground, with Police Chief Ernest Finley, left, speaks at a
Associated Press               quell unrest in a city that       news conference in Montgomery, Ala., Wednesday, March 2, 2016, after Montgomery District At-
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) —        doesn’t want a repeat of          torney Daryl Bailey announced that Montgomery Police Officer Aaron Smith was arrested in con-
Officer Aaron Smith is the     its past, or fiery protests like
white son of a retired rank-   those in Ferguson, Missouri.                                                      nection to the shooting death of Greg Gunn.
ing Montgomery police of-      “It simply boils down to                                                                            (AP Photo / Montgomery Advertiser, Mickey Welsh)
ficial, and Gregory Gunn       a political calculation to
was a black man neigh-         placate activists, to pre-
bors knew for working hard     vent another Ferguson,”
and walking everywhere         defense attorney Mickey
he went.                       McDermott said in an in-
Their lives intersected early  terview Thursday. “That’s
one morning last week,         just the world we’re living in
and Gunn lay dead after a      now.”
hail of gunfire — a shooting   Mayor Todd Strange didn’t
that recalled tense times      return a message seeking
years ago when Montgom-        comment on McDermott’s
ery police were continu-       claims.
ally at odds with the city’s   But District Attorney Daryl
black community.               Bailey has said the 23-year-
Now, with Gunn dead            old Smith was arrested be-
amid a national debate         cause state investigators
over police violence in mi-    found probable cause to
nority communities, Smith’s    believe he broke the law
lawyer argues the career       when he shot Gunn, 58, six
of an innocent young of-       days earlier.

                                                                 An autopsy showed the          killed Gunn around 3:20
                                                                 man was shot five times,       a.m. on Feb. 25, officials
                                                                 possibly while crouching on    said.
                                                                 the ground shielding him-      Gunn, according to a
                                                                 self, a family lawyer said     neighbor, was a laborer
                                                                 Thursday.                      who did odd jobs at area
                                                                 Authorities won’t discuss      businesses, sometimes two
                                                                 evidence that led them to      at a time, and also cut
                                                                 charge Smith. McDermott,       grass in his neighborhood.
                                                                 who served as a Mont-          Smith thought Gunn was
                                                                 gomery police officer be-      “suspicious” so he got out
                                                                 fore going to law school,      of his patrol car and ap-
                                                                 said the arrest skipped        proached the man on foot,
                                                                 the normal protocol of let-    police said.
                                                                 ting grand juries consider     Colvin Hinson said he his
                                                                 whether to charge officers     wife and their 13-year-old
                                                                 who use deadly force while     daughter were asleep
                                                                 on duty.                       when Gunn started bang-
                                                                 Smith’s arrest did seem to     ing on his front door and
                                                                 soothe anger in the black      calling his name in the mid-
                                                                 community in Montgom-          dle of the night. Then he
                                                                 ery, a city of 205,000 that    heard gunshots.
                                                                 is 56 percent black. Rela-     Opening the door, Hin-
                                                                 tives and friends gathered     son saw Gunn dying in the
                                                                 at the shooting scene and      yard, Hinson said. While au-
                                                                 praised the move within        thorities initially said Gunn
                                                                 hours after the charges        had a rod or stick used as
                                                                 were announced.                a handle on a paint roller,
                                                                 “Right is right and wrong is   Hinson said the pole be-
                                                                 wrong,” said Aaryn Jordan,     longed to him and had
                                                                 a nephew of Gunn.              been in the yard for several
                                                                 Gunn’s mother, Nellie Ruth     weeks.
                                                                 Gunn, told reporters she       Hinson had known Gunn
                                                                 wanted Smith to attend her     for years, describing him as
                                                                 son’s funeral, set for Satur-  a hard-working man who
                                                                 day.                           walked everywhere be-
                                                                 “All I want is justice,” she   cause he had no car.
                                                                 said.                          McDermott said Gunn used
                                                                 Smith, who worked the          “deadly force” on Smith
                                                                 overnight shift in what Mc-    before the officer opened
                                                                 Dermott described as a         fire, but he wouldn’t go into
                                                                 high-crime area, shot and      details. q
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